
@maverick1 eBay around for the KitchenAid Proline Grinder... Great grinder. Workhorse that's great countertop bling, without huge cost.

Your $18 beans, ground at Kroger will take on shit flavors from the heathens that grind their nasty hazelnut or French vanilla bullshit.

Actually, Williams Sonoma is running a great deal on them now...$250.^m-plaid^82946565943-sku^9786471-adType^PLA

I own one. Super easy to clean (which is important). Easy to dial in different coarse grounds, plenty of spare parts out there if needed (also very important)....

And if you REALLY step up your game, there's a dude on YouTube selling billet cut aluminum brackets for mounting Mazzer SuperJolly burrs onto it, basically turning it into a $1200 grinder.

I didn't do this as I use my Kitchenaid for drip coffee and I bought a Mazzer for my espresso.

Espresso settings are super sensitive and I don't trust my wife effin with it.
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Just spent an hour discussing life with an autistic 6 yr old (rather HIS idea of life). He wants to get a job when he gets old (18) and have his Nana (my lady friend) and I live with him. His therapist is the envy of other therapists because he's one of the few autistic kids that has a non-family member be a big part of his life. I know what his parents and his Nana are going thru, so when he decides to talk to Uncle Tee (even when it's right before his bedtime), I clear my schedule and we talk. We talk about school. We talk about riding bikes. We talk about SpongeBob, the Minions, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I'm taking him to Chattanooga when he visits his other Nana in Atlanta this summer as a day trip. We're going to do the Incline Railway and visit the Chattanooga Choo Choo, sleep in one of the old Pullman Train Car guest rooms. Just a little something to give Nana and his parents a break, even tho they'll insist that they want to come too (while thanking their lucky stars I'm willing to do this!)
That's some good stuff Ghost. Sometimes I talk to my daughter at bedtime and she will just unload a bunch of thoughts. Like they've been bottled up all day or all week.
His therapist tells his parents that him talking to me like that means he really trusts me and is comfortable. I'm glad. If me giving up an hour of time means he won't end up like that sicko that killed the kids in's worth every second. I can't imagine just being holed up in a room and only communicating thru e-mailing your mom who is RIGHT THERE in the house with you.
Complete different music world than what Ghost has been sharing but a few years back I followed Loretta Lynn around for a few shows. She came out dressed like someone from Gone With The Wind. She had to sit some and had trouble remembering her words but several band members took over and sounded enough like her to make it work. My favorite lady singer is Aretha, just to clear things up.
Party on Austin!

Ghost- Thanks for the posts about your little buddy. Good thing you're a force in his life. Autistic kids needs as much socialization as possible. You only enhance his life.

Going to Naples today. Will get to see a Yankees-Red Sox spring training game. Never been to a spring training game.

Also got tickets to Slipnot/Marilyn Manson on July 2nd. $88 dollars for a ticket. :eek:. Can't believe it cost that much. WTF. $90 bucks for a concert. That shit better be Mozart up there.
Also got tickets to Slipnot/Marilyn Manson on July 2nd. $88 dollars for a ticket. :eek:. Can't believe it cost that much. WTF. $90 bucks for a concert. That shit better be Mozart up there.

Bro, for $90, they better include nice gals and beer, too.
Battling a pretty stout crud that crept up slowly. Seems like every other time I fly, I end up getting a touch of something. Must have been the mongaloid behind me who was hacking for 7 hours. Oh well...home today with basketball on.

Also, RIP Skymall? Haven't seen one in a hot minute. No more Zombie of the Moor statue. Went to a party in Savannah for St. Patty's day one time and that statue was the first thing I saw when I walked into the backyard. Laughed my ass off that anyone would buy that hilarious piece of shit.

Have a good one.
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Although it's supposed to rain today/tomorrow...I always find great relief and enjoyment when I can look at a March weather forecast and there's no mention of below freezing temperatures. Screen door is open, 60+ degrees already at 6am.

Best time of year.
Just spent an hour discussing life with an autistic 6 yr old (rather HIS idea of life). He wants to get a job when he gets old (18) and have his Nana (my lady friend) and I live with him. His therapist is the envy of other therapists because he's one of the few autistic kids that has a non-family member be a big part of his life. I know what his parents and his Nana are going thru, so when he decides to talk to Uncle Tee (even when it's right before his bedtime), I clear my schedule and we talk. We talk about school. We talk about riding bikes. We talk about SpongeBob, the Minions, and the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

I'm taking him to Chattanooga when he visits his other Nana in Atlanta this summer as a day trip. We're going to do the Incline Railway and visit the Chattanooga Choo Choo, sleep in one of the old Pullman Train Car guest rooms. Just a little something to give Nana and his parents a break, even tho they'll insist that they want to come too (while thanking their lucky stars I'm willing to do this!)

Hey Ghost. I have an eighteen yr old grandson that is autistic. He graduated HS last year. Has a part time job locally. Doing fairly well. I think my daughter is sort of catching her breath from 12 yrs of school, now trying to decide what's next. Good job Ghost. FCC.
Sometimes I get a bit paranoid and wash my hands before and after taking a piss. Sometimes I wash my dick so hard AND fast in the shower that I know it is clean and don't feel the need to wash before or after pissing. I've never wiped my dick after pissing, if you meant my ass, I come from a very poor family so I make three sheets of toilet paper work and go in a back and forth and also use a digging motion. My fingers end up doing most of the work though so that means I use more soap to clean them, so I'm not sure if I'm actually saving any money that way.

Fify Fred!
Crazy night tonite. Riffing about life with a 6 yr old, now settling a Facebook argument (yes, Bobby Caldwell IS a white guy).

One of my favorite songs! But after all these years I still cannot figure out what he did for love that he would not do...messin with my head ya know..Has to be felching, has to be..
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Hey Ghost, here's some things we found out about Levi, my autistic grandson. And just so you know, we are from the camp that believe Mercury was the culprit from immunization shots early. He didn't speak until he was about 3 or 4. We had sent some blood samples to a lab in Kansas. The chemist sent results but added he would like to talk with us. Come to find out, he had seen some things in other autistic blood samples that was common. So we met him in a seminar in Nashville.

He told us that the amino acids, gluten and casein were causing problems. Those two AAs would break down into a morphine like substance. That made some sense cause Levi, when young (a twin by the way), would be playing and take a tumble, he would never cry. He was doped up with morphine like substances and was sort of pain free. So we cut out all wheat (gluten) and milk (casein) products and sure enough he went through withdrawals. It was bad. But after about a week, his vocabulary increased x 10. We were elated.

But still, something wasn't right with his chemistry. We never solved that. He does fairly well, very smart, but still not "normal". My wife's Uncle does the routing of autistic students at the University of Louisville. I've tried to get my daughter to contact him, but again, I think she is just catching her breath from 12 years of mainstreaming him. All his teachers and fellow students have been wonderful. As a matter of fact, last year when he graduated from McCracken County High School, he got the standing ovation. Pretty cool. And not surprisingly, when folks tell my daughter they are so sorry about his condition, she tells them that she wouldn't have it any other way. Of course, she would have him to be "normal", but at the same time he is one special young man that is very unique in our hearts.

Thought you might want to know that and perhaps pass it along. FCC.
  • Good morning, posters, rapscallions and Wildcat fans.
  • 64°F and cloudy in Johns Creek. IFR for me. Happy that Spring is close.
  • 1st mug of Keurig going.
  • Caught a little of Tom Leach.
  • Mack Jones Show going.
  • Wish I was in Nashville having pre-game fun.
  • Tennessee looked good last night. I know it was Auburn,
  • Will Rick Pitino resign? I say no.
  • Ghost Vol is a good American.
  • Have a good Thursday.
  • Get well wishes to Jed.
  • Over.