
  • 55 - I like the WeatherTech floor liners. They do a good job during the winter months with all the snow and crap around here.
  • Don - my daughter was just 2 lb 7 oz when she as born. Seems like she was almost 5 lb at her due date. She was 10 weeks early.
  • I can't afford concerts or the beer at them.
  • Inspection at the start up lab this morning. Everything went well. I hope this thing takes off. The guy that I'm working for is developing some new drugs for cancer. First is one for a pediatric cancer. Next up is targeting skin cancer. Some of his work is extending the life of patients by an average of 40 months.
That's dope that you're friends with that little kid, Ghost. He probably feels so cool.

Now that I think back, if they used the same definition of autism back in the 1960's as they do now, I'd had been diagnosed as autistic. Had no problem living in my own world back then, and no problem not interacting with my siblings (or anybody else) either. All I needed was a book and I was good to go. And yeah, Noah IS a pretty cool little kid. We get each other.
Now that I think back, if they used the same definition of autism back in the 1960's as they do now, I'd had been diagnosed as autistic. Had no problem living in my own world back then, and no problem not interacting with my siblings (or anybody else) either. All I needed was a book and I was good to go. And yeah, Noah IS a pretty cool little kid. We get each other.

Ghost, did you see my post that was for you back a page or so? FCC.
Now that I think back, if they used the same definition of autism back in the 1960's as they do now, I'd had been diagnosed as autistic. Had no problem living in my own world back then, and no problem not interacting with my siblings (or anybody else) either. All I needed was a book and I was good to go. And yeah, Noah IS a pretty cool little kid. We get each other.

I can dig that. I feel the same way.

Takes me back to elementary school when they put some of friends on ADD drugs.
If Pitino would have born without a dick would he still have became a egotistical skank pounding piece of shit hat he is? If you answer yes, would that mean you think he would have became a cum swallowing pimp for his players? Or not?
If Pitino would have born without a dick would he still have became a egotistical skank pounding piece of shit hat he is? If you answer yes, would that mean you think he would have became a cum swallowing pimp for his players? Or not?
For someone who had an active account on the Louisville board for a while, you sure are salty about Pitino.
For someone who had an active account on the Louisville board for a while, you sure are salty about Pitino.

I posted there some but am not close to being a Card fan. I went through a spell of pointing out what I considered idiot remarks but never claimed to be a Card fan of any sort. My posting there was a gut reaction to what I felt was BS. My bear poking stick has been retired for years now. But my feelings about traitor Rick has been the same since he took the Cards job.
If Pitino would have born without a dick would he still have became a egotistical skank pounding piece of shit hat he is? If you answer yes, would that mean you think he would have became a cum swallowing pimp for his players? Or not?
Ahem ...


Typical response by some cat fans, you don't have to look hard to find idiotic statements on rafters at all. Most are adept at trashing their own and poking fun at other schools. Pitino brought the program back from the ashes and now most can't stand him because he coaches the Cards. The one and done take that Coach Cal uses makes the program a stage for some players and degrades the idea of a student athlete. Guess which Coach I would pick?

Reply Aug 4, 2013 at 13:46
Louisville > UL Basketball > UL Basketball (rivals)
by crownmewilma
Desperation due to the circumstances. He was never a Louiseville Fan.
I like to think of it as my pissing into the fan days. I lit off a fire storm by bumping this thread after a new one had been started after 9 or 10 pages. That was a federal offense at the time. Now the D has a energizer bunny thread, go figure. Anyway that was then and now is now. This thread has something to offer for everyone, including my reborn self.
Ahem ...


Typical response by some cat fans, you don't have to look hard to find idiotic statements on rafters at all. Most are adept at trashing their own and poking fun at other schools. Pitino brought the program back from the ashes and now most can't stand him because he coaches the Cards. The one and done take that Coach Cal uses makes the program a stage for some players and degrades the idea of a student athlete. Guess which Coach I would pick?

Reply Aug 4, 2013 at 13:46
Louisville > UL Basketball > UL Basketball (rivals)
by crownmewilma
Ahem ...


Typical response by some cat fans, you don't have to look hard to find idiotic statements on rafters at all. Most are adept at trashing their own and poking fun at other schools. Pitino brought the program back from the ashes and now most can't stand him because he coaches the Cards. The one and done take that Coach Cal uses makes the program a stage for some players and degrades the idea of a student athlete. Guess which Coach I would pick?

Reply Aug 4, 2013 at 13:46
Louisville > UL Basketball > UL Basketball (rivals)
by crownmewilma

Yep, that was poking the bear. The quote about Cal and Rick reflects some of the posts that were on Rafters at the time. That was a knock on Coach Cal at the time and the argument used by the Pitino backers. I also agree with him bringing us back from the ashes and being a traitor for taking the Card job.