
everyone pat fred on the noggin and give him a warm cup of hot chocolate with little marshmallows.


Old Fred is getting ready to drink a cold one on the beach and watch the tide come in. Four young coeds from the University of Georgia just headed that way in bikinis, I hope they don't block my view of the water! Dumb azzes did just that yesterday and caused my eyes and a few other body parts to ache.
I said it was love FCC, just getting facts straight, also, many others were going against him more poundedly (i dont think that is a word, but i like it), nothing personal. Chill my brother.

Chill I will. I will chill. Over here over there, I will chill everywhere. Next to Bill, I will chill. Chill I will.

Sometimes, most of the time, I just don't get it. Advice considered, but I didn't think I was (insert word opposite of chill). "My brother", OK, good deal, you're my brother too. I'm too old to go through all that crap again. Won't. Can't. But no pile on required even if "others" are poundedly slinging.

But Fred is a good man. Vet. Boxer (yikes). I'm sure he can defend himself. But for me, it's all about what is true and fair and right. Now, I must stop and chill. FCC.
Chill I will. I will chill. Over here over there, I will chill everywhere. Next to Bill, I will chill. Chill I will.

Sometimes, most of the time, I just don't get it. Advice considered, but I didn't think I was (insert word opposite of chill). "My brother", OK, good deal, you're my brother too. I'm too old to go through all that crap again. Won't. Can't. But no pile on required even if "others" are poundedly slinging.

But Fred is a good man. Vet. Boxer (yikes). I'm sure he can defend himself. But for me, it's all about what is true and fair and right. Now, I must stop and chill. FCC.
Calm down. You are being trolled.
Kook, I was sorta, kinda joking about hand grinding those beans, but...can it be done? I got a couple other burning questions:
  1. If I'm gonna freeze it, do I freeze the whole beans or grind them first?
  2. How long do I have to use up the whole bag before I need to freeze it?
  3. Seeing as it's El Diablo, will freezing something that hot cool it off too much?
As always, TIA.

No do not hand grind.

The reason why I keep saying burr grinder is that it methodically, slowly and consistently produces the same exact size grounds without loss of oils due to heat.

That's why blade grinders suck. They go too fast and shave the bean leaving micro cuts along side larger grounds... Gives beat flavor.

Don't freeze. Don't open till you get a grinder.

Store unopened bag in a ziplock bag in a cabinet. Before you do... Put your nose next to the micro hole on the bag and squeeze... You'll get a waft of some serious shit that will make you run to the fancy mall's WilliamsSonoma so you can get your Joe on for the weekend.

Welcome to the club.
No do not hand grind.

The reason why I keep saying burr grinder is that it methodically, slowly and consistently produces the same exact size grounds without loss of oils due to heat.

That's why blade grinders suck. They go too fast and shave the bean leaving micro cuts along side larger grounds... Gives beat flavor.

Don't freeze. Don't open till you get a grinder.

Store unopened bag in a ziplock bag in a cabinet. Before you do... Put your nose next to the micro hole on the bag and squeeze... You'll get a waft of some serious shit that will make you run to the fancy mall's WilliamsSonoma so you can get your Joe on for the weekend.

Welcome to the club.

Only grind right before you brew: pro tip.
Never. Been close many times on a basketball court, doh, including being sucker punched in the face last year by what I thought was a 16 year old but turns out he was really 19 and in the military... he was just like 5'6" 130 [laughing]. He didn't appreciate me laughing in his face, pinning him against the wall at the gym, and repeatedly saying "I'm not ****ing fighting you" as he tried to keep hitting me. Luckily his dad came and pulled him away.

Don't you dare hurt Tyler Ulis. We need him healthy for the tourney.
:D. I'm gonna get this tasty little chick to grind 'em betwixt her bazongas...


Titty-ground gourmet coffee FTMFWY.

Yet another golden business opportunity that the D-League brain trust will ultimately piss away due to an immense lack of initiative and general overall laziness.

But if i had to choose one of those crazy ideas we have dreamed up over the years to actually, legitimately persue…this one is at the top of that list. I am ready to invest now.

And the name just rolls off the tongue…so to speak...

Titty-ground Gourmet Coffee

Gold, Jerry…gold.
A change of pace for a minute or so if you will. Yesterday was the first anniversary of a Black Hawk crash that went down in Santa Rosa Sound a few miles up the beach from me. Eleven servicemen lost their lives during a training operation. They held a memorial service for them and a group of Marine Ruckers started on their 770 mile memorial march back to Camp Lejeunne, N. C. home of the Marine Corp Special Forces Command

The names of the fallen were read aloud and a Rucker stepped forward and took a flag and presented to a family member. After A lone bugler played taps the Ruckers set off on their march. The weather was gloomy the same as it was then night last year they lost their lives. They were maybe two hundred people at this ceremony. A few bars in the area drew more people, that is a message that comes across loud and clear.