
Wait a minute. ukfred is crown?[laughing] Took him a while…but i knew he would be back.

Welcome back, crown. No hard feelings from me, man. Just never did understand your meltdown due to lack of responses to your posts. Hopefully you have changed that attitude…because the number of posters here in the D has increased tenfold and the number of posts that go without a response has quadruplified-tenfold x 100. (yes, that is one hyphenated word…and its real…look it up).
Wait a minute. ukfred is crown?[laughing] Took him a while…but i knew he would be back.

Welcome back, crown. No hard feelings from me, man. Just never did understand your meltdown due to lack of responses to your posts. Hopefully you have changed that attitude…because the number of posters here in the D has increased tenfold and the number of posts that go without a response has quadruplified-tenfold x 100. (yes, that is one hyphenated word…and its real…look it up).
He knows he ****ed up. Nice of you to extend your hand.
He knows he ****ed up. Nice of you to extend your hand.

In the grand scheme of things…we're all just wildcat friends.

Well, except for ghost...who is a puke-orange loving, low down dirty snitch of a Vols fan. And maybe crown/ukfred…who may or may not be a Rick Pitino loving, closet UofL fan.

Relax. I keed…I keed.
In the grand scheme of things…we're all just wildcat friends.

Well, except for ghost...who is a puke-orange loving, low down dirty snitch of a Vols fan. And maybe crown/ukfred…who may or may not be a Rick Pitino loving, closet UofL fan.

Relax. I keed…I keed.
Yeah, I hate Tennessee. They snitches. They cheaters. I hate Tennessee more that I hate Auburn. I don't hate Auburn. I dislike Auburn. I hate Tennessee. I like Ghost.
In the grand scheme of things…we're all just wildcat friends.

Well, except for ghost...who is a puke-orange loving, low down dirty snitch of a Vols fan. And maybe crown/ukfred…who may or may not be a Rick Pitino loving, closet UofL fan.

Relax. I keed…I keed.

Pitino will always be a traitor but he will also be the coach who rebuilt us a hell of a lot faster than I thought anyone could. He goes downhill fast after that though, in my mind. I can't remember all the user names I have went by but all of them felt the need to point out things that should have been left alone. I'm not sure that I can change that.

Rate Jaime's hairplug job.
Nope, I think this is the best 1290 page thread ever. The worst 1 and 0 team ever was well over done but again it was my silly ass attempt to point out that some of our fans are not happy about anything. We win by twenty some will bitch about it not being 40. Hell I am the same way about things but when you hold a mirror up to their face they only see you poking a stick at them. Yep, I over did it.
Some posters love that line. Others hate it. I don't mind it at all.

That stuff was gold, imo.

I didn't mind crown, RIP. He did some good things and made some people upset when he faked his death, or not - I'm not really sure if he died or not, but either way, Fred is here now, and that's just the way it is.

I have to go get a burger here in a bit. Pray for me y'all.
That stuff was gold, imo.

I didn't mind crown, RIP. He did some good things and made some people upset when he faked his death, or not - I'm not really sure if he died or not, but either way, Fred is here now, and that's just the way it is.

I have to go get a burger here in a bit. Pray for me y'all.
Just keep on being you.

Flora and fauna report: 3/10/16

- today the buttercups really popped
- I smelt my first lawnmower running
- first spring rain is happening now
- birds
- squirrels
- Dolly ate 3 piles of cat dung. TMFS
- I Preened
- dogwoods are popping
- clouds now till next week

Kristen Pflum is really leaving, but they (wlex18) have a pretty blonde lady. She will probably seize the spotlight. Also, do you think Pflum will cover crime in Chicago? Sounds dangerous.
Fred, myself, I liked the worst team ever thing. It was comforting to me. Dependable. I always looked for it.

I would like for Bko to come back too. I think she rightfully got her feelings hurt. Boys, need to invite her back. And, if we are lucky, maybe she will come back. Maybe she still reads here.

I guess we all have gotten our feelings hurt here at some time or another. Really don't want to go there.

Anyway, hindsight is 20-20. Let's move forward, but with wisdom from the past. FCC.
Nope, I think this is the best 1290 page thread ever. The worst 1 and 0 team ever was well over done but again it was my silly ass attempt to point out that some of our fans are not happy about anything. We win by twenty some will bitch about it not being 40. Hell I am the same way about things but when you hold a mirror up to their face they only see you poking a stick at them. Yep, I over did it.

I loved that bit. It being "well over done" was the best part. I always chimed in on those threads. It highlighted the dumbassery that abounds on RR. You were making a joke and a ton of people actually thought you were being serious…right up till the very end of it. And then others who got the joke still got mad just because it wouldn't die. But they just couldn't look away and ignore it. I love most of the bits that drag out like that. The more you posted it…the angrier the responses got. The annoying factor just added to the punch. Kind of like the toasted anus bit here on the paddock.

Pour more gasoline on the fire…I always say.
Ghost, did you see my post that was for you back a page or so? FCC.
Just saw it. Thanks! Noah is mainstreaming in school and only has issues when his routine gets out of whack. If we do anything out of the ordinary, we have to tell/explain it to him beforehand so he knows what to expect. His teachers make a point of explaining to his classmates what his condition is. Believe it or not, the GIRLS are his fiercest protectors and watch him like hawks! The boys treat him like just another little boy, but back off quickly when he feels troubled. He has no issues with his diet, but like a typical boy, he hates veggies (but will eat them around me if I do!). The other adults in his life do the adult stuff, but with me, I turn back the clock to when I was six, and let him take the lead on what we do.
Culver's is not in the Atlanta area that I know of, but I visited a friend in Missouri a couple of years ago and found that jernt to be pretty damn good. Good food and very well run.
Great food. An outlet is located 2 1/4 miles walking distance from me here in ATX.

I got me some Culver's coupons. :sunglasses:
"Insolence" is one of my favorite words, right along with "behoove", "surly", and 'implacable'

Replace "behoove" with "plethora" and I'm right there with you, brother. Never was very fond of the word "behoove". Unless it is used in the negative with the word "ill" preceding it. In which case it at least gets technical consideration for the favorite phrases list. As in…It "ill behooves" the peasants to leave out the last "e" when addressing el presidente.
Years back I helped set up an eight hour management skills class for brand new petty officers in the US Navy. I took the transactional analysis portion of the book "I'm ok, You're ok by Thomas Anthony Harris and incorporated it into the class. The reason I did so was because I felt that knowing how you are being talked to triggers your ability to lead people.

In other words I was telling them to "Shut up and listen" before acting on things. We started out with fifteen minutes of that but the feed back was so good that it ended up being a full hour of the class. I will admit to playing around with that on here, especially when I feel that a critical parent is picking on the perpetual child. Does that make me a bad person?
Years back I helped set up an eight hour management skills class for brand new petty officers in the US Navy. I took the transactional analysis portion of the book "I'm ok, You're ok by Thomas Anthony Harris and incorporated it into the class. The reason I did so was because I felt that knowing how you are being talked to triggers your ability to lead people.

In other words I was telling them to "Shut up and listen" before acting on things. We started out with fifteen minutes of that but the feed back was so good that it ended up being a full hour of the class. I will admit to playing around with that on here, especially when I feel that a critical parent is picking on the perpetual child. Does that make me a bad person?
**** yes. Stop playing around with me. I take you seriously every time only to find out that you are playing with me. I'm not a college man like the majority of you guys. It's been this way my whole life. Take it easy on we dumblings. Over and ******* out. As you were.