
Going to do some classics tonite. From 1951. "Rocket 88". Even tho I was born in 1960, this is what I grew up on (my cousins and I are chatting on FB tonite, so I'm dual posting here and on there as well)).

Doing one song from each decade that typifies that decade for you.


Get it?

If this were the military, a pillowcase of soap bars would drive home message.

Get it?

If this were the military, a pillowcase of soap bars would drive home message.
Agreed. Where the hell is Pvts Joker, Cowboy, Snowball and the rest of the platoon when you need them?

There's a bunch of Private Pyle fatasses in here sneaking jelly donuts out of the mess hall and making all the rest of us hardworking folks do push-ups.
The 70's. We decided to do two for the 70's since Vietnam and Watergate dominated that decade. My introduction to The Funk. "Mothership Connection"

My favorite protest song. The Kent State shootings was a date that will live in infamy. It was also my dad's 32nd birthday.

The 80's. My kin was all over Michael Jackson. MJ was the King of Pop, but Prince was the Mayor of Realville. "Sign 'O The Times".

Getting late, so for us on Eastern Time, we will pick this up on Friday!
"I don't know...there's just something about a few beers that really gets my jaw loose. It's like, I think about it and I just want as many in my mouth as I can fit plus like infinity."

Hell, I'm convinced he'd do it stone cold sober too.
I thought the thread was better with LEK myself.

He had unique thoughts and his post weren't manufactured to fit in with others.

I like stories, like Willies stuff and Don's bondsman stuff the other day, things like that. LEK wasn't routine. I disagreed with him some, but appreciated the intellect and his hardcore ownership of the point he was selling.
If I were @-LEK-, I'd be saying the D was indeed my brainchild as the likes of you disappeared into the Rafters for several years and the current, (halfway decent, pre train pic D) iteration was molded by Funky, Mav, et al... You know the mantra.

Once again, I'm not LEK... Just a lonely Viking God trying to get along.
Right. You are so easy to spot, LEK.
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I thought the thread was better with LEK myself.

He had unique thoughts and his post weren't manufactured to fit in with others.

I like stories, like Willies stuff and Don's bondsman stuff the other day, things like that. LEK wasn't routine. I disagreed with him some, but appreciated the intellect and his hardcore ownership of the point he was selling.
Very unGlen(n) take. Sandpaper shines up crusty wood.

Where's Willy been? He's big-timin' the boys of the D with his high-falutin', 6-digit income, dual residence ownin' self... Good for him. Love that guy.
Once Jason gives us a workout update, current 3 point shooting percentage, what snack food he ate and his inefficiencies around his property things will be back to normal.
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I'm pretty competent with English and I don't make that many mistakes. I rushed the last post and with reason.

You're a punk bitch and I'm not going to argue. I enjoy banter, and that's the reason I like the Paddock, but not this time. We can go back and forth about anything else.

I mentioned my mothers passing and you are having fun with it. That's horrible and it's a shame people like you don't have to answer to it.

I would make you cry like a bitch.
You're right. I was over the line. I apologize. I wasn't having fun with your mom's passing though.
know what makes me hard? Winning basketball games. Won tonight by 20. I chipped in where I could. Finished 2/3 with 6 points, all shots in the first half. Bout 3 rebounds and 4 assists. Played less than half the game since I was just filling in.

Stopped by Kroger on the way home from work. Picked up some Tecate for Mexicans around the world and shit like that.

Dog had another tumor removed today. Boxers are ass for getting skin tumors. This one was on his toe and they couldn't close it all the way because there's not much skin to pull it taught so this little ****er is bleeding spots all over the house. Have it wrapped in gauze now but it's not helping. Even have one of the wife's maxi pads that she had to use after shooting out our kid and it's not helping. Oh well. Guess we'll just pay for carpet cleaning once this little asshole is done bleeding everywhere.

Confine the dog, son, or buy new carpet.
If I were @-LEK-, I'd be saying the D was indeed my brainchild as the likes of you disappeared into the Rafters for several years and the current, (halfway decent, pre train pic D) iteration was molded by Funky, Mav, et al... You know the mantra.

Once again, I'm not LEK... Just a lonely Viking God trying to get along.
I'm starting to believe you now. No way lek could have spelled that many words correctly in the same post. I do wonder why the usual idiots aren't trying to guess who you are like they have in the past with other posters. I thought for a minute it's because they already know who you are, but, who knows?
you want updates? I gots updates.

Well he's sleeping in the damn bedroom and I've already told the wife he's bleeding on that carpet so stop thinking he won't. Otherwise we can shut doors to the rest of the carpeted area of the house. Hard wood in the hallways and living room, tile in the kitchen. That shit cleans easily.

The BIG question time. Is Kinlee sleeping?