
I sort of like our draw even though I think we should have stayed in the south. We play the way we have lately which is hard and smarter than earlier in the year, we will stay close enough to give us the chance to win. This team is playing hard and having fun and still getting better, damn if I see another team like that in the dance. Now if our coach can keep from getting kicked out of the games, I think we have a great shot at this one folks. Our Cat's are a fun team to watch and damn if they aren't good enough to win it all too!
4 seed in UNC bracket. Yep, no bias.

I like my team, but shit you need luck against a stacked deck. If you see Doug Sermons on ref list for our region, you know there's a conspiracy.
Selection committee loves potential second round rivalry games.

IU versus UK
Kansas versus Colorado (Old Big-Eight rivals)
Villanova versus Temple

and possibly Notre Dame versus Michigan in the first round after the play-in game.
Lol South Caroilina didn't get in? I hate them, and I know nobody cares about them, but did they even have 10 losses? Every 4 seed but us has 10 losses.

I read where 6 of the 10 committee members had zero ties to basketball. Figures.

Man, let me tell you how #blesst I is. I pull up to McD's and I'm feeling pretty fat. I bought and ate like 6 donuts last night at 10, so I got keep the wave rolling, yaknow. I order a sausage Mcmuffin meal with a large coke. Lady hands me a big bag, says something like "shoot", I pull away, check my bag, and to my delight it's two McGriddles. I didn't turn back, I just runnoft. Stuffed. I haven't had a McGriddle in ages. I had a sausage cheese and a bacon, egg and cheese.
  • Morning, guys.
  • 63°F and VFR in Johns Creek, GA. Nice morning on our gazebo. Shorts.
  • Happy about the SECTC over the #1 seed. Very tough game. Overcame that missed FT. Big clutch 3-ball.
  • I love how our team attacks
  • Hate that brackett, we have to beat those teams somehow. Beat Stoney Brook and Indiana.
  • 1st mug of Keurig Dark Magic going down.
  • Tom Leach Report going down. Listening to some writer picking us to lose. The underdog role is okay with me. Go Wildcats.
  • Over.
The Cinderella upsets in the NCAA tournament probably have as much to do with bad seeding as anything else. I'd say the whole thing would be better to go back to 32 teams at most. Maybe even the top 16. I would guess that if you aren't in the top 32, you aren't going to win. The worst thing would be losing to IU, second worst would be losing to the bunch of cheaters at UNC that shouldn't be in the tournament.

I'm tired. I've slept 30-40 min the last two nights combined.
Good Morning D.

i was out all day yesterday doing stupid wedding preparations, and came back at night to see my father pissed as hell. why? because the ncaa f***ed us again. what the hell? how did DUKE get a better rating than us? For that matter, how did a&m get seeded higher than us? Such BS. I hope we pull a 2011 and piss off the ncaa.
- made it through the weekend with no kid. Got good and ripped both Friday and Saturday night. Think I posted about it all.

- league team won yesterday 72-59. Only had 6 guys. Should've won by more. That was our closest win. 5-2 now with an average margin of victory of about 25.

- wife says this morning she's having low cramps and she read that's the start of contractions. I don't know. I purposefully avoid knowing that stuff. I'll take her word for it. She's already put in for a sub for tomorrow and Wednesday because she just can't take begin up all day taking care of/teaching a room full of 6 year olds. She's ready to be done. Today is her last day teaching/working until August.
Good Luck, you guys. Let her relax. First baby.
Blue shades on this morning and will fill out the bracket later this morning. Not sure who I put in the final four with us. Getting ahead of myself? Of course, but can't make myself pick against this young bunch either. Anyway it shakes out this group has been fun to watch turn into a contender right in front of our eyes.

I have been on record as not liking the one and done concept, that was before I understood just how great a coach Cal is. He is a step ahead of all the other coaches in my opinion. OK, not to root the Cats Home!
Something for Speers....

All bullshitting aside, best of luck to you and yours, @JasonSpear . It's gonna be amazing, and I tear up every time I think about the experience of the first one.

Now. Real Talk. Let's discuss the mother in law situation. I am not joking one little bit when I say that she (m-i-l in general) can make the day just awful. Need to know some info.

1. Is the m-i-l alive?
2. Is she planning on being at the hospital during the main event?
3. Is she going to be in the birthing room?

Hopefully, 2 and 3 are 'no'. If not, we need to talk.

I'll await your response.
I used the ESPN thing to pick a bracket. I ended up with UK, Purdue, California, & Oregon in the final 4. Probably not the best bracket, but I've always felt like picking brackets is dumb.

My mil was awful when my daughter was born. She was awful before & after. Nothing really different. I remember that she got pissed at me because I waited 10 min to call her when my wife was rushed back for an emergency c-section.
All bullshitting aside, best of luck to you and yours, @JasonSpear . It's gonna be amazing, and I tear up every time I think about the experience of the first one.

Now. Real Talk. Let's discuss the mother in law situation. I am not joking one little bit when I say that she (m-i-l in general) can make the day just awful. Need to know some info.

1. Is the m-i-l alive?
2. Is she planning on being at the hospital during the main event?
3. Is she going to be in the birthing room?

Hopefully, 2 and 3 are 'no'. If not, we need to talk.

I'll await your response.
Jason, make sure that you are with her. It may scare the Hell out of you, but this too shall pass. It is the most important event to date for y'all in your lives coming up. Put everything aside and be with your wife. **** work.
All bullshitting aside, best of luck to you and yours, @JasonSpear . It's gonna be amazing, and I tear up every time I think about the experience of the first one.

Now. Real Talk. Let's discuss the mother in law situation. I am not joking one little bit when I say that she (m-i-l in general) can make the day just awful. Need to know some info.

1. Is the m-i-l alive?
2. Is she planning on being at the hospital during the main event?
3. Is she going to be in the birthing room?

Hopefully, 2 and 3 are 'no'. If not, we need to talk.

I'll await your response.

Roll of the dice. I had great in-laws. Wife and I have always tried to be great in-laws. Never butted in.
Jason, make sure that you are with her. It may scare the Hell out of you, but this too shall pass. It is the most important event to date for y'all in your lives coming up. Put everything aside and be with your wife. **** work.

Don. When my kids were born, dads were not allowed in the delivery room. How about you?
the MIL is cool as hell. I love her to death. Totally sweet, giving, naive as hell. So naive it's hilarious. She doesn't get dirty jokes much.

1. yes
2. yes she'll be there
3. no she won't be int he birthing room. Just me, the wife, the docs. Don't need anyone taking pictures of the event. Pics will be taken after the slime, guts, blood, gore, shit, and piss have been wiped off the baby. No I'm not gonna look. I know what it looks like. I don't need to see my wife's twat in that kind of shape.

I'm taking off. She told me that she didn't need me there the day after giving birth when she's just laying in the bed the whole time and that she'd rather me go to work and save my days off for when we bring the baby home, but I dunno. I really need to mow the yard before people start coming over haha.
You are a good kid.
the MIL is cool as hell. I love her to death. Totally sweet, giving, naive as hell. So naive it's hilarious. She doesn't get dirty jokes much.

1. yes
2. yes she'll be there
3. no she won't be int he birthing room. Just me, the wife, the docs. Don't need anyone taking pictures of the event. Pics will be taken after the slime, guts, blood, gore, shit, and piss have been wiped off the baby. No I'm not gonna look. I know what it looks like. I don't need to see my wife's twat in that kind of shape.
Your situation is almost OK. Here's what you and the wife need to do. Figure out as soon as possible how the 'meet and greet' with baby is gonna go. Bring the baby out to everyone to see? Have her mom come back first? Your mom? Both moms? Tell them all to eff off and give you a couple of hours? Just plan ahead and keep everyone satisfied. It's not about them, but it's a lot easier that way.
Good luck Jason. Good call on not looking at the twat. I accidentally caught a glimpse and it's something i wish I could unsee.

The closest thing I can compare it to is taking a slinky and stretching it out as far as it will go and then trying to get it into original shape again.
All of that stuff is part of the childbirth miracle. Nature will take care of things. It is scary.
Ravi moss just called KSR. I just want to ask him what Pflum feels like.

Here's what you could do: get everybody over to your house. The whole damn town, all nicely situated on your nice mowed lawn. Spring is in the air, and everyone is ready to see the little angel, and they can't wait. You're on top of the roof with the baby hiding behind the chimney, or some shit. The inspirational music comes on and you and the baby emerge. The crowd goes apeshit with awe. You are holding the baby high above your head and slowly walking down the roof towards the zip line. The crowd is really going wild now. You put a helmet on baby, obviously and you zoom on down the zipline, through the flaming hula hoops and land safely in a baby pool full of jello. Beers are cracked, crowd is jammin, and the local news is there to capture it all. What a scene. Maybe add some petting zoo animals and a full finger food spread.