
ATC, good morning. A clear and pleasant 60 degrees here in the City. Working on my sermon. John 16:12-15 if you want to check it out.

Didn't have cream but I ate my fill of strawberries about 12:30 am this morning.

Put number 32 in the books for those keeping score. Eat your heart out Bill Murray. FCC.
A few days back, maybe a week, I was driving in Portsmouth, Ohio. I came up to a light and seen a guy with a homeless sign. I threw my hand up to him as I was stopping at the light. I had pulled some bills out of my pocket and laid them on the passenger seat and was starting to pick out what I was going to hand him.

Before I could hand him anything he started yelling "I appreciate you waving at me, rich people can afford a wave but not any help. That wave didn't help me." Before I got back into Ky I found a group of kids washing cars for a band trip or something, that is where the money went.

And the kids will not spend it on alcohol or drugs.

God helps those who help themselves is what my mom always preached.

Probably just luck, but I had a day that I had no job. I took my last final on a Wednesday and went to Louisville on Thursday to look for a job. The L&N called me back Thursday and ask if I could take my physical Friday, I said sure. After the physical they sent me downtown to the office to begin my career. One day off. Never missed a paycheck for 32 years till I retired and even now I get three checks a month.

I simply don't have much time for lazy people. Call me heartless, but I had to work so every one else should also.

Beverly this is not directed toward you. I will let you off a summer.
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Beverly this is not directed toward you. I will let you off a summer.

LOL didn't think it was, darlin'. I knew what you meant - I let the older kids have a week after school got out for the summer, and starting work.
B is working to save up money for a subwoofer, and he has to pay his other expenses (extra groceries, gas, ins, ect). I could support him, but he's 19 - needs to take responsibility too.