
Another baby tip. Next time Kinlee is cranky/won't go to sleep, lay her on your chest with her ear DIRECTLY over your heart. Cut out the lights. She'll have back in her mother's womb flashbacks and hearing a heartbeat will calm her down. Might take 10 minutes, but it will happen.
do it all the time. Put her back in the crib in her nap nanny afterward and she's screaming bloody murder in 10 minutes.

I instituted a 10 minutes rule at our house. If you THINK the kid should be sleeping, meaning clean, fed, burped, etc and she's crying her ass off.... don't do shit about it for 10 minutes. 10 minutes and then you can go check. I'm much better at it than the wife.
"It was the best of times, and the worst of times."

You are living that age old saying by definition. Soak it all in though, it goes by fast.
do it all the time. Put her back in the crib in her nap nanny afterward and she's screaming bloody murder in 10 minutes.

I instituted a 10 minutes rule at our house. If you THINK the kid should be sleeping, meaning clean, fed, burped, etc and she's crying her ass off.... don't do shit about it for 10 minutes. 10 minutes and then you can go check. I'm much better at it than the wife.

From everything I don't read but my side tells me I should, don't wait 10 minutes while she's crying. It'll lead to attachment issues and things.

Remember, as Chris Rock says, your goal as father is simple: keep her off the pole.
It seemed like my daughter (the first) took forever to get a routine. She fussed and cried and was active as hell. Always needed attention.

My other two were boys and they just kind of laid around and only made noise when they were hungry. Very easy. Just sit them in a seat and they were just kind of there.
do it all the time. Put her back in the crib in her nap nanny afterward and she's screaming bloody murder in 10 minutes.

I instituted a 10 minutes rule at our house. If you THINK the kid should be sleeping, meaning clean, fed, burped, etc and she's crying her ass off.... don't do shit about it for 10 minutes. 10 minutes and then you can go check. I'm much better at it than the wife.

Good plan. Stick to it. Some babies are just meant to be held babies. My ex wife had a friend (single mom) that had a little boy that was just a held baby. I baby sat Christian for an afternoon. Held him for 4 hours. When I put him down, he screamed bloody murder. So I slung him over my shoulder and did my normal routine. He's 4 now. He'll always be my little man.
Going to do some classics tonite. From 1951. "Rocket 88". Even tho I was born in 1960, this is what I grew up on (my cousins and I are chatting on FB tonite, so I'm dual posting here and on there as well)).

Doing one song from each decade that typifies that decade for you.

Some people consider Rocket 88 to be the first rock and roll record.

Where in the archipelago are you staying? Scuba diving? Maldives is one of my bucket list destinations.

Have a great time!

We stayed at Laamu, and it was really pretty amazing! Will post a picture shortly. Diving was out of this world, but they charge an arm and leg for renting equipment, so we only did one dive (20m). Did hours of snorkeling every day though! Austin, you gotta go before it sinks due to global warming.
We stayed at Laamu, and it was really pretty amazing! Will post a picture shortly. Diving was out of this world, but they charge an arm and leg for renting equipment, so we only did one dive (20m). Did hours of snorkeling every day though! Austin, you gotta go before it sinks due to global warming.
Wow! Glad y'all had such a great trip. And a belated congratulations!
Very unGlen(n) take. Sandpaper shines up crusty wood.

Where's Willy been? He's big-timin' the boys of the D with his high-falutin', 6-digit income, dual residence ownin' self... Good for him. Love that guy.
He'll be moving over to GYERO when that raise comes through.
Morning, League'rs.

Free coffee flowing, Ale-8 on standby

Matthew Mitchell gonna get F.I.R.E.D

Reds still suck

The ordeal with A&M football really makes me thankful I don't have children of my own. What a bunch of pussy ass "young men". Coach sent truthful tweet, I don't wanna play for him.

Rob Zombie's new stuff is pretty freakin good. "Everybody's fckin in a UFO" has an insanely catchy rhythm to it.

T.G.I.F. Been on hell of a work week.

Have a good one all.