

Excellent railroad. They hired me on May 2, 1968.
awfully quiet tonight - hope all are well
found out some interesting facts about men - y'all can tell me if these are true or not

1. If you shake your groove thing in front of a man, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have anything you want.

2. Men enjoy long romantic walks to the beer fridge.

3. Men waste thousands of gallons of fuel every year, driving around while not asking for directions.

4. Men can slip into a coma while sitting in a retail store chair waiting for you to come out of the fitting room.

5. Putting toilet paper on the roll is not common sense, it’s a super power. Apparently only women have this magical power.

6. For the love of Pete, what is the big deal about golf ?! It’s a big patch of grass with a little dimpled ball… MmmKay.

7. Men roll their eyes at words like ” commitment, and change the toilet paper roll ”

8. If you find dirty socks and underwear near-to or semi-near the hamper, there is a man nearby.

Note : He will claim innocence.

9. A woman speaks about 7,000 words a day; a man speaks about 2,000.

10. If it’s attention that you want, don’t get in a relationship with a man during playoff season.
The thing about directions...back when I was married and we drove back and forth from Charleston to Nashville, I got off the interstate every chance I got and took the back roads. No GPS. No map. Just dead reckoning. She freaked out. I calmly told her that eventually we will end up on a main road, and just enjoy the scenery. It never failed. Can't wait until I retire and can do the entire country!
How many of y'all just enjoy driving? I pretty much know all the US and state routes in TN and SC. The fun is going to a state like GA or AL and drive on a road that you have no idea where you'll end up. The one exception is driving in the's main roads because even routes like 441 and 64 are exciting enough as is!
How many of y'all just enjoy driving? I pretty much know all the US and state routes in TN and SC. The fun is going to a state like GA or AL and drive on a road that you have no idea where you'll end up. The one exception is driving in the's main roads because even routes like 441 and 64 are exciting enough as is!
I love driving - was given the ultimate compliment by my brothers; they said I drive like a guy. Many times I've gotten in the car and just started driving backroads to see where they take me.
Agree with mountain driving!
I'm shocked by the Bolden decision today. We needed a center, duke is loaded with ball hogs, and he is friends with our recruits. Thought for sure Cal would get him.
I'm not shocked - kind of expected it really. As I stated in another post, that didn't bother me so much as the crap he pulled to go along with it.
That's fine - here, he would have started. There, he's behind Jefferson at least, if not Jeter, too
How many of y'all just enjoy driving? I pretty much know all the US and state routes in TN and SC. The fun is going to a state like GA or AL and drive on a road that you have no idea where you'll end up. The one exception is driving in the's main roads because even routes like 441 and 64 are exciting enough as is!
I'm with ya. I like to drive too. I do not enjoy my commute at all. I want to be going to see the relatives or something like that.
I'm not shocked - kind of expected it really. As I stated in another post, that didn't bother me so much as the crap he pulled to go along with it.
That's fine - here, he would have started. There, he's behind Jefferson at least, if not Jeter, too
My instincts were correct about Bolden. Hate to be right about that.
awfully quiet tonight - hope all are well
found out some interesting facts about men - y'all can tell me if these are true or not

1. If you shake your groove thing in front of a man, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have anything you want.

2. Men enjoy long romantic walks to the beer fridge.

3. Men waste thousands of gallons of fuel every year, driving around while not asking for directions.

4. Men can slip into a coma while sitting in a retail store chair waiting for you to come out of the fitting room.

5. Putting toilet paper on the roll is not common sense, it’s a super power. Apparently only women have this magical power.

6. For the love of Pete, what is the big deal about golf ?! It’s a big patch of grass with a little dimpled ball… MmmKay.

7. Men roll their eyes at words like ” commitment, and change the toilet paper roll ”

8. If you find dirty socks and underwear near-to or semi-near the hamper, there is a man nearby.

Note : He will claim innocence.

9. A woman speaks about 7,000 words a day; a man speaks about 2,000.

10. If it’s attention that you want, don’t get in a relationship with a man during playoff season.


How many of y'all just enjoy driving? I pretty much know all the US and state routes in TN and SC. The fun is going to a state like GA or AL and drive on a road that you have no idea where you'll end up. The one exception is driving in the's main roads because even routes like 441 and 64 are exciting enough as is!
So long as the journey is outside urban areas, I love it. Can't deal with lots of traffic.
I'm not shocked - kind of expected it really. As I stated in another post, that didn't bother me so much as the crap he pulled to go along with it.
That's fine - here, he would have started. There, he's behind Jefferson at least, if not Jeter, too
We will have a special season regardless in my opinion. Like you said, he may not even start at duke. I figured that playing these all star games would have shown him that he has a future teammate that is selfish. Tatum is one of the biggest ball hogs I've seen in awhile. Factor in that they already have Grayson Allen who doesn't like to pass it either. I guess the rumors about his mom deciding his school for him were possibly true.
I learned how to fly in a Warrior. Very cool and easy. I had 2 different instructors. They were both good teachers. I have not flown in 38 years, but I believe that I could still do it. It takes time, and that is what I didn't have at the time I was flying. I hope I can return to flying before I get too old to do it. I would love to own a Warrior.

I have flown in a Cessna 172, but I was not the pilot, however.

A Warrior if I'm not mistaken is basically a Cherokee with an upgraded airfoil? I'm sure you could pick it right back up.

The 172 was just wonderful to fly - very stable for a noob like me and I was hooked instantly. You just had to pay attention to your instruments - a little rudder here and there, a little trimming here and there when she wants to wander away. But overall, just glorious. I would love to have a smaller 152 as a starter plane.
  • Good morning, posters and lurkers.
  • 61° in Johns Creek. Cool breeze. Overcast. IFR. Rain is coming.
  • Blood Sugar = 72. Weight = 224. Chicken Salad & saltines.
  • 2nd mug already. Good sleep last night. Exhausted.
  • Likes applied.
  • Lurkers, feel free to jump right in and post what's on your mind today.
  • 2 more work days to go. Yay.
  • Have a good one.
  • Over.
awfully quiet tonight - hope all are well
found out some interesting facts about men - y'all can tell me if these are true or not

1. If you shake your groove thing in front of a man, you’re pretty much guaranteed to have anything you want.

Since I'm married 20 years coming up - I'll keep this in the context of the marriage arrangement. Yes, it is absolutely true. Why my wife doesn't exploit this super-power over me more often is, frankly, bewildering to me.

The problem for a lot of married men is when that happens outside the marriage and they don't have the discipline or loyalty to deal with it. Women can have an unbelievable amount of control over a man and a married man has to have the decision of loyalty settled long before he finds himself in that situation.

As far as the rest - I guess it's accurate but I don't have a problem changing the TP or getting my skivvies in the hamper.
  • Good morning, posters and lurkers.
  • 61° in Johns Creek. Cool breeze. Overcast. IFR. Rain is coming.
  • Blood Sugar = 72. Weight = 224. Chicken Salad & saltines.
  • 2nd mug already. Good sleep last night. Exhausted.
  • Likes applied.
  • Lurkers, feel free to jump right in and post what's on your mind today.
  • 2 more work days to go. Yay.
  • Have a good one.
  • Over.
Y'all may get the front that just hit us.
Cujo: i looked at a few Warriors on line yesterday, and the was one in Texas with over 10,000 hours on it. 60K. A new engine would be 15K. Modern avionics is something that I would have to re-learn. There's no 2 ways about it; it would be very expensive to own an airplane. If I move from dreaming about it, I will have to have a conversation with my CPA.
  • Yes, Austin, I think you are right on it. The mornings will be cool until Sunday. We'll see.
  • Chores and such:
    • Buy birdseed
    • Take sander to office and take a little off the top so I can lock my office, or at least close the door.
    • Locate 3 palm plants for this deck and plant same in the planters.
    • Take hanging basket to Pike's for a nice fern arrangement.
  • Sugar bossing the squirrels.
  • Haven't seen the mother duck.
  • last mug of Dark Magic.
  • Over.
Last edited:
Science Break:

This image displays lenticular galaxy NGC 5308. It is located about 100 million light-years away from us. Lenticular galaxies such as NGC 5308 are disc galaxies that have used up, or lost, the majority of their gas and dust. As a result, they have very little to no ongoing star formation and consist mainly of old and aging stars. One of NGC 5308’s aging stars met a dramatic demise, exploding as a spectacular Type la supernova a few years ago.

(click image to expand)
Most often lenticular galaxies are orbited by gravitationally bound collections of hundreds of thousands of older stars. These globular clusters are dense collections of stars and form a delicate halo as they orbit around the main body of NGC 5308. They appear as bright dots on the dark sky. To the right of NGC5308 is the dim irregular galaxy J134646.