
I love kids. Was at a satellite clinic today. There was a kid there that was about 6 or 7. I think he wants to be a method actor when he grows up. Had one of those cat's nose masks on. When he saw me, he tried to do a roar (but sounded more like a meow), then walked up to me and sniffed my hand like he was tracking prey. He was just adorable, so I played along. His dad just looked a me without saying a word, but I read his mind..."Kids. What can ya say?"
I love kids. Was at a satellite clinic today. There was a kid there that was about 6 or 7. I think he wants to be a method actor when he grows up. Had one of those cat's nose masks on. When he saw me, he tried to do a roar (but sounded more like a meow), then walked up to me and sniffed my hand like he was tracking prey. He was just adorable, so I played along. His dad just looked a me without saying a word, but I read his mind..."Kids. What can ya say?"
You are a good American.
In the 1970s, baseball players were tangible people. It all changed in the 80's when free agency took over.

I was not rich. Just lived in a town with good schools, white folks, and 20-minute car ride to the Bronx.
No, KK, the guys that you mentioned were making plenty. $1,000,000 in those years was plenty. You must have been a rich kid to live where they lived. Your folk probably kept such things from you.
Don, I truly think that is the ONE reason that there hasn't been a lightning bolt with my name on it sent down from the heavens. Somebody up there still thinks I'm redeemable (even after yesterday with the upskirt peek)!
They say the Lord works in mysterious ways. Maybe that is his way of getting you in his house.
Curt Flood was the man that changed baseball and he paid a price. He bought a bar in Palma de Marco or however you spell it. I spent Christmas and New Years of 75 in that port and drank a lot of beer and played a lot of chess there. Never got to meet him though because he was busy dodging tax folk, I think. Free agency changed the game I grew up loving.
Did you grow up here?

It's not heaven, it's New Jersey.

"This one is golden and maybe fool proof. But mysterious I don't think so. Just doing what it takes to gather the flock." ukfred

I've been in and out of the house pretty much all of my life. Thing is, I know better and can do better if I WANT to. Until the spirit can overcome the flesh, I'm gonna be me. But when that glorious day comes when I finally do what the good Lord expects me to do...there ain't a sin in all of Creation that I won't be personally familiar with and can advise the sinner how to overcome it!
Ghost our flesh has to be well done before we can teach the word holds true in more than one preacher I have ran across.

This is truth. Of course, I believe that my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ, but from a historical and personal standpoint, my favorite person in the Bible is King David. Because there is a whole LOT of me in him, and he did some things that exceed even MY idea of 'What can I possibly get away with?' And in the end, he was redeemed. So there IS hope for me after all.
This is truth. Of course, I believe that my Lord and Savior is Jesus Christ, but from a historical and personal standpoint, my favorite person in the Bible is King David. Because there is a whole LOT of me in him, and he did some things that exceed even MY idea of 'What can I possibly get away with?' And in the end, he was redeemed. So there IS hope for me after all.

David, ah David. Spoken of as a man after God's own heart. FCC.
My life reminds me of the saying if I would have known I was going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself. Never thought that at 63 I would be raising kids. Didn't see that one coming. You younger guys, prepare plan b and c and....Well you get the point. Lower back....gone. Too many double plays, hay hauling and cutting tobacco, planting beans, corn. FCC.