
we went outside to see Mars - son got this pic. While it does look reddish to the naked eye (yes, I said naked) - on the camera it looked white

grandbabies are the best.....whether they belong to you or no
She's my lady friend's youngest grand. Total tomboy...but she's totally girlie about anything Frozen. She'd make a GREAT gymnast...already doing full flips, and utterly fearless. Problem is, her pediatrician told her mom she's going to at least 6 feet tall so she's going to size out of gymnastics really really quickly
Ghost, it sounds like you had a great day to me. I don't mind being an amusement park for the little ones. In fact I like it. I do mind the spoiled brat types, maybe because I'm used to being the spoiled one?

Mars is a dumb name for a red planet, Red Ball in the Sky is a lot better name for it in my opinion.

Monday used to piss me of too but in my later years waking up on any day is all good. For now anyway.
She's my lady friend's youngest grand. Total tomboy...but she's totally girlie about anything Frozen. She'd make a GREAT gymnast...already doing full flips, and utterly fearless. Problem is, her pediatrician told her mom she's going to at least 6 feet tall so she's going to size out of gymnastics really really quickly

sounds like my granddaughter - utterly fearless. She's 20 months old, and climbs over everything, takes flying leaps and trying to tumble, which is funny in itself. She's also not a fan of being clothed, LOL. And if you cross her - she lets you know she's not happy. She can't figure out why Grammie says that horrible "no" word to her.
Our pediatrician told us that my daughter was only going to be about 5'2" - she ended up 5'6 1/2". Our son, he said would be over 6 ft - ended up about 5'9". Gymnastics are great for kids though - expends energy in a good way, it's organized and teaches them to accept instruction- and it's FUN. We put our daughter in gymnastics when she was 4, which ended up helping with her Kenpo when she got older (she now holds a dual black belt in the Shaolin and American disciplines)
Ghost, it sounds like you had a great day to me. I don't mind being an amusement park for the little ones. In fact I like it. I do mind the spoiled brat types, maybe because I'm used to being the spoiled one?

Mars is a dumb name for a red planet, Red Ball in the Sky is a lot better name for it in my opinion.

Monday used to piss me of too but in my later years waking up on any day is all good. For now anyway.
I don't think little ones are truly spoiled at age 3 so much - at least not to the point they can't be redirected. It's when they hit 7-8 and still act like that.

LOL about Mars

Good point about Mondays
Yeah, at three they are probably not spoiled as much as just going through growing pains. My dealings is that the parents let them get away with everything like sleeping with the lights and tv on. When they come to grandpa's house it is culture shock for both of us.

BK, is this even legal having normal conversation with out drama? I could get used to it.
Yeah, at three they are probably not spoiled as much as just going through growing pains. My dealings is that the parents let them get away with everything like sleeping with the lights and tv on. When they come to grandpa's house it is culture shock for both of us.

BK, is this even legal having normal conversation with out drama? I could get used to it.

Yeah, know what you mean. Luckily, my daughter and hubby do pretty well with that..grandbaby has a regular bedtime, regular mealtimes, very limited tv time - and only shows that are appropriate for her.

I'm enjoying the conversation myself, Fred
Yeah, at three they are probably not spoiled as much as just going through growing pains. My dealings is that the parents let them get away with everything like sleeping with the lights and tv on. When they come to grandpa's house it is culture shock for both of us.

BK, is this even legal having normal conversation with out drama? I could get used to it.

I'm the spoiler in chief. Mom has to be Mom and Nana has to be Nana. But Uncle Terry caters to her every desire, which is why I only get her every few weeks here at my place. That's also how they keep her in line...too much misbehaving? No time with Uncle Terry! Mom and Nana do NOT let her sleep with the lights or TV on. So it's ME that has to make the adjustment when she's here!
I'm the spoiler in chief. Mom has to be Mom and Nana has to be Nana. But Uncle Terry caters to her every desire, which is why I only get her every few weeks here at my place. That's also how they keep her in line...too much misbehaving? No time with Uncle Terry! Mom and Nana do NOT let her sleep with the lights or TV on. So it's ME that has to make the adjustment when she's here!
so you're saying that's how they punish Uncle Terry for misbehaving? No time with the kid? LOL
Morning, all
Looks to be a beautiful day - sunny, currently 52 degrees, but will get up to about 78
Granddaughter going to be here about 9 to spend the day with Grammie
I think I can get used to this no-job thing - been great so far. Especially since I got to snag the office Keurig for my own use.
Hope all is well with everyone
Got word today my brother in law lost a nephew due to a heroin overdose in Chicago. Was in rehab and snuck out. He had many drug and mental issues throughout his life. I think harmful drug abuse is killing this country. So much crime associated with it. I say vigilante action should be considered down the road. Open season on drug dealers.
Got word today my brother in law lost a nephew due to a heroin overdose in Chicago. Was in rehab and snuck out. He had many drug and mental issues throughout his life. I think harmful drug abuse is killing this country. So much crime associated with it. I say vigilante action should be considered down the road. Open season on drug dealers.

Sorry to hear that.

It's my understanding that 17 people died in my county here in Georgia last year from heroin.
Got word today my brother in law lost a nephew due to a heroin overdose in Chicago. Was in rehab and snuck out. He had many drug and mental issues throughout his life. I think harmful drug abuse is killing this country. So much crime associated with it. I say vigilante action should be considered down the road. Open season on drug dealers.
I have thought some about it. I despise illegal drugs like Heroin & Cocaine & Methamphetamine, et al.

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