
Why does the two seed play 6 hours after the one seed? Especially with the next game, assuming both win, being at noon and three (roughly)? Then the finals being at noon...Or can i not read...i think thats right. This is a serious disadvantage for the two that shouldn't be built-in to the system...and i want aTm on a neutral court again. I can handle losing a three hour advantage to the higher seed, but losing six hours then three in the course of three days seems wrong to me.
You're not wrong.
I'll never understand a ****in liquor costing that much. There's zero chance it's actually THAT MUCH BETTER than some $20-40 bottle of other shit. Same with people that spend $100+ on a damn bottle of wine.

I'll never understand some people. Guess it's just a wang swinging contest to tell people you own a bottle.
The 23 was worth the $150 or whatever I paid, and I think some liquor is worth it, especially a really nice bottle of wine, but you also have to have the palate for it.

I used to be a wine/bourbon/scotch snob (still a scotch snob and will pay good money for a good scotch), but not so much anymore.
<--- will keep my simpleton palate and enjoy my $20 liquor/wine. I've had the expensive shit (given to me) an was left dumbfounded why anyone would pay that much. The alcohol content was no different. It didn't get me more drunk. But it DID come with a super fancy case and pretty labeling [banana]
For scotches, the taste is huge depending on region and distilling process (aging, barrelling, etc.) Same thing with bourbon, the higher the age, usually the better and hence more expensive. For scotch, single barrel vs blend, age, region all play into it, plus availability obviously affects pricing. The reason the 23 year old Pappy is so high, is the demand. But it does have a smoother taste, more caramel, more hinted tones, spice levels. Its about levels to discern those flavor palates. Not everyone can, nor has an interest.

Years ago, I could drink a red cab, and tell you what part of the world it came from. But my "nose" has gone back to drinking $7-$12 bottles, so I cant tell the differences anymore, but can still tell the difference between a zen and a merlot or cab.

I would disagree on the types of "drunk." Better liquor usually tastes better, gives a better "drunk" and less likely to have a hangover. But I drink both. Nothing wrong with being a man of tastes Speers.
thanks for the invite...and i missed being invited earlier LEK...wouldnt have known about this other than the NSA box said i had been tagged.

Ill follow along here for awhile...see if i can offer anything.

Going back to the old political board, that was full of piss and vinegar but damn it had a daily get in the floor and laugh post, always. Miss that crew.

Welcome to the asylum Eggman

Down 42 pds post op...hear this mf'ers, I can now see me one eye monster again!
And here is one for Brother Willy.......

Good lord. Asians are freaking crazy. I'm guessing Japanese or Korean.

some friends and i have come to the conclusion that every time you see a weird porn connection between two cultures, you can count on them becoming some sort of political problem. honestly, what connects the germans and the japanese more strongly than straight up weirdo shit in the porn world? Nothing. Thats what. Germans hated everyone...but somehow got along with the isle of nippon just fine. Natural friends? Nope. Similar culture? nope. Weird porn fetishes? You got it.
I know you guys are curious, so I'll tell ya:

I'm 7 for my last 9 shooting the deep ball in league play. Only playing half the minutes each game so other guys can get some run since we've been jumping out to an early 20-30 point lead on teams in the first half.

- should have an easy day at work. Already one cancellation. Bunch of patients that are easy to work with.
- counting the days. She could go into labor any time but I'm praying she goes until the induction date of the 17th so she can get paid for spring break.
- I think every day what it's gonna be like when the Dr pulls that kid out and hands her to me. Get a little emotional thinking about it, but at the same time I have NO IDEA what to expect. It's weird going into something so blind having no idea what to think.
- Only one weekend left as a man without the responsibility of a child. May be a wild time this coming weekend.
Good luck to you guys with the imminent birth of your daughter this week. Praying for y'all.
The attention down here is on the Spring Breakers but a local guy was doing high seed doughnuts in a gas station parking lot with a Ft Walton Beach Policeman sitting in a squad car on the same lot. Short chase and pull over, vehicle search turned up empty but a bag of what is believed to be marijuana was found in his pocket. Then over in Destin where the police have sworn to crack down on the spring breakers a 71 year old man had the law called on him at Motel 6 by his wife who claimed he hit her three times because she wouldn't have sex with him.

As you can see the law is being kept very busy chasing after the college kids who are the targeted trouble makers. They have to make room in their schedule to deal with the 60 year old local who stopped his car in front of the High School at eight in the morning and stripped naked and started walking down the street because Jesus told him to. They should run all the college kids out of town so they can deal with normal ever day things from the locals!
Wow, fred and lordegg. Been a reader of y'alls stuff for a while. Welcome and thanks for being here. Had a guy tell me one time he didn't sing by reading notes but by letter. I asked him what he meant. He said somebody play something and I'll let 'er fly. So not that you needed me to say it, but let 'er fly. FCC.
Fred is crownwhilma
Pappy is hard to get in Atlanta, so the prices are absurd. ($400.00 for a bottle of 20yr). Still, there is basically a lottery here at every liquor store that gets it. I don't drink as much any more so I usually just keep Woodford or Knob Creek in stock with occasional forays into other stuff. Weller sounds very interesting.

Summer is around the corner so I will most likely be drinking more beer and tequila. I like to drink margaritas or Corona with lime while I'm grilling.
Was in a Persian restaurant last week in Atlanta...and they had Pappy 10, 20 and I think even the 23 in stock. Asked about prices, she started at $40+ per drink for the 10 year old and I didn't even let her get to any others.

Nope. Even on someone else's nickel it's not worth it. Fantastic food but a little odd to find Pappy in a Persian restaurant.

Imperial Fez? They just know there is a lot of demand in Atlanta for Pappy.

Not uncommon for shots of 20yr to be $30.00 up in here.
Against better judgment and desperate for actual results, I've been hoping that Skal has just been massively trolling the crap out of everyone all season and was planning to emerge in the tournament with a huge goofy 'lol just kidding' performance that puts us over the top. Going out there and acting like he's going to slap Buddy Hield or someone in the dingaling but being like 'haha no we're cool' while posterizing him.

Saturday made me wonder a little bit. Can he keep up not playing like a crippled pigeon? We'll see.