
Want to catch a beer? Get KS to come?
Sure. Looking at 18-20 April. Dates not yet confirmed. I have a previous engagement prior.

I'm hitting renting a car on April 15 after arriving by bus from Nashville. Visiting family until April 17. Driving out to the Bowling Green and Louisville areas on April 17. Perhaps April 19? Again, the situation is very fluid at this stage.

I want to visit Donfather on April 25 before flying back to ATX.
While playing sandlot football in 1954 with some kids and their father, a
WWII fighter pilot who was shotdown, and lived through the ordeal. He was wounded (shot about 4 times) under his ribcage by ,50 cal fire. It was the damnedest thing to see.
Don, I remember interacting with many of those vets. You could tell they were all touched. They went through hell, and there were no support systems in place like today. I witnessed similar interactions from German Wehrmacht and SS vets back in the 80s. I will forever kick myself in the ass for my own lack of critical thinking back then. We all lost so much because we failed to ask them.
Just to clear things up, I don't mean to cause trouble but people on here acting like fags make me think less of this form. That is just my opinion, nothing else. Attacking people and filth just isn't my bag of tea. But some are right, it is none of my business. No biggie folks. Most of the time it s fun to read this form, here recently not so much in my mind.
Fred, all is good. No need for apologies. We just have an ongoing feud which I hope gets resolved soon.
Don, I remember interacting with many of those vets. You could tell they were all touched. They went through hell, and there were no support systems in place like today. I witnessed similar interactions from German Wehrmacht and SS vets back in the 80s. I will forever kick myself in the ass for my own lack of critical thinking back then. We all lost so much because we failed to ask them.
I have been friends with a guy who served in the Hitler youth and was called up to the front at the end of the war. He surrendered to the US troops instead of the Russians and he was grateful. Another guy in our group had been in the Italian army and captured and sent to a prison camp in Nebraska. His big gripe about his prison camp was the fact that he didn't get enough wine. Today one of my friends is a 97 year old navy vet who had the gun tub below him blown up by a jap plane. Being able to know them is a gift I my mind.
Fred's piss wagon does make house calls. Sometimes airing things out help, sometimes it has to get worse to get better. I have followed the D since day one, this sort of thing just doesn't live up to what it has been through the years. But, what the hell, it is what it is.
This place is gonna be like an R. Kelly video. Golden showers everywhere.
Ha ha ha .

That would be awesome. We should do it. A once a year pee fest. I've got scientific proof that peeing on the skin is anti aging.
Pissing in stereo. Gotta love it.
--LEK it's much better when tommy is on ignore.
Agree. I occasionally hit show ignored. I have a few. It's just my vice. He's soooo easy. It's hilarious that he has no education and tries to argue science, or says people are idiots. He's so oblivious yet has such zeal, it's like watching a monkey in a tutu ride a bike or play pretend house, but scummy because he cheated on his ex wife.
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This isn't Google. and it is not pretend Gyero either. Take your fighting elsewhere. That's what I think.
Don, we were good in this thread for years. It was only when Tommy's inclusion 6 months ago, did it start.

I know he's revisionist history will claim he was posting in this thread daily for 6 years, but not true.

Him and I haven't gotten a long for years. He stalks me in other threads and I'm tired of the jabs calling me an idiot in this thread. I don't care about other threads, just this one. He's a dumbass scumbag.

Now, we were good until he started poking me and started posting in this thread. You all are the ones who let him in when he asked/begged to be in here. I have been calm in this thread for years. This is the place I post, hell, I was the one who started this iteration.

So I want peace too, but I think you need to look at Tommy here, and not just me. You keep commenting on my posts that bash Tommy, but never his. I get what side you are on, but you can't say we need to calm down when you back the guy whose been instigating. As I said thread was cool until he arrived. You take a time table of his arrival and it correlates with the drama. I been posting here 6 years, almost daily, helped keep this thing a float. I'm not leaving because some scumbag decides to start posting and causing trouble.
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Sure. Looking at 18-20 April. Dates not yet confirmed. I have a previous engagement prior.

I'm hitting renting a car on April 15 after arriving by bus from Nashville. Visiting family until April 17. Driving out to the Bowling Green and Louisville areas on April 17. Perhaps April 19? Again, the situation is very fluid at this stage.

I want to visit Donfather on April 25 before flying back to ATX.
@Kaizer Sosay you in on this?

It's my junk email, so hit me up.