
The funniest people on this earth are the stupidest. Farley? DUMBER THAN SHIT. Prior? Gd retard. Chappele? Smoked himself so retarded he walked away from like 50+ million and laughed. If it weren't for stupid people, the world would be damn miserable.
I know you think it's coffee, but unless you freshly and slowly ground the recently roasted, single origin gourmet beans with a burr grinder, properly extracted the flavor and oils for the proper amount of time at the proper temperature with either a French press, Espresso machine, or an Aeropress, and then drank it with a dab of real cream (or half and half if you're a pussy) then, well, you really didn't drink coffee. Sorry.

It's the same difference as in a medium rare filet mignon and a day old McDonald's hamburger patty. Learn coffee, simpleton.

It's FREE, it's hot, it's black, it's got caffeine in it.

You coffee snobs are all the same. ha ha
I had Dixie jambalaya for lunch from world-famous Gumbeaux restaurant in the sprawling upscale metropolis that is Douglasville, Ga.

I was just kidding about Douglasville, it's not really a thriving metropolis. It's just a hole in the wall - but I tell you what, they are filming movies out here like crazy - finished filming "The Founder" out here not too long ago - It's got Michael Keaton in it and it's about how McDonald's got started or some such.

They got everyone out here that owned a classic car to drive them into town.
I know you think it's coffee, but unless you freshly and slowly ground the recently roasted, single origin gourmet beans with a burr grinder, properly extracted the flavor and oils for the proper amount of time at the proper temperature with either a French press, Espresso machine, or an Aeropress, and then drank it with a dab of real cream (or half and half if you're a pussy) then, well, you really didn't drink coffee. Sorry.

It's the same difference as in a medium rare filet mignon and a day old McDonald's hamburger patty. Learn coffee, simpleton.
This is the best post of April. Mav is unignorable.
just spent the last 45 minutes performing dry needling on coworkers because of their trigger points. Two are running in some big half marathon this weekend in Nashville and had been having shin splints and posterior tib, anterior tib pains. Stuck em good. My boss had been battling lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) and I stuck her good. Stuck 3 female coworkers good this afternoon (no GhostVol).

Did you go with the solid filiform needles or hollow-core hypodermic needles?

Asking for a friend.
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How do you decide which account to post on for the day? Does it get old having to go through so much trouble?!

Still don't get why you post here. You bashed this thread for years and all its posters.

Then again, I don't get psychos who would fake their death on the Internet.
I do it for your love and affection lek, don't forget to remind me when your birthday is so I can wish you happy birthday. I don't bash the league I embrace it and I know how bad it pisses you off. But I'm not getting into a pissing match with you.