
It's why I also can't take this heroin epidemic seriously....or at least the media attention of it. OMG WE LOST 30 PEOPLE LAST YEAR!!

Lol. K

How many alcohol related deaths? Prescription deaths?

They're now charging dealers for *murder*. Riddle me that shit. When a patient dies from the over-prescribed oxy, who's serving jail time for that?

It's the biggest problem no one will realistically talk about and it's mostly hurting our children who are trying to make sense of a lot of shit that makes no sense to's just the way things are. Well why? Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
Having been involved in government for ten years, I can tell you that drugs cost our country a damned fortune.

The laws are not used to jail blacks and latinos, government does not give a crap; however, the truth is that folks arrested on drug charges are the folks dealing in drugs. The racist aspects are a total lie. If black and latinos were not dealing drugs their asses would not be arrested.
The laws in place to counter the drug problem is always going to have pros and cons. Obey the law and what happens to the drug problem? To answer BK's question on where I stand on making pot legal, I think you're programing yourself to fail. Making pot available for medical use I have no problem with.

I also could go along with growing your own for your own use. Does that break the law? In some cases yes, but as long as you aren't dealing and causing problems, go in peace.
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Having been involved in government for ten years, I can tell you that drugs cost our country a damned fortune.

The laws are not used to jail blacks and latinos, government does not give a crap; however, the truth is that folks arrested on drug charges are the folks dealing in drugs. The racist aspects are a total lie. If black and latinos were not dealing drugs their asses would not be arrested.

Part of the reason the harsh laws were put in place back in 19whenever, not long ago at all historically...were to stick it to the minorities and those that opposed war.

Of course they deal drugs. Guess who deals more? White Man.
Part of the reason the harsh laws were put in place back in 19whenever, not long ago at all historically...were to stick it to the minorities and those that opposed war.

Of course they deal drugs. Guess who deals more? White Man.[/QUOT

Drugs and War, two very profitable things. Money and politics control both. The poor get hooked on the drugs and deal them to feed that habit. The poor and minorities also fight the wars. Rant over.
Medical use - yes, but it should go thru the same kind of phased testing that other drugs go thru. Show scientifically that it treats a problem without causing too much collateral damage. You have to show that it is more beneficial than other available treatments. I'm not talking about just anedotal stories. Do the science.

I'm coming around on the recreational use. I don't see the need for it personally, but I also don't see the need for all the penalties.

agree on both comments - I've read the studies regarding the ADHD/Autism benefits. My youngest is ADHD, with autism. He needs the extra help for impulse control, concentration - and the anxiety that goes along with autism. More research and testing needs to be done, of course. My mother has rheumatoid arthritis - pain gets pretty severe sometimes for her, and she doesn't like narcotics. Will only take them if absolutely necessary, which is starting to be more often.

As far as recreational - it's not for me either - but I wonder if the penalties are too harsh
Too bad you. Ant just take away people's desire for drugs or even alcohol. I've never done any illegal drugs, just no desire. I e had pain meds a few times, but never took many of them. I do enjoy being a little drunk or buzzed on alcohol, but I can go for months without taking a drink.
yeah - no kidding.
I don't take anything more than I have to, either; I did take the pain meds given after the emergency gall bladder surgery -but stretched the times between doses as long as I could. Dated a guy in HS who smoked a lot, so every weekend we were somewhere that was going on. Didn't like it then, really - tried a few times when I got older and didn't care for how it felt. Don't touch it at all, now.
Also, like you - I do enjoy having a few drinks, but I do go long periods without as well. I have found that I drink more during basketball season; wonder why that is?
My work crew asked me if I was possessed today. They were expecting a GV Man About Town story about my usual woman chasing weekend. Instead they got dialogue about me and a 3 year old! Not that I'm mellowing out (well maybe I am), but it's been 3 years since my divorce. The vast majority of those 3 years have been hell-raising and womanizing. It truly has been nice to relive my 20's, but I think I'm realizing that maybe, just maybe, it might be time to dial back the partying and bar hopping down from 9 to maybe 4! (on the 1-10 scale)
My work crew asked me if I was possessed today. They were expecting a GV Man About Town story about my usual woman chasing weekend. Instead they got dialogue about me and a 3 year old! Not that I'm mellowing out (well maybe I am), but it's been 3 years since my divorce. The vast majority of those 3 years have been hell-raising and womanizing. It truly has been nice to relive my 20's, but I think I'm realizing that maybe, just maybe, it might be time to dial back the partying and bar hopping down from 9 to maybe 4! (on the 1-10 scale)
no, don't go that far to start. It's too much pressure. Much better to do it in increments.....say to a 7 until you get used to it.
no, don't go that far to start. It's too much pressure. Much better to do it in increments.....say to a 7 until you get used to it.

I know you called it a night, but read this in the morning. For the first time in 3 years I was more excited about having Anna spending a weekend with me than heading out to my favorite bars/clubs...didn't think about it once the entire weekend. For example, my drink budget on Friday + Saturday is 50 bucks. Once I hit 50 bucks (cash money) I cut myself off. This past weekend, I spent 15 bucks on two Papa John's pizzas for Anna, $1.68 for a bag of Goldfish crackers (her favorite), and $1.98 for her favorite strawberry lemonade. I actually came out ahead as far as spending money!
@Mashburned - thanks for the explanation on pill use. I never had thought about why pills vs other drugs.
That's one part. Other is they are cheaper and easier to find.
Yep. Easy accessibility and low prices for oxy scripts created a fairly lucrative underground economy. At least two of my relatives in E KY earn $600-$900 monthly under the table selling their own scripts.
I know you called it a night, but read this in the morning. For the first time in 3 years I was more excited about having Anna spending a weekend with me than heading out to my favorite bars/clubs...didn't think about it once the entire weekend. For example, my drink budget on Friday + Saturday is 50 bucks. Once I hit 50 bucks (cash money) I cut myself off. This past weekend, I spent 15 bucks on two Papa John's pizzas for Anna, $1.68 for a bag of Goldfish crackers (her favorite), and $1.98 for her favorite strawberry lemonade. I actually came out ahead as far as spending money!
amazing how that happens [winking]

You're a good man, my friend - well, except for that whole Tennessee thing :p
Yep. Easy accessibility and low prices for oxy scripts created a fairly lucrative underground economy. At least two of my relatives in E KY earn $600-$900 monthly under the table selling their own scripts.
I'm sorry they're your relatives hon - but that should carry a harsh penalty.
That type of thing is the biggest reason for the crack down on prescribing pain meds. There are people who are in severe, chronic pain who need them. Or, those who have a condition/surgery that necessitates pain medication, but it has to be "dialed down" to a lesser prescription because of abuse. I know from personal and family experience that if the body is using its resources to control pain, it takes longer to heal.
Good morning folks
Beautiful morning - 56 degrees out there right now, but supposed to get up to 82
Feeling a little out of sorts not to be going to work this morning, but sure I can find something to take care of here, haha
Got me some delicious coffee in hand, a quiet house - I can live with this
Hope all is well and everyone has a good day
Part of the reason the harsh laws were put in place back in 19whenever, not long ago at all historically...were to stick it to the minorities and those that opposed war.

Of course they deal drugs. Guess who deals more? White Man.

The date is 1994 I think, but that was a Federal law and most folks are book on local laws. Government writes laws to protect people from the bad guys. Dealing drugs and stealing things to get money for drugs are crimes. Society look at those doing crime as the bad guys. Society puts the bad guys in jail.

Mash, the bolded part of your post sounds like shit that Black Lives Matter puts out. There are a disproportion of blacks in jail than whites, but they would not be there if they had of walked the straight and narrow.

Now let us extrapolate what you are thinking. Are you saying that blacks and latino's should not be subjected to law? How is a law harsh to blacks and latino's when it applies equally to all? I have never seen a law express that it is applicable to a black man or a white man.

The tired old assumption that the government wants to be hard on blacks is so absurd that I want to puke. The Mayor of Baltimore is the most racist official that I have ever seen and she is pro-black but that does not change the fact that blacks in the intercity of Baltimore are dealing drugs and breaking laws. Even she can't keep the thugs out of jail.

What do you suggest to do? Let all black and latino drug users and pushers walk? Do they have the right to shoot people?

Let me know how your two sets of law would apply.

Edit: Sounds harsh, so I edit this to let Mash know that I still love and appreciate his misguided ass! [winking]
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Man, that was actually confirmed by a member of the committee that enacted the absurd drug laws, and was taught in high school 10 years ago. Idk of its true or not, but based on what I've read, and been told, it's true. And it makes sense. It was basically used a political tool, much like it is today. Cops don't really care, but they can of they want. It's just an easy target/excuse to go digging for something more.

The rest of your post is nuts. You're putting words in my mouth, and I have no idea what you're getting at. It's a simple location thing. When you're taking about urban centers where a lot of people live, with a lot of traffic. High black populations. That's easy pickings. That's a target area and easy to police, I assume...compared to rural KY where tre hills are flooded with drugs and dealers and they just operate in a different environment. One that is not as easy for police to control, obviously.

Norm of that mens a anything. Just pointing out differences. But it's a fact that one reason for the absurd drug laws is to control society....I'll leave out minorities if that makes you uncomfortable. More accurate description would be poor folks, anti government folks, war opposers.

Did you know our military helped Freeway Ricky Ross build and control one of the largest cocaine empires?

Shit, the crack laws are enough evidence. That's was the most ridiculous. Take powder, rock it up and now all the sudden she carries a 10x sentence compared to powder?