

Did you ever make one of these?
Science Break:

Here ya go. Mars reached opposition with the sun this morning. Meaning that the Red Planet will be exactly opposite the sun in Earth's sky. In fact, Mars will soon be at its closest point to Earth in over a decade.

(click image to expand)
Since Mars is directly opposite the sun (in relation to Earth) during opposition, Mars rises as the sun sets, and sets as the sun rises. This also means that Mars is visible all night long tonight.
Your viewing time to see Mars when it comes up over the horizon depends on your location. , Mars rises in the East at 8:10 p.m. EDT for those in the north east states and sets in the West at 5:35 a.m. EDT, so it is above the horizon for 9 hours and 25 minutes. The farther south you are the longer it will be visible.
Good evening! I noticed that last night. Haven't been on here much the last 4 days.
I don't build cabinets but I used to make a living doing custom kitchens renovations and installation. Did several for the snobs in Country Club of the South, including Lincoln Kennedy's kitchen (played OL for Falcons and Raiders).
that's the type of work my brother does now, and even more - they renovate other rooms, and build custom decks. NOw he wants to expand into actually building houses.
I had one of these - kinda got in trouble with it at church camp
I helped one of my friends by taking the route for a few days. My pay was 50 cents or so. I bought a slingshot at the dime store. I promptly shot a rock up in the air and failed to obey the "what goes up rule" and hit a person. Took off. Police. Caught my bud. Gave them my name. Police at my house. Dad whipped my *** and broke the slingshot. I didn't intend to hit that guy. It didn't matter.

I frequently eat cucumber-tomato salad for lunch and can personally attest to the massive amounts of water contained within this vegetable.

The drink of choice for pissing contestants.
1. Helps Hydrate You

When you meet your specific water needs you’ll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins. You’ll have more energy and help each of your organs do its job better when they’re getting enough water. Cucumber water adds that little something extra to regular water that makes you more likely to drink it more often, helping you stay hydrated each day. For the best results make sure you are using purified or spring water to avoid the intake of contaminants.
The drink of choice for pissing contestants.
1. Helps Hydrate You

When you meet your specific water needs you’ll enjoy the benefits of staying hydrated, like maintaining the right body temperature, helping your cardiovascular system, and assisting in the cleansing of toxins. You’ll have more energy and help each of your organs do its job better when they’re getting enough water. Cucumber water adds that little something extra to regular water that makes you more likely to drink it more often, helping you stay hydrated each day. For the best results make sure you are using purified or spring water to avoid the intake of contaminants.

purified of course - but yes. And you are correct in saying it makes us more likely to drink it, plus the actual benefit of the vegetable itself. YOu can infuse anything, really - we're going to add lemons next time. Flavored waters are very popular right now for the reason you stated, but are expensive and have a lot of preservatives and artificial flavors. This is much healthier AND cheaper.
I helped one of my friends by taking the route for a few days. My pay was 50 cents or so. I bought a slingshot at the dime store. I promptly shot a rock up in the air and failed to obey the "what goes up rule" and hit a person. Took off. Police. Caught my bud. Gave them my name. Police at my house. Dad whipped my *** and broke the slingshot. I didn't intend to hit that guy. It didn't matter.
but you learned, right?
I got a whuppin too for shooting pinecones at people
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my internet access is going to be spotty over the next three weeks.
Did you see two died after summitting Everest? Pulmonary edema on the way down. 2 more are missing. Kanshung Face is a 10,000' drop. May never know what happened to those two.
oh wow - awful.
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The human body evolved at sea level barometric pressure. At high altitude the internal cell pressure exceeds the normal outside pressure the cell walls are accustomed to and they rupture, spilling the nuclear material into the body fluids. The only cure is to get to a lower altitude quickly and get medical treatment. There are two kinds - pulmonary and cerebral. Cerebral is usually fatal.
Hope y'all had a good weekend. I spent mine chasing a 3 year old. Loved every second of it, and reaffirmed my decision (and my ex's) NOT to have kids. Her imagination was in full swing, and I was her blank canvas. In order, here were my roles today:

1. Horsie
2. Slide (I leaned on the bed, she climbed on my shoulders and slid down my back)
3. Step stool/ladder
4. Race track (slide position, but she rolled tennis balls and her cousins' toy cars down my back)
5. Landing pad (she jumps off the bed onto my stomach)
6. Elephant (horsie position, but she held my ears instead)

She just went to sleep. I'm sucking down gin and juice so I can sleep myself!
Hope y'all had a good weekend. I spent mine chasing a 3 year old. Loved every second of it, and reaffirmed my decision (and my ex's) NOT to have kids. Her imagination was in full swing, and I was her blank canvas. In order, here were my roles today:

1. Horsie
2. Slide (I leaned on the bed, she climbed on my shoulders and slid down my back)
3. Step stool/ladder
4. Race track (slide position, but she rolled tennis balls and her cousins' toy cars down my back)
5. Landing pad (she jumps off the bed onto my stomach)
6. Elephant (horsie position, but she held my ears instead)

She just went to sleep. I'm sucking down gin and juice so I can sleep myself!
grandbabies are the best.....whether they belong to you or no

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