
Does Captain Forehead REALLY NOT have a forehead?

If you have an iPhone you should get a free app called "MoonPhase". Among other cool features, it gives a daily picture of the moons phase and, on a full moon, it makes a howling sound haha.

I'm sure there's a version for android too.

For the next week if you look high off the horizon between the west and north west you will see Mercury. About 20-30 minutes after sunset. It is usually lost in the suns glare. But is visible now in the evening sky and will not be visible again till October and November in the morning sky
Currently at the Oasis here in Harrogate, across the mountain from Middlesboro, helping my nephew set up.for a show. Drank a few beers. Life is good.

I have been to the Oasis in Harrogate. At least i think its the same place. It was many moons ago. But isn't that the joint just across the KY/TN line that's like a pizza joint/bar/c-store all wrapped up in one? Isn't Lincoln Memorial University right around the corner?
For the next week if you look high off the horizon between the west and north west you will see Mercury. About 20-30 minutes after sunset. It is usually lost in the suns glare. But is visible now in the evening sky and will not be visible again till October and November in the morning sky
Been thinking about a telescope. Wanted one when I was a kid in the late 50's/early 60's. We couldn't afford one. Worry it'd just be an expensive novelty that would collect dust after a while
KS likes a mainstream musician? WTF?

Or am I thinking of funky again? One of you two are music snobs.

Say what? I am the antithesis of a music snob. I like everything from 80's Top 40 music to grunge to old blues tunes to alternative rock to ATDI to classic rock like Led Zeppelin or Pink Floyd or Tom Petty to Weezer to reggae to DMB (which everyone here hates) to Old School Rap to RATM to White Stripes to David Bowie…and everything in-between. And i don't have a musical bone in my body. Can't sing and can't play an instrument. And i always say that good music is in the ear of the beholder. Music is such a personal thing. Different strokes and all. Not a music snob at all.
Left out funk, R&B, Steely Dan, and so much more. Love all kinds of music genres.

Speerz...You might be thinking of dotuk. He can be a bit on the snobby side when it come to music. But he is a musician. He has played in bands and pretty sure he has done some producing. So i guess he has earned the right to be a bit snobbish?