
I'll tell something that cracks me up and that's old people and cell phones.

Lady is in the office yesterday and something like the sound of an air raid warning starts bellowing from her purse. She begins furiously digging in her purse in an attempt to silence this bewildering piece of technology...and she just can't get to it. No matter how hard she tries, she just keeps burrowing down into that purse and it just keeps screaming, amid the clattering of lipstick cases, eyeglasses and various prescription medications.

Finally, she fishes the thing out and looks at it as if she's never before seen this thing in her entire life. As it continues to blare loudly in her hands she fumbles around desperately trying to remember how to shut it off. Before she finds the button it stops ringing. She purses her lips, shakes her head and tosses the phone back down into the oblivion of her purse....where it starts ringing and the whole damn process begins anew.
I had one a few years ago. Yes, its as bad as they say:

First time they tried to administer one, this big fat lady tried to do it. I was standing with my drawers dropped, she lubbed up the pinky. Next thing I know, I was watching above my body. Literally, an Out of Body Experience. She tries to insert. I was deep breathing. She says she cant do it, because I am clinching my butthole too tightly. I thought I was relaxed. It was terror.

The "real time" it happened, my family doc told me to lay on the table. As soon as he put in the finger, I screamed, "Im gonna SHIT!" I did not however shit. But if feels like a big massive turd coming out your butthole. Was not fun. I might have wept.

I did find it strange that both his hands were on my shoulders the whole time though...
(j/k about last part)

hahahahahahahaha shit man that's hilarious.

I'm guessing since she was a fat lady that she also had a fat pinky?
I had one a few years ago. Yes, its as bad as they say:

First time they tried to administer one, this big fat lady tried to do it. I was standing with my drawers dropped, she lubbed up the pinky. Next thing I know, I was watching above my body. Literally, an Out of Body Experience. She tries to insert. I was deep breathing. She says she cant do it, because I am clinching my butthole too tightly. I thought I was relaxed. It was terror.

The "real time" it happened, my family doc told me to lay on the table. As soon as he put in the finger, I screamed, "Im gonna SHIT!" I did not however shit. But if feels like a big massive turd coming out your butthole. Was not fun. I might have wept.

I did find it strange that both his hands were on my shoulders the whole time though...

(j/k about last part)
You have just scared the flock out of that boy.
Layoffs are hitting my firm today. HR guy called me into his office and I about shit myself. He told me they let go of the girl who was halting me.

Sucks. So far, 10 down.

I hate my business.

The second you start working the number of hours you bill... The hammer falls.
Damn Kooky, that sucks. I remember you saying that other firms had been laying off too. I hate hearing about good people losing their jobs. Makes me sad and angry.
Just got back from a meeting of the Institutional Review Board. They are the eggheads in the hospital that decide whether a study using a radioactive drug can move forward. The principle investigator for the study asked me to attend to help answer questions. I'm pretty sure that one of the women on the committee did not like my answers. Especially when I told her that radioactive material from a patient can go down the drain.

They also kept asking questions about handling a dead body with rad material in it. I've written procedures that follow that best national & international guidelines. I'm not sure what else to tell these people.

The particular study that I was answering questions about is a pediatric study. I did tell them that we just completed treatments of 3 adults with the exact same drug and same dose. I guess they never gave a shit about the adult study.

Chapter 1

She rose seductively from the bed. Went to her dresser to select something nice to wear. He lay quietly on the bed, eyes closed, anticipating what would happen next. As she rustled through the drawers, he could hear the slight ringing of metal.

"Kinky," he thought.

He heard his beloved walk towards him. She leaned forward, and whispered breathlessly in his ear the most beautiful words he had ever heard escape from her pouting lips.

"I'm going out for a bit and taking the kids with me."

He came.

Chapter 2

It was night. He knew when she was taking a long time in the bathroom, that she must be preparing herself for a long evening of passionate love making. Sprays spraying, water running, the clink clack of makeup bottles. His lady was truly in a state of arousal and wanted to make her man feel special this evening.

After 15 minutes of waiting, he could stand by no longer. His sinewy arms burst through the door to see his goddess. Upon gazing around the bathroom, he saw it. The most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. He fell to his knees is orgasmic joy on the sight that he beheld.

She had changed the toilet paper roll.

The End
-Man, can't wait for butthole tests!

-Funky's chapters were :okay:

-3 day weekend. Family time, beer time, friend time + more beer time, round of golf, minimal projects outside of a few lawn details. Looking forward to it.

-Radiohead "The Bends" playing. Baby gets really into this one for some reason. Likes M83 and CCR too it seems. And Haydn. Loves that old asshole too for some reason. Lies there like a dead fish for contemporaries mostly (dad does that for most all of it). Coincidence I'm sure but funny to me.

Also shits a lot during it.

Maybe a good album would be a bunch of music that just makes you dump. Jason of course wouldn't need it but others might. "Releaser: Open Up and Fill the Bowl"

-To watch basketball or not watch basketball. That is the mothereffin' question. Will probably cross arms, close eyes, scowl, and shake head violently side to side but succumb anyway.

-Have a good weekend, sirs.
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-Man, can't wait for butthole tests!

-Funky's chapters were :okay:

-3 day weekend. Family time, beer time, friend time + more beer time, round of golf, minimal projects outside of a few lawn details. Looking forward to it.

-Radiohead "The Bends" playing. Baby gets really into this one for some reason. Likes M83 and CCR too it seems. And Haydn. Loves that old asshole too for some reason. Lies there like a dead fish for contemporaries mostly (dad does that for most all of it). Coincidence I'm sure but funny to me.

Also shits a lot during it.

Maybe a good album would be a bunch of music that just makes you dump. Jason of course wouldn't need it but others might. "Releaser: Open Up and Fill the Bowl"

-To watch basketball or not watch basketball. That is the mothereffin' question. Will probably cross arms, close eyes, scowl, and shake head violently side to side but succumb anyway.

-Have a good weekend, sirs.

I will NOT sober up. Heck, I'll deal with it in the AM.
I'll tell something that cracks me up and that's old people and cell phones.

Lady is in the office yesterday and something like the sound of an air raid warning starts bellowing from her purse. She begins furiously digging in her purse in an attempt to silence this bewildering piece of technology...and she just can't get to it. No matter how hard she tries, she just keeps burrowing down into that purse and it just keeps screaming, amid the clattering of lipstick cases, eyeglasses and various prescription medications.

Finally, she fishes the thing out and looks at it as if she's never before seen this thing in her entire life. As it continues to blare loudly in her hands she fumbles around desperately trying to remember how to shut it off. Before she finds the button it stops ringing. She purses her lips, shakes her head and tosses the phone back down into the oblivion of her purse....where it starts ringing and the whole damn process begins anew.
Trust me when I say this: when we age, strange shit happens, especially in tech terms.

True story.
I just Flonased. Shit's the shit! It immediately relieved some nasal inflammation. I forgot to shake it, though. Relieved some eye pressure. Feel pretty good. Probably feel better next round because I read the directions and now know what I'm doing.

Be cool if you could just spray some mist up your butt and shrink your prostate. That's the future.
Must try.
I had one a few years ago. Yes, its as bad as they say:

First time they tried to administer one, this big fat lady tried to do it. I was standing with my drawers dropped, she lubbed up the pinky. Next thing I know, I was watching above my body. Literally, an Out of Body Experience. She tries to insert. I was deep breathing. She says she cant do it, because I am clinching my butthole too tightly. I thought I was relaxed. It was terror.

The "real time" it happened, my family doc told me to lay on the table. As soon as he put in the finger, I screamed, "Im gonna SHIT!" I did not however shit. But if feels like a big massive turd coming out your butthole. Was not fun. I might have wept.

I did find it strange that both his hands were on my shoulders the whole time though...

(j/k about last part)
Thats an odd story and doesnt add up. While Anonymous is a group of famous hackers, they are more sophisticated than DDosing.

Ddosing is just a denial of service attack. Basically, its like standing in line at McDonalds, and 1000 people come into the restaurant at once, and no one can get served. You just ping the IP address of the site, and it shuts it down because its too much information.

Anonymous is much more sophisticated than that. This is basic level stuff, and its not even hacking. Its the same stuff Lizard Squad did last winter to shut down blizzard, twitch, sony, microsoft etc.

Also, because its an overt attack, you wouldnt extrapolate data from the servers. So no clue how they obtained information.

Nothing in that article makes sense.

That's if it was even really "Anonymous". Since one of their hackers got busted a while back and rolled over on a lot of them, there has been talk that "Anonymous" is now nothing more than the FBI. There was a documentary about the group and the vagina that ratted several of the others out.
My boss asked me yesterday why I have so many ticket in my queue. I responded with a Patrick Ewing quote: "We make a lot, we spend a lot".

She was beside herself laughing.

Produce and prevail. Gawd, I am effed up.

Younger female at worked told me I need to smile more. I responded with "Why? I'm not working for tips."

I was so proud of my quick wit and mic drop doesn't happen often.
Thats an odd story and doesnt add up. While Anonymous is a group of famous hackers, they are more sophisticated than DDosing.

Ddosing is just a denial of service attack. Basically, its like standing in line at McDonalds, and 1000 people come into the restaurant at once, and no one can get served. You just ping the IP address of the site, and it shuts it down because its too much information.

Anonymous is much more sophisticated than that. This is basic level stuff, and its not even hacking. Its the same stuff Lizard Squad did last winter to shut down blizzard, twitch, sony, microsoft etc.

Also, because its an overt attack, you wouldnt extrapolate data from the servers. So no clue how they obtained information.

Nothing in that article makes sense.
Those folks are badass. If your network gets compromised, you MUST isolate ASAP.

Smart guys. Mucho respect from me, and I hold a grad cert in InfoSec.
That's if it was even really "Anonymous". Since one of their hackers got busted a while back and rolled over on a lot of them, there has been talk that "Anonymous" is now nothing more than the FBI. There was a documentary about the group and the vagina that ratted several of the others out.
The inter-connectivity in this day and age really demands a proactive approach. I've personally witnessed careers ended due to complacency. InfoSec is a touch business. You MUST protect your perimeter. One email combined with a mouse-click from some dumbass 60 year-old lackadaisical bitch can spell the end. Been there, seen it, but thankfully not been in charge.