
Tonight corresponds with Nisan 14 on the Jewish calendar, and is the anniversary of Jesus' last supper with the apostles in the year 33 C.E. That was 1,983 years ago tonight.
Later that night, Jesus, having been betrayed by Judas Iscariot, was turned over to the Jewish Sanhedrin and then to the Romans to be executed.
Tonight corresponds with Nisan 14 on the Jewish calendar, and is the anniversary of Jesus' last supper with the apostles in the year 33 C.E. That was 1,983 years ago tonight.
Later that night, Jesus, having been betrayed by Judas Iscariot, was turned over to the Jewish Sanhedrin and then to the Romans to be executed.
Happy Purim, yo!
Morning leagures,

Happy 40 to Peyton Manning can't wait to see the Broncos crash and burn
Happy 86 to Steve McQueen, something tells me Robert Evans won't be sending birthday wishes to his grave
Happy 135 Harry Houdini

Kids are still shooting others at schools this kid is 14 and may only be punished till he's 21.

A photo was released of meliana trump posing half nude, puts it all ellenor Roosevelt and will be the hottest First Lady ever if he wins.

Work was a long day I think most people would blow trump if they had a chance.
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Ha ha, our new manager and director have completely transformed our business unit over the past few weeks. We have two folks, who previously got over all the time under our previous regime. They now come in on time and we are nearly caught up for the first time in 3 years. Gotta love it.

Got a one-on-one with my new manager this morning. Yesterday, during our team meeting, she asked, "why are you smiling?". I responded by saying, "it's great having adult supervision again".
Ha ha, our new manager and director have completely transformed our business unit over the past few weeks. We have two folks, who previously got over all the time under our previous regime. They now come in on time and we are nearly caught up for the first time in 3 years. Gotta love it.

Got a one-on-one with my new manager this morning. Yesterday, during our team meeting, she asked, "why are you smiling?". I responded by saying, "it's great having adult supervision again".


Is this your new boss?
New boss: "Austin, why are you breathing air?"

New boss: "Austin, why do you want a lunch break?"

Sorry Austin, Without context your boss comes off harsh. haha
She's great. Nice looking, skinny sister. My former boss is bloated, female swine who played favorites and gave certain folks way too much leeway. Times are changing for the good.
Ya'll ever been in a Men's bathroom where the bathroom stalls are ridiculously short?

Was in a hole in the wall Mexican taco dump the other day. Go into piss. Look at the stalls and it was literally 4 foot tall. I pissed in the urinal and looked over and could see the toilet in the stall next to me. I was thinking, "boy, I'd hate to have to shit in this dump. The guy pissing at this urinal would make eye contact with me."

Then I got to thinking about the guy who takes a 20 minute dump and has to make multiple eye contact with people coming to piss at that urinal. I'm telling ya'll it was a pretty surreal moment.
Very tempting. Very tempting. Awesome disposition. Pleasant, yet firm. She displayed zero emotion when she relieved an analyst of his duties yesterday. He is the same dude I told you about while visiting FL a few months ago.

So basically she is a black Sharon Stone from Basic Instinct? Hide the ice picks bro!

Awesome, glad that guy is gone. That's prolly helped with the smiling. haha
Chapter 1

She rose seductively from the bed. Went to her dresser to select something nice to wear. He lay quietly on the bed, eyes closed, anticipating what would happen next. As she rustled through the drawers, he could hear the slight ringing of metal.

"Kinky," he thought.

He heard his beloved walk towards him. She leaned forward, and whispered breathlessly in his ear the most beautiful words he had ever heard escape from her pouting lips.

"I'm going out for a bit and taking the kids with me."

He came.

The end.
Ya'll ever been in a Men's bathroom where the bathroom stalls are ridiculously short?

Was in a hole in the wall Mexican taco dump the other day. Go into piss. Look at the stalls and it was literally 4 foot tall. I pissed in the urinal and looked over and could see the toilet in the stall next to me. I was thinking, "boy, I'd hate to have to shit in this dump. The guy pissing at this urinal would make eye contact with me."

Then I got to thinking about the guy who takes a 20 minute dump and has to make multiple eye contact with people coming to piss at that urinal. I'm telling ya'll it was a pretty surreal moment.
Was at a bar in Philly a few years ago where the stalls were like that but the weirder part was that the toilet was a normal sized bowl that was sitting like, 1 foot off the ground. The trunk part or whatever was below the floor for some reason. If you wanted to take a dump, you'd knock your teeth out with your own knees trying to haunch on that thing (didn't try...just assuming). I guess the stall height to toilet height ratio in this case was probably pretty normal, relatively.

But WTF?
Chapter 1

She rose seductively from the bed. Went to her dresser to select something nice to wear. He lay quietly on the bed, eyes closed, anticipating what would happen next. As she rustled through the drawers, he could hear the slight ringing of metal.

"Kinky," he thought.

He heard his beloved walk towards him. She leaned forward, and whispered breathlessly in his ear the most beautiful words he had ever heard escape from her pouting lips.

"I'm going out for a bit and taking the kids with me."

He came.

The end.

Chapter 2

It was night. He knew when she was taking a long time in the bathroom, that she must be preparing herself for a long evening of passionate love making. Sprays spraying, water running, the clink clack of makeup bottles. His lady was truly in a state of arousal and wanted to make her man feel special this evening.

After 15 minutes of waiting, he could stand by no longer. His sinewy arms burst through the door to see his goddess. Upon gazing around the bathroom, he saw it. The most beautiful thing that he had ever seen. He fell to his knees is orgasmic joy on the sight that he beheld.

She had changed the toilet paper roll.

The End
  • Good Morning, D-Leaguers.
  • 55°F in Johns Creek, GA. Clear, VFR. Nice day going.
  • Blood Sugar was 188 this morning. Progress.
  • The Pine Blooms have popped. Everything is yellow.
  • Glad to be in the gazebo.
  • Yard is clean (lawn service.)
  • If you are calling about something that you are not calling about, please press "1."
  • Dark Magic going.
  • The Leach Report going without Tom Leach (on vacation.)
  • Over.
Request for Author Funky...Can the next chapter include a part where he gets his basketball goal?

Meh…that chapter just ends in misery. With the man sobbing bitterly in the driveway. In between sobs he gazes lovely, desperately at his brand new Gorilla Goal with absolutely no joy. For it was merely but a tease. Sure, she finally agreed to let him erect the new basketball goal…but she would not allow the purchase of a basketball. His sobs were dual in nature. For he knew in his heart of hearts that this cruel act was an intential metaphor of things to come. She allowed the erection…but neglected the balls.
Chapter 3

She finally had a good look at it. It was long, and black, and seemed to go on forever. She could feel the blood rushing to her face. A strong, study base, just what was needed. As she stared at it, her emotions started to get the best of her. She had said, "no" so many times. She couldn't ... Or could she? What would the neighbors think? He had asked over and over for years, but in her heart she just didn't know if it was right. Deep down, she probably wanted it too, just to fulfill his desire as well. All she could think about was where she let him put it.

He looked at her and said, "Are you ready?"

Her eyelashes fluttered. "I'm afraid there will be too much noise."

He placed his work-worn finger under her chin and raised her gaze to his. "I will be careful. We'll take it slow at first."

The first attempt banged off the rim. She winced. The next few tries were successful. Right in the hole. Then he tried the long shot. It missed and there was an awful racket. She squealed loudly and could feel the eyes of the neighborhood burning into her. She laughed and let him continue. It went on well into the night.

The next morning, he asked if she was ready for another round.

"No one-on-one this time. You're playing solo, today."

Then I got to thinking about the guy who takes a 20 minute dump and has to make multiple eye contact with people coming to piss at that urinal. I'm telling ya'll it was a pretty surreal moment.

I don't poop in public, man.

If I ever do poop in public, it's going to be such an emergency that I don't care if the throne is on a raised, partition-less platform in the middle of housewares.
Chapter 3

She finally had a good look at it. It was long, and black, and seemed to go on forever. She could feel the blood rushing to her face. A strong, study base, just what was needed. As she stared at it, her emotions started to get the best of her. She had said, "no" so many times. She couldn't ... Or could she? What would the neighbors think? He had asked over and over for years, but in her heart she just didn't know if it was right. Deep down, she probably wanted it too, just to fulfill his desire as well. All she could think about was where she let him put it.

He looked at her and said, "Are you ready?"

Her eyelashes fluttered. "I'm afraid there will be too much noise."

He placed his work-worn finger under her chin and raised her gaze to his. "I will be careful. We'll take it slow at first."

The first attempt banged off the rim. She winced. The next few tries were successful. Right in the hole. Then he tried the long shot. It missed and there was an awful racket. She squealed loudly and could feel the eyes of the neighborhood burning into her. She laughed and let him continue. It went on well into the night.

The next morning, he asked if she was ready for another round.

"No one-on-one this time. You're playing solo, today."

Tonight corresponds with Nisan 14 on the Jewish calendar, and is the anniversary of Jesus' last supper with the apostles in the year 33 C.E. That was 1,983 years ago tonight.
Later that night, Jesus, having been betrayed by Judas Iscariot, was turned over to the Jewish Sanhedrin and then to the Romans to be executed.

Thanks CUJO. FCC.

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