
speakin of the turd..anybody have this for their dogs? Does it work?

A turd catcher! I reckon it is used to be "neighbor friendly" when ya walk the dog.

Can you imagine how that would work on my 85 pound german shepherd. it would have to be the size of a kroger bag!
Once one of our neighbors' dog left a big pile in our little front yard and did not pick it up. QB picked it up and moved it to his yard. It didn't happen again.
jesus...sorry about that. guy i worked with had it couple years ago...had it in his eye. had to go to eye doctor monthly for a year and a half. he's fine now.
From what I've read, it is a bad deal to get it near your eye. You can lose vision.

My outbreak is more just uncomfortable than anything. Sometimes there is a nagging pain, just enough to keep me awake at night. Honestly, stubbing my toe probably hurts more. I just yak about it on here as something to yak about.

Painful condition. From what you have learned about Shingles ......... I have had Shingles, can I get Shingles again?
You can get it again, but it is unlikely.
My neighbors put some kind of diaper on their weimaraner. He will shit in their house. Mostly because he is home all day by himself. They work late a lot and never take him for walks. The dog is getting old. Kinda sad to see. Last week my wife went over to let him out a few times (neighbors were gone). She ended up cleaning up a big mess in their living room.

Norman likes to scratch the ground with his paws after a dump. I think it's a way to leave his scent or mark an area as his. He will crap in the yard, but always goes to the back edge near the fence. He prefers to go behind a spruce tree. I shovel it up & fling it over the fence into the corn field. They better not develop that land anytime soon. I'm grandfathered in.
I love beers and cocktails, but when that gets boring sometimes ya gotta throw a beer in someone's face and dare em to say something back to ya. Spice it up a little. Circle jerks become stale and annoying after a while, at least that's what @Kooky Kats said.
I'm pretty sure that @Willy4UK has explained that this is a bukake, not a circle jerk.
Come to think of it I did know some boys that thought like I'm hearing from some of you guys. One night at Driver In we backed her in a spot to see who all was out that night. We parked next to this Ballard County farmboy and his girl, and my little buddy looked at the guy. He asked my buddy "What are you looking at?" My bud said "I'm looking at you, mother******. Let me out of this car." He punches this boy through the open window. The kid says "Back off, I'll fight you." They went to the rear of some little office and that farmboy beat the living Hell out of my little tough buddy. We had to take our little friend to the emergency room for treatment. He had picked the wrong guy to be tough with. That happened in 1961 or 1962. Don't write a check that your ass can't cash.
Don father brought up my boxing days if they could really be called that. I met the inner service heavyweight boxing champ for about seven years in a row named Dick Pettigrew. He ended up coaching the navy teams and even our Olympic team. Big ugly guy who could fight a bear with a stick and would have to give the bear the stick to make it a fair fight, .

I never trained that hard and had sea duty on top of it but he started putting me in matches when I was in port. I lost more than I won. One day we had just tied up to the pier and he was waiting on me. He had a young welterweight that he was wanting to bring along slow and thought that he was overmatched against a marine and asked me to take that fight. The marine got word that he was fighting a throw a way fighter "me" and took me for granted. I liked to fight, wasn't all that good but liked it and would throw punches. I got the decision and my head got as big as a watermellon.

The next fight I got cocky and tried to shift stances right up against him in the second round. As I was cross legged for a second he threw a punch from his hips and I could do nothing but watch it. Busted my nose, lips and skinned my elbows on the canvas. End of my boxing days. So my fighting days are over, now I prefer to BS my way through tough spots.
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Don father brought up my boxing days if they could really be called that. I met the inner service heavyweight boxing champ for about seven years in a row named Dick Pettigrew. He ended up coaching the navy teams and even our Olympic team. Big ugly guy who could fight a bear with a stick and would have to give the bear the stick to make it a fair fight, .

I never trained that hard and had sea duty on top of it but he started putting me in matches when I was in port. I lost more than I won. One day we had just tied up to the pier and he was waiting on me. He had a young welterweight that he was wanting to bring along slow and thought that he was overmatched against a marine and asked me to take that fight. The marine got word that he was fighting a throw a way fighter "me" and took me for granted. I liked to fight, wasn't all that good but liked it and would throw punches. I got the decision and my head got as big as a watermellon.

The next fight I got cocky and tried to shift stances right up against him in the second round. As I was cross legged for a second he threw a punch from his hips and I could do nothing but watch it. Busted my nose, lips and skinned my elbows on the canvas. End of my boxing days. So my fighting days are over, now I per fer to BS my way through tough spots.
Are you saying you were no Rocky?
Waiting for the story where Speers punched a defender with his left hand and broke his nose all whilst shooting a three with just his right hand…which he made of course. And then Speers farted on the dudes bleeding nose while he sat on the ground in tears.
Broken nose dude was wearing a Siva jersey...and MAY have been Siva.
I wish I could fight good because I got a lot of problems with people.

That dusk till dawn movie is so good. I have no problems with it.

Speers shoots 57% while in the act of punching someone. It's unreal.

I got a theory about these kettle chips - they're just stale chips that are refried, imo. Plus nobody knows wtf a kettle chip really is. Kettles have not existed since the settlers, imo.