
Got word today my brother in law lost a nephew due to a heroin overdose in Chicago. Was in rehab and snuck out. He had many drug and mental issues throughout his life. I think harmful drug abuse is killing this country. So much crime associated with it. I say vigilante action should be considered down the road. Open season on drug dealers.
Condolences to your BIL and the family. Sad.
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Got word today my brother in law lost a nephew due to a heroin overdose in Chicago. Was in rehab and snuck out. He had many drug and mental issues throughout his life. I think harmful drug abuse is killing this country. So much crime associated with it. I say vigilante action should be considered down the road. Open season on drug dealers.
that's awful - so sorry to hear it :(
Problem with drug dealers are all the plea deals - no real punishment. I agree that drug abuse is one of the big factors in the demise of this country
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I have thought some about it. I despise illegal drugs like Heroin & Cocaine & Methamphetamine, et al.
out of curiosity - what is everyone's stance on legalizing marijuana?
I know there are diverse opinions - even shades of grey.

I don't know how I feel about recreational use - on the fence about it, really as there are good arguments for yea or nay. But I do know how important medical use is - if not abused. There have been studies using cannabis oil for children with adhd and/or autism that show the beneficial effects; much better than the chemicals used to treat those conditions now.
out of curiosity - what is everyone's stance on legalizing marijuana?
I know there are diverse opinions - even shades of grey.

I don't know how I feel about recreational use - on the fence about it, really as there are good arguments for yea or nay. But I do know how important medical use is - if not abused. There have been studies using cannabis oil for children with adhd and/or autism that show the beneficial effects; much better than the chemicals used to treat those conditions now.
Against legalizing it. I will never change my mind. I wouldn't care if all alcoholic beverages were outlawed.
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out of curiosity - what is everyone's stance on legalizing marijuana?
I know there are diverse opinions - even shades of grey.

I don't know how I feel about recreational use - on the fence about it, really as there are good arguments for yea or nay. But I do know how important medical use is - if not abused. There have been studies using cannabis oil for children with adhd and/or autism that show the beneficial effects; much better than the chemicals used to treat those conditions now.
Totally for legalization.
Against legalizing it. I will never change my mind. I wouldn't care if all alcoholic beverages were outlawed.
Hubby feels the same about marijuana - a lot of that has to do with his brother and the path his life has taken. The brother is 56 years old and delivers papers when he needs money. And, usually, he manages to live off someone else so whatever money comes in is spent on his habit. Another large part has to do with what he's seen through his work for so many years.

What about medical use?
Hubby feels the same about marijuana - a lot of that has to do with his brother and the path his life has taken. The brother is 56 years old and delivers papers when he needs money. And, usually, he manages to live off someone else so whatever money comes in is spent on his habit. Another large part has to do with what he's seen through his work for so many years.

What about medical use?
I don't know enough about it to give an opinion one way or the other. Obviously if it can actually help someone, then do it.
Well, you are a hippy kinda guy [winking]
I'm guessing at Don's reasons for no - do you have any particular reasons for yes?

Enormous resources have been wasted over the years chasing the marijuana boogy man. We've got folks locked up in some states for possessing little more than an ounce. Careers were ruined because someone came up hot on a urinalysis. Enough is enough. There is a serious double standard in this country in regards to alcohol and marijuana. Thankfully, Colorado, Washington state and Oregon are beginning to see the light.

Enormous resources have been wasted over the years chasing the marijuana boogy man. We've got folks locked up in some states for possessing little more than an ounce. Careers were ruined because someone came up hot on a urinalysis. Enough is enough. There is a serious double standard in this country in regards to alcohol and marijuana. Thankfully, Colorado, Washington state and Oregon are beginning to see the light.
that's fair - good argument
thank you ATC, for responding. I know it's a touchy subject
and @wildcatdonf - thank you, too
having me a turkey wrap on a whole wheat tortilla - with spinach, tomato, cheddar and a little drizzle of poppyseed dressing. Having a serving of cantaloupe on the side. Much tastier than i expected
Personally, I have watched many a fool ruin their life with pills just because they want to get high, but they can't afford to get caught. This is what a ton of people don't know or don't understand: weed is difficult. It smells loud. It's easy to recognize. But most importantly it stays in your system for long time because it is fat soluble. If you smoke, they're gonna know. So, knowing this, a lot of people turn to pills...for a lot of reasons, but being stealth is a real key. They are pills firstt of all, so they're easy to hide.
Second, you can't test positive for them unless you're a total idiot. You can be clean in a day for a piss test. That's reason alone attracts a lot of customers, tbh, and your average person might not know that....

But it all helps big Rx. Turn people away from a natural resource, and pus them towards your many made synthetic cocktails of death.

It pisses me off because I have seen it too much. Pills are just easier for everybody under the current system. It's how society is set up, and to change it, would not be good for business.

It's F'd up.

And that's a main reason why I don't want government in any of it. I don't want them to give themselves power to grow and sell MJ legally because they'll f it up. Give it to the damn people like the creator of this world intended. But they will. As soon as society accepts, and government can profit, they're gonna profit heavily.
It's why I also can't take this heroin epidemic seriously....or at least the media attention of it. OMG WE LOST 30 PEOPLE LAST YEAR!!

Lol. K

How many alcohol related deaths? Prescription deaths?

They're now charging dealers for *murder*. Riddle me that shit. When a patient dies from the over-prescribed oxy, who's serving jail time for that?

It's the biggest problem no one will realistically talk about and it's mostly hurting our children who are trying to make sense of a lot of shit that makes no sense to's just the way things are. Well why? Uhhhhhhhhhhhh
I'm beginning to move towards the legalize pot side of the equation. 2 years ago it was a solid no, but am starting to change my opinion for some of the reasons listed above.

What would really sway me, one way or another, is a definitive study on how a population reacts when pot is legalized---do more people turn to harder drugs because pot is an entryway, or does it keep people from doing harder drugs because they can smoke whenever they want.

Plus, I'd like to go back and listen to my Pink Floyd and Yes albums more often.....
Back from cancer screening. All is well. Glucose = 87 and that's after a meal. First 2 BP measurements = 80/40. Nurse tripped hard. Doctor measured and reading was 100/60. Much better.

But I've had chest pains lately after drinking too much coffee. Heading to the doctor on Friday. Hoping it is not angina.
Glad to hear that you are going to your doctor with anything unusual.
On the legalization question - Personally, IDGAS if you or anyone else smokes it, so long as QB, my daughter and son, or any of the grand kids don't smoke it. I think that it is a gateway drug, and that's bad. I think there are successful marijuana smokers just like there are successful alcohol drinkers. But that does not make me favor legalization of it. There are not inmates in prison for possessing a little bit of marijuana, not even in Texas, which has some of the toughest marijuana laws in the U.S. If someone is sick and smoking marijuana will make them feel better, then let those people smoke it. That is all.
works for me, Don

been a fun day - have had the grandbaby all day. She's a pistol, let me tell ya
Looks like both the older kids have summer jobs - son already did, but it meant driving a bit to get there; he may have found one here in town, which is good
Youngest graduates 5th grade on Thursday - still trying to wrap my mind around that; where does the time go?

apparently Marcus Lee is 50/50 to come back - I'm one who really hope he does
Briscoe is still working out for teams - won't know anything on him until last minute, I'm sure
Got word today my brother in law lost a nephew due to a heroin overdose in Chicago. Was in rehab and snuck out. He had many drug and mental issues throughout his life. I think harmful drug abuse is killing this country. So much crime associated with it. I say vigilante action should be considered down the road. Open season on drug dealers.

Don't do it in Baltimore. The Mayor protects Baltimore's heroin dealers.
out of curiosity - what is everyone's stance on legalizing marijuana?
I know there are diverse opinions - even shades of grey.

I don't know how I feel about recreational use - on the fence about it, really as there are good arguments for yea or nay. But I do know how important medical use is - if not abused. There have been studies using cannabis oil for children with adhd and/or autism that show the beneficial effects; much better than the chemicals used to treat those conditions now.

Drugs are bad and some folks will always abuse them. Even with this consideration I feel that Pot, coke and most opiates should be out of sight and regulated but legal.

Since prohibition they have been outlawed and what good has it done? When my father grew up Pot, coke and most opiates could be purchased over the counter. There were no more drug addicts then versus now.

Being a libertarian I say make them legal knowing full well that it will cause problems, but you will get rid of the pushers. That takes away the economic need to make people addicts. Plus legal drugs are cheap, so the already addicted could lead a more or less productive life without having to hide in the shadows and steal to get the expensive drugs.

There is a boatload of problems with legal drugs, but it is better than the shit we have now. We can take the billions we now throw away on the 'war on drugs' and use it to treat the addicted.

Enormous resources have been wasted over the years chasing the marijuana boogy man. We've got folks locked up in some states for possessing little more than an ounce. Careers were ruined because someone came up hot on a urinalysis. Enough is enough. There is a serious double standard in this country in regards to alcohol and marijuana. Thankfully, Colorado, Washington state and Oregon are beginning to see the light.

See my previous statement; however, I think that Colorado and Washington have done it in a very stupid manner. They praise the use of dope and it is stupid.