
Checked on the guys to make sure they were still alive after Saturday's binge drinking. Of course, Phil decides to get all philosophical on me.

"Mack, you and I are effing dinosaurs. Of course, I've been extinct since 1985 (when he got married. Still is). But you, you're the black effing Crocodile Dundee. You're still the guy that goes out womanizing and tells any woman that'll listen 'That's not a dick. THIS is a dick!' " You're the guy that'll take over the Playboy mansion when Hefner finally dies."

I hung up on him. But he's right. I'm a dinosaur. And if I'm the last dinosaur...when my time is done, the world will know I was here.
I challenge you to find a post where I pointed out something personal to anyone other than maybe Jason. Good luck Bub.

Nobody said you posted anything...your post said children should be off limits and I added that wives should be said there was there was plenty other things to point out instead of that .I was agreeing with you that yes there are plenty of things to point out instead of children and I added wives...all I meant
Mods, you see what LEK just did. Catlanta was a poster who was not tolerated by mods at all. LEK is much worse, is emo as hell, has bad intentions, and gets a pass for some reason...until he goes super weirdo every month or so. I strongly suggest a permaban because a) he's the worst poster on the paddock b) every post is a troll job and c) he's not funny at all. Y'all perma'd catlanta for much less. Make this board a better place for all and ban that clown ass kid. Again, you see exactly what he did when he came back . It's not funny. It's not cute. It's just a waste of time and it upsets posters that have been decent posters forever, ones without agendas, and ones that have a funny bone. Please permaban him for the sake of comedy, at least, as this is what the paddock is for. If not, just follow your own damn rules and quit giving chance after chance.

He did it again. Fn ban him again. It's that simple.
Mods, you see what LEK just did. Catlanta was a poster who was not tolerated by mods at all. LEK is much worse, is emo as hell, has bad intentions, and gets a pass for some reason...until he goes super weirdo every month or so. I strongly suggest a permaban because a) he's the worst poster on the paddock b) every post is a troll job and c) he's not funny at all. Y'all perma'd catlanta for much less. Make this board a better place for all and ban that clown ass kid. Again, you see exactly what he did when he came back . It's not funny. It's not cute. It's just a waste of time and it upsets posters that have been decent posters forever, ones without agendas, and ones that have a funny bone. Please permaban him for the sake of comedy, at least, as this is what the paddock is for. If not, just follow your own damn rules and quit giving chance after chance.

He did it again. Fn ban him again. It's that simple.

Can't wait to see the rebuttal to this.
There is no logical rebuttal. It's just a shame LEK posts so bad because if he was good, he would've been perma'd well before catlanta, and that's the truth. He's not even a good enough troll to register. He just sticks in this thread and attacks low hanging fruit. For the sake of this thread, ban him. His intentions couldn't be more clear, and sad.

Shit, didn't they permaban Z? Again, wth? That's guy can post his ass off, but that's what it takes. Awful trolls don't get the exposure so they're allowed to troll under the radar and be perpetual shit.
Don't understand the need for grown ass men to troll. The only plausible explanation in my mind is they aren't gown, or they aren't real men to begin with.

You have to be seriously lacking something in your life to be an adult male and troll on a message board. Can't do it in real life because you know you'll end up in the hospital so it's safe and get's your rocks off to do it online? Sounds like some type of mental disorder.
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because it really is humorous to see how easily you can get under someone else's skin on the internet. Most typical days are dull, boring, monotonous, etc. You get the point. Then some days there's that one little topic where you can just make an innocent remark knowing it's gonna set someone off and you click "post reply" and just sit back and wait. Got nothing to do with being a man vs. being a child (well maybe a little). Has everything to do with entertainment.

And you're right. It's absolutely a mental thing. Does one with a mental disorder actually have a mental disorder if they're able to understand they have a mental disorder?... or are they just ahead of the curve?

Understood. I guess I was thinking more along the lines of the personal troll attacks. Those are the ones that make no freakin sense at all. The stuff you, Mav, and Willy do, that stuff is comedy gold. A couple others, not so much.
You dont have him on ignore? Also, I saw (when banned) where he stated he was using a proxy server. Its W2B. He told Don, its why Don thinks I was hamsandwichgeller guy.

It's amazing how awful you are. You think you've got it all figured out, and don't have the slightest clue.

The post about who I am was a joke aimed at you....I said I was you.
Then stop letting it appear to bother you then. It's a message board. Its a gathering of people who love UK plus ghost. Combine your accounts and use one name.

  1. Don’t argue with idiots because they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience. —Greg King
  2. Never argue with a fool; onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. —Mark Twain
You are correct. I should only have to explain things once, and assume that people are intelligent enough to comprehend. If I go any further than the above applies.
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1 Wives and children should definitely be off limits except when the posters post about them themselves. Mav's (Mav or funky?) postings about his antics with his wife are hilarious and instant classics. You may make a joke about someone else's wife and kids - and some of them may chuckle - but 99% of them won't think it is funny. That's just that "protector" mode most men have.

2 It doesn't take long to pick up on the personalities of regular posters on a thread like the D-League. You learn fairly quickly who can take a joke and who can't. Willy is the absolute best at this. You can say terrible things to and about him and his only reply is "hahaha." [laughing] Don't even attempt a humorous exchange with someone you suspect has no sense of humor. This is definitely not a place for people who can't take a joke.

3 Some posters just viscerally dislike some other posters. No particular reason. You just know that they are going to jump on any post you make and try to start a fight. This demands a snarky reply, yadda yadda yadda. I have a couple of posters like that. I don't put them on ignore. I just act like I never even saw their nasty post. Hard to argue with someone who won't argue back. The provocation will die rather quickly.

4 You don't know me. I don't know you. I don't know your address or where you work - and you don't know mine. We're probably never going to meet. And, no, I'm not going to (and you're not going to) travel hundreds of miles to meet someplace and "settle this like a man." So tough talk is useless and childish.

5 I think a person's real self is who they are when they are drunk and when they are anonymous internet posters. Good or bad. That is when the common sense inhibitions have gone away and they say and do things they they really feel and wish they could say and do in daily life but can't. Butthole posters are simply secret buttholes in real life.

* Things I learned in kindergarten.
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1 Wives and children should definitely be off limits except when the posters post about them themselves. Mav's (Mav or funky?) postings about his antics with his wife are hilarious and instant classics. You may make a joke about someone else's wife and kids - and they may chuckle - but 99% of them won't think it is funny. That's just that "protector" mode most men have.

2 It doesn't take long to pick up on the personalities of regular posters on a thread like the D-League. You learn fairly quickly who can take a joke and who can't. Don't even attempt a humorous exchange with someone you suspect has no sense of humor. This is definitely not a place for people who can't take a joke.

3 Some posters just viscerally dislike some other posters. No particular reason. You just know that they are going to jump on any post you make and try to start a fight. This demands a snarky reply Yadda yadda yadda. I have a couple of those posters like that. I don;t put them on ignore. I just act like I never even saw their nasty post. Hard to argue with someone who won't argue back. The provocation will die rather quickly.

4 You don't know me. I don't know you. I don't know your address or where you work - and you don't know mine. We're probably never going to meet. And, no, I'm not going to (and you're not going to) travel hundreds of miles and meet you someplace and "settle this like a man." So tough talk is useless and childish..


I need to learn to follow your example, very well said, starchief5.
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