
Please submit all questions in writing. Note: We regret that we cannot answer each question. However, management will make every effort to respond to those which we deem most worthy/interesting. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

Which astronauts boned in space? If an astronaut jerked off, did it nudge the spacecraft a little in the opposite direction?
Good. Tell Matt I said "sup".

Space Questions

- Space AIDS. What's up with that?
- Dogs in space. Do they like it?
- Space Internet. What's that like?
- Space Masturbation. Good? Gooder?

TIA, Mav.
Pooping: tube is ass?
Balls: floating everywhere in space, do they hang lower upon return?
Tang: named after pussy or nah?
Yep. My wishes are to put my ashes on a tin can heading to Spain and dump them off the ass end of it off Barcelona or some towns I can't spell. That way I have a chance to wash up near a bar or brothel that I was familiar with. Nice ending to my way of thinking.

I always wanted to be shot out of a 16 inch battleship gun when my time came. I'll have to settle for burial at sea. Also told my grand nephews that once I get to the point where a nursing home is in my future, ship me to Alaska. Once I shoot myself so full of morphine to the point I can't even feel my eyeballs...I'd like to die by Kodiak bear. I'd like to think I'd get one right cross in before Mr Bear feasts on my carcass! That way they can tell THEIR grandkids that their Great-Grand Uncle Tee died fighting a bear.
Speaking of Tang, the liquid Tang water flavor-er is pretty danged awesome -- plus you get to say, "Hey honey, can I have some Tang?"

It's truly weird the crap you remembered as a kid. Evidently the video is lost, but I found the audio of an old Tang commercial that is PROOF that Tang has sexual connotations. 'Tang, Tang, bang, bang'.

This sure would hit the spot...
scrambled egg..check
piece of bacon....check
Hot coffee...check

Now good to go for a rainy day.
shut furnace down and opened a few windows
will watch some tourney games today
ever do any slot car racing or build model rockets that launch outta sight, only to walk forever when they parachute down? Kids now a days can't pull themselves away from video games or cell phones long enough to realize there is a world out there. Seen an old guy yesterday at Cracker Barrel that brought his two grand kids to eat. (heard them call him grandpa) After the kids ordered they kept their faces buried in the phone the whole time. The old man looked lost like what can I do..It's sad that our world has turned to this..

Be safe today!
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Off the diet, started gaining weight. Lost 25 lbs, put back on 10. Need to go back. I think I will just always be in this cycle of trying not to gain weight. Havent been to gym in a week and half, and starting to notice. Wife works late, sick kids, family functions, literally, cannot find time. I just need to get up early and go.

-Not much to report, pretty bland few weeks, just grinding it out, work, family, kids, house work, etc. Im ok with this, but doesnt leave much time for reflection.

-Pat Adams is a joke. Dude needs to be suspended. Refs shouldnt control the outcome like that. Dude is dirty.

-Still not 100% sold on Skal. I get he had a coming out party against UF, but need to see a few more games. I think we have a good shot at a FF this year, its just we have been really unlucky. KenPom actually has us at 300+ of unluckiest teams.

-Ulis has been phenomenal. Is there any chance he stays? I see projected mid/late second round, and next years draft is loaded, so maybe this is the right time, but maybe he stays 4 years? I know I am dreaming, but can he improve his draft stock anymore than he has this year?
63 already. Overcast.

Dental appointment for cleaning at 11. Been 18 years since my last filling, so I have crossed fingers.

Hope all of you have a good day. It is bad that we only have one game tonight. Dang Missouri.

Smoking in space would be horrible. As a non-pot head if someone smoked in my living area I would get my 44 mag out and blow them away for stinking up the place. Plus the 44 would exit the pot smoker and punch a hole in the space ship and we would lose all of our air to the vacuum of space which would instantly boil everyone blood................................

That is the way it is March 9..............................
  • Good morning, gentlemen and rapscallions.
  • 63°F and cloudy in Johns Creek. IFR probably.
  • Another wreck. Not much damage. The Hit and Run part pisses me off. Any suggesting for a dash cam?
  • SECT tonight. I wish my circumstances would allow me to hang out in Nashville all week. I'm too old probably though.
  • Tom Leach Show going.
  • 2nd mug of Keurig Dark Magic coming.
  • 1st time in a long time that all of the Cats are healthy.
  • Oatmeal and strawberries coming.
  • Some crazy bastard burned my 1st cousin's chicken houses. He lost 2 tractors and 400 rolls of hay. $65K in losses. Only $27K was insured. The guy is out of jail. He should disappear.
  • Have a nice hump day if this is yours.
  • Over.
  • My left arm & shoulder feel like raw nerves. Sometimes I have a shooting pain in the chest. I got some Tylenol w/codeine to help me sleep. It works well. Hard to wake up.
  • Been gaining weight since October.
  • My mom wanted to take our daughter for spring break. So she is driving up here on Friday. My daughter doesn't want to leave until Monday. Looks like I will have company for the weekend. It will probably screw up watching the games & selection Sunday. The house is dirty, laundry needs to be done, we need groceries. I 'm not 100%. Not really a good time for company.
  • Mom's in a dither about getting here. Wife's in a dither about mom being here. I may just stay wasted on pain pills. I should probably smoke weed.
  • Ulis has to leave. Especially if we do well in the NCAAT. I can't imagine him showing much more than he already has.
  • Lee - I don't know. I think he is second round this year or next year.
On my way to work today I was in the fast lane on 400 South driving the lane speed for that moment when a blue car in lane 3 changed to lane 2 and kissed that car and that car kissed my right front bumper and fender. Not a great deal of damage, but both cars left the scene of the accident. I called 911 abd stayed there until the Sandy Springs Police came to take a report, Very dangerous on 400. Lots of idiot drivers. I getting a dash cam tomorrow. ****!

Dang! Sorry Don.

My wife and I have both been the victims of hit and runs in Atlanta - guy that hit my wife got caught though. Stupid bastard.
And Jason, you are about to fall into a love that you have never known. It is a wonderful thing. Let us know about the first times that you hold her, feed her and bathe her. There is nothing even close to the tender feelings that you will have. Da da may be her first word. You are a lucky guy.