
I personally endured a 3-day mourning after our '05 loss. I felt worse for Chuck Hayes. My heart ached. My co-workers had to assist me with simple decisions back then. They came through.
Just an FYI, but soon after the '05 loss to MiState, I saw Chuck's mom out on the street near the Erwin Center. I felt horrible.
spears--you just bolstered our ranks by making another fan. you've earned a ban or two--just make it on a fake account

This is true, but it's not the entire story.

1. This is Speers' fault. Always is.
2. He picked MSU. They got beat.
3. Had baby, dressed it in UK gear, and we lost to IU

I mean, c'mon, Speers. WTH. SMH. I'm happy for the kid, but I hope Jason learns from this so he can get shit right for his next baby.
This is true, but it's not the entire story.

1. This is Speers' fault. Always is.
2. He picked MSU. They got beat.
3. Had baby, dressed it in UK gear, and we lost to IU

I mean, c'mon, Speers. WTH. SMH. I'm happy for the kid, but I hope Jason learns from this so he can get shit right for his next baby.
i think spears should have one kid for every national championship cal will win for us in his tenure. spears: get started on that irish twin--April 2017 is coming up fast
I just don't like Poy. I know it makes me a bad fan, just not a player. Skal was a stink on this team. Do not want him back.
You are a great fan. I love Poy because he was accepted and attended grad school. I know not his current status, but qualifying for grad school at Gatton is not so easy. His loyalty speaks volumes in my own disjointed mind.
Is Tyler Ulis the player that gave the best effort that you have ever seen a Kentucky give? I think he is. Superman.

That honor for me will always be Kenny "Sky" Walker - never witnessed anyone play harder.

Interestingly enough, Kenny's career also ended by the fair and balanced NCAA selection committee shoving three damned SEC teams in our bracket that we had beaten three times each that year. LSU figured us out the fourth time and the rest is history.

Thanks again, NCAA!
We need a solid enough core left over to mix with next season's studs coming in, that's what won us a national championship in 2012 and that's how we went 38-1 last year. Willis, Hawkins, Lee and the big Aussie and dang it sure would be nice to get Briscoe back. And we need Bolden to sign.

Adebayo is a beast in the mode of Julius Randle.
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I attended graduate ed at a couple different U's. It is all about selflessness and inspiring others to overcome their shortcomings and capitalize on their strengths. Such is our calling as mentors. There is no "I" in "Team". Perhaps the required mentoring was there, perhaps not. Can we realistically answer such questions?

The end justifies the means. We are Kentucky.
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That honor for me will always be Kenny "Sky" Walker - never witnessed anyone play harder.

Interestingly enough, Kenny's career also ended by the fair and balanced NCAA selection committee shoving three damned SEC teams in our bracket that we had beaten three times each that year. LSU figured us out the fourth time and the rest is history.

Thanks again, NCAA!
Those days remain forever in Kentucky basketball lore.
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Next year.

The big guys cost us this year.

Screw it. I thought Cal would have 3 banner by now. If we don't win it in the next 2 years, this whole Cal thing will be a wash.

1 banner with Cal isn't cutting it. I'm sorry. But this year's interior defense was awful. Piss poor awful.

Our bigs were awful this year. POY, Skal, and Lee gotta go

Depending on freshman again next year. Just awful.

I was just thinking about that Mav. Not near as angry as last year.

More disappointed, but not angry. Nor do I feel robbed of my feelings

Flawed team that gave false hope. That's what the team was. Some fun games, but flawed. Microcosm of that was today's game. Cut it to 3 late to give a sliver of hope.

My 4 year old was sad. Internet went out during second half. Was able to watch the end, but started getting the same feeling I did during Wisc.

Had a bad feeling all week.

Meh, upset, but not really. Just sad we're losing Ulis. He is the perfect college basketball.

I just don't like Poy. I know it makes me a bad fan, just not a player. Skal was a stink on this team. Do not want him back.

I know it isn't happening, but praying for a Florida where a few guys stay. Ulis and Briscoe. Murray can go.

Just didn't have enough support around this team . Too many role players.

I agree with all of this.

This team was either a lot of joy t watch or a lot of frustration. We seemed to run hot or cold. We would win 2 or 3, then lose one. I'm disappointed with it ending for the season, especially losing to IU. On the other hand, my weekends are free now.

I look back and it seems like several times UK has been one player away from a championship.
  • 2003 Bogan's ankle
  • 2010 Jodie Meeks
  • 2014 WCS hurt & Randle hurt
  • 2015 - that one is on Cal. No Poy, but we had enough talent to overcome that.
  • 2016 - Dakari Johnson no returning
  • Shoulda, woulda, coulda.
In other news, we're going to have a real, honest to God, senior night next year. Can you imagine the cheers for Lee, Wills and Hawkins (and Mulder and Floreal)? It's been a while.
My major issue with Coach Cal is his lack of long-term continuation recognition. It appears he focuses more on the talented horses rather than those toiling in the trenches. I believe he recognizes the big picture.
Hate to say it, but I never had a good feeling about tonight's game. Thursday night, I saw that the mostly Hawkeye crowd did not like us. Take a look at their basketball board sometime. There is always a thread about us (usually Tyler Ulis, because they thought he was going there).

Thursday night, UTC quit playing with about 5 min to go in the first half. IU got comfortable shooting in that gym.

We won our game easily, but only hit 4 -3s for the game. We missed a lot of shots Thursday night that we usually make. Something just seemed off about this whole tournament.

We had Murray & Ulis for offense.
  • Skal - too soft, turned it over too much
  • Poythress - walked about half the time
  • Willis - good shooter, but not the best defender
  • Briscoe - hard to believe a college guard could be such a bad shot
  • Lee - I only dunk the ball
So we had too outstanding players and a bunch of role players.
I look back and it seems like several times UK has been one player away from a championship.

We have been and that's why National Championships are so damned precious...also why missing out in seasons like 1984 and 2015 hurt so much.

I mean, we are the baddest dude's on the whole damned block and we only have 8 of them.
Hate to say it, but I never had a good feeling about tonight's game. Thursday night, I saw that the mostly Hawkeye crowd did not like us. Take a look at their basketball board sometime. There is always a thread about us (usually Tyler Ulis, because they thought he was going there).

Thursday night, UTC quit playing with about 5 min to go in the first half. IU got comfortable shooting in that gym.

We won our game easily, but only hit 4 -3s for the game. We missed a lot of shots Thursday night that we usually make. Something just seemed off about this whole tournament.

We had Murray & Ulis for offense.
  • Skal - too soft, turned it over too much
  • Poythress - walked about half the time
  • Willis - good shooter, but not the best defender
  • Briscoe - hard to believe a college guard could be such a bad shot
  • Lee - I only dunk the ball
So we had too outstanding players and a bunch of role players.
Well, when Davidson made the Elite 8 with little else but Curry a few years ago, and pushed Kansas to one shot, Davidson role players took that Kansas team to the brink. 5 players are on one side. How the other four are prepared is key. I remember Bill Self breathing a notable sigh (sign) of relief and burying his head in his palm when Curry missed that shot at the end. There is less margin for error during the tourney.

College basketball is a business. We had two great horses this year. But Crean figured out the hack. It happens. It has happened and will happen again. Ulis got his points, but not Murray. IU played great team ball with one stud and some role players.
wildcatdonf said:
I am not devastated, but I am sad as Hell.

Me too, Donfather. We must regroup. We must rely upon each other for inspiration. We are proven winners. We are Kentucky.

Great posts gentlemen!!! Thank You...

KS, you too (you need to somehow figure out how to get all that to Cal...INGAME MAN!!! The "Bat-Tweet" or something.

I do agree. Last year's loss was much, much harder to stomach...this year, its like we played a FF game in the Ro32 and it just didn't feel right, all around...and it showed in our performance...ya know?

EF you ncaa SelComm...
Am I the only one that thinks that the defense cal runs is what cost us against Wisconsin? I've not seen many people mention how they kept using the switches till they got the match up they wanted.

I have been bitching about this for the entire Cal regime. I absolutely hate the "switch everything" concept. Hate it. It's lazy. It's easier to coach...because all you have to say is...switch everything. But its a lazy cop out way to coach defense. You don't have to teach anything and you don't have to game plan. Just switch everything. Easy peasy. Especially for the opponent when Ulis winds up guarding a big in the paint. Or Lee is guarding a PG 30' from the basket.

It's just lazy coaching. And I hate it.
Damn. Just got shot 4 times in the left brain in my dream. Mob style. I thought they were wasting the other guy but they got both of us. I stumbled to the kitchen and opened the fridge before I went down for good.

We lacked wiener hair.

This one is nothing like the tournament losses before. I think the early exit is easier to take. It still sucks losing the way we did, without much of a fight from some of our players.

And Cal's "welp? What are we gonna do? IU played well" attitude pisses me off. I think he really did believe we had to have Skal if we wanted to make some noise and that's gd retarded and hard to process, tbh, but he said it over and over again. He played the shit out of him and it cost us. I just don't get that, and it's not really Cal's personality to give a shitty player that much rope, especially over the entire season, especially when that player had made no real stride.

Tbh, you replace Skal with pretty much anybody, and we're much better. Charles, or Hump. Both those kids had heart. Yea, Skal 7 foot but Dominique and Briscoe rebound better than him. Charles, too.

Uhh. It's over.

Let's go Drew Barker!!!

Uhhhh shoot me in the head.

That sucked. Our bigs absolutely killed us this year.

Last night there were at least two Lee fouls that had he stayed his ground he would've gotten the charge. But he chose to go up with the player and foul him.

Just awful basketball.
As much as I love Tyler, I don't think he'll be a first round draft choice.

What GM will have the sack to say to an Owner, "but he could be the next Muggsy Bogues!". WFC? Muggsy Bogues?

More like the next Eddie Gaedel.