
I don't poop in public, man.

If I ever do poop in public, it's going to be such an emergency that I don't care if the throne is on a raised, partition-less platform in the middle of housewares.

Man, I try not too either.

I certainly was about to spill the beans in that particular bathroom. I would've just shit my pants.

Mav- hahahaha Well, you know the stereotypes about Mexicans and corn.....Missing enzyme. Kinda like the missing enzyme for Native American's ability to break down alcohol in their bodies.

Bravo! Funky!
Meh…that chapter just ends in misery. With the man sobbing bitterly in the driveway. In between sobs he gazes lovely, desperately at his brand new Gorilla Goal with absolutely no joy. For it was merely but a tease. Sure, she finally agreed to let him erect the new basketball goal…but she would not allow the purchase of a basketball. His sobs were dual in nature. For he knew in his heart of hearts that this cruel act was an intential metaphor of things to come. She allowed the erection…but neglected the balls.

Gold my!.....I thought you was going to hit it with, there was no net...[laughing][laughing][laughing]
Chapter 3

She finally had a good look at it. It was long, and black, and seemed to go on forever. She could feel the blood rushing to her face. A strong, study base, just what was needed. As she stared at it, her emotions started to get the best of her. She had said, "no" so many times. She couldn't ... Or could she? What would the neighbors think? He had asked over and over for years, but in her heart she just didn't know if it was right. Deep down, she probably wanted it too, just to fulfill his desire as well. All she could think about was where she let him put it.

He looked at her and said, "Are you ready?"

Her eyelashes fluttered. "I'm afraid there will be too much noise."

He placed his work-worn finger under her chin and raised her gaze to his. "I will be careful. We'll take it slow at first."

The first attempt banged off the rim. She winced. The next few tries were successful. Right in the hole. Then he tried the long shot. It missed and there was an awful racket. She squealed loudly and could feel the eyes of the neighborhood burning into her. She laughed and let him continue. It went on well into the night.

The next morning, he asked if she was ready for another round.

"No one-on-one this time. You're playing solo, today."

I don't poop in public, man.

If I ever do poop in public, it's going to be such an emergency that I don't care if the throne is on a raised, partition-less platform in the middle of housewares.

Sometimes it hits me where I have no choice, Was at Meijers the last time,if I have time I always try to pass by the dollar a pack travel size of wet wipes to which this time I did, I did my massive feel the pleasure dump. Afterwards I freshly cleaned then left remainder of dollar size travel pack wet wipes for the next guy, pay it forward if you will, and included 1 dollar under the pack because I aint no thief!...true story
Sometimes it hits me where I have no choice, Was at Meijers the last time,if I have time I always try to pass by the dollar a pack travel size of wet wipes to which this time I did, I did my massive feel the pleasure dump. Afterwards I freshly cleaned then left remainder of dollar size travel pack wet wipes for the next guy, pay it forward if you will, and included 1 dollar under the pack because I aint no thief!...true story

You made the best of a bad situation and even managed to pay it forward. That is seasoned, veteran poopmanship right there.

Honestly, mine moved a little too.
RE: My current facial hair situation

I like to be clean shaven. It suits me. I understand that an adult male is supposed to grow hair on his face and that we have the option, as Americans, to shave said hair. I am NOT ok with the latest development, as seen in the diagram below. UNDER the eyes? I either have High-T, Low-T or the full moon has brought about a very gradual change ....

Sports are unbearable right now. NFL hot takes - barf. ESPN is dissecting RG3 to the Browns. You can sum that up with one emoji - [poop].

Reds! LOL - [poop]:fire:

Mayor Gray declared this weekend "Blue and White day!" - uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MOVE TO INDIANA YOU COCKSUCKER. Wtf is his deal?
Layoffs are hitting my firm today. HR guy called me into his office and I about shit myself. He told me they let go of the girl who was halting me.

Sucks. So far, 10 down.

I hate my business.

The second you start working the number of hours you bill... The hammer falls.
Well, with gloves on, of course. I didn't ask them for the service, mind you.

Of course not. It just "happens".

Just glad they used gloves. Not sure how I'd like another's man's finger nail diging into my butthole like a bulldozer.

I know it's gonna happen too. If you're my age, why would a doctor do the finger test on you?

I'm gonna have my PA run his finger in my ass during this summer's wellness check up to see if I have an enlarged prostate. I think I do, but I masturbate over 20 times a month easy, so that should help
Of course not. It just "happens".

Just glad they used gloves. Not sure how I'd like another's man's finger nail diging into my butthole like a bulldozer.

I know it's gonna happen too. If you're my age, why would a doctor do the finger test on you?

I'm gonna have my PA run his finger in my ass during this summer's wellness check up to see if I have an enlarged prostate. I think I do, but I masturbate over 20 times a month easy, so that should help
I just Flonased. Shit's the shit! It immediately relieved some nasal inflammation. I forgot to shake it, though. Relieved some eye pressure. Feel pretty good. Probably feel better next round because I read the directions and now know what I'm doing.

Be cool if you could just spray some mist up your butt and shrink your prostate. That's the future.