
Well, Don was also gone for 6 months at a time. KS, Mav, Funk, me, Ghost, Austin, Hero, FCC?, Mash and a few others kept it going for years. Only in last six-eight months did it really expand to what it is.

There would be months where it was just 4 or 5 of us posting.

Willy, ukgrad, kooky, Speers, 55, all came on board too. We've also had a bunch come and go.
You are awesome! We all owe you.
  • Good mornin, guys.
  • Beautiful day going in Johns Creek. 45°F. Calm. No clouds. VFR.
  • Gameday! We have to win this game.
  • Slept pretty well. Hope you did.
  • Little sentry in my lap covered up trying to stay warm. Don't like Winter. I'd rather be trying to stay cool.
  • Lots of dirty talk from last night. Juvenile. Back off, guys.
  • How's that condition, 93?
  • Over.
Austin - keep your head on a swivel at work. Know their avenues of approach and plan your escape routes. Keep a few items on your desk that you can throw at them. It could buy you a second or two of distraction so you can escape when those guys go Allah Acbar.
I hear ya. Considering the San Bernadino incident last December, plus countless others over the years, ya just never know.

Problem is my workplace is very confined by design. There are three buildings in our complex; two with 6 floors and one with three floors. A tunnel and courtyard connect the three-story building with the "Twin towers" or both six-story structures. I work in the three-story building, but commonly walk to the twin towers. Climbing stairs is great exercise.

Two persons with malicious intent could easily contain building occupants, especially my building, and wreak havoc. Shit just creeps me out when I hear "God" spoken in Arabic by armed mofos.
I hear ya. Considering the San Bernadino incident last December, plus countless others over the years, ya just never know.

Problem is my workplace is very confined by design. There are three buildings in our complex; two with 6 floors and one with three floors. A tunnel and courtyard connect the three-story building with the "Twin towers" or both six-story structures. I work in the three-story building, but commonly walk to the twin towers. Climbing stairs is great exercise.

Two persons with malicious intent could easily contain building occupants, especially my building, and wreak havoc. Shit just creeps me out when I hear "God" spoken in Arabic by armed mofos.
The NSA is probably evaluating this post as we speak. Welcome to a watch list.
-Back from "gay as shit" France. Baby and wife out and about so hello, D.

-Mission accomplished across the pond and had a good time seeing old friends and old familiar places. My French sucks now BIG TIME.

Spent an unexpected night in Amsterdam. Shew. :flushed:

-Can Marshall Plumlee even do a TURD (terribly unnecessary reverse dunk) like his other 602 brothers?

-Need to catch up on the thread but expecting to see: Don had Dark Magic going and went downtown, Jason farted and got wasted, LEK and Tommy hated each other at some point, Willy/Mav/Mash/Funky were hilarious, and lots of good salutations from the rest of the group.

-Not a good feeling about today's game. Maybe the jet lag. Still think Cats pull it out but by something like 4-5.
-Back from "gay as shit" France. Baby and wife out and about so hello, D.

-Mission accomplished across the pond and had a good time seeing old friends and old familiar places. My French sucks now BIG TIME.

Spent an unexpected night in Amsterdam. Shew. :flushed:

-Can Marshall Plumlee even do a TURD (terribly unnecessary reverse dunk) like his other 602 brothers?

-Need to catch up on the thread but expecting to see: Don had Dark Magic going and went downtown, Jason farted and got wasted, LEK and Tommy hated each other at some point, Willy/Mav/Mash/Funky were hilarious, and lots of good salutations from the rest of the group.

-Not a good feeling about today's game. Maybe the jet lag. Still think Cats pull it out but by something like 4-5.
Hey LEK how's your little boy healing up from his accident? FCC.
Man, thanks for asking. So far so good. Still monitoring and walking with a limp, but X-rays looked good.

-Don, we've been fighting for years. Ain't gonna stop now.

-In a hateful mood today. Went to grocery, walking through lot, dude didn't stop, almost hit us. As I'm putting the kids in the car, he parks in front. I close the doors, and call him a dumbass creep for almost hitting us. No apologies from either of us. I shouldn't have said anything with kids there. I carry a .38 in the glove compartment, but don't want that. Old enough to know better. Just glad kids didn't hear.
Morning Round Up:

Willy - Usual morning ritual except outside this time.
Kooky - Either Hmmm or could be Hummer.
Mash - Dreaming of sprinkles.
Bert - Wants all the marbles.
ATC - Crosby Stills Nash and Young.
allabout -"I need some answers".
Ymmot - Thinking about a rogaine commercial.
Jed - Putting on his maid costume.
93 - Would someone please scratch my back!
LEK - Shall we review.
Triangle - Shocked I tell you. Shocked.
d2a - Something about a dude or dudette or both.
FCC - Checking in.
Don - Made coffee for his bodyguard.
KS - Quiz show host.
Last edited:
Morning Round Up:

Willy - Usual morning ritual except outside this time.
Kooky - Either Hmmm or could be Hummer.
Mash - Dreaming of sprinkles.
Bert - Wants all the marbles.
ATC - Crosby Stills Nash and Young.
allabout - I need some answers.
Ymmot - Thinking about a rogaine commercial.
Jed - Putting on his maid costume.
93 - Would someone please scratch my back!
LEK - Shall we review.
Triangle - Shocked I tell you. Shocked.
d2a - Something about a dude or dudette or both.
FCC - Checking in.
Don - Made coffee for his bodyguard.
KS - Quiz show host.
Morning Round Up:

Willy - Usual morning ritual except outside this time.
Kooky - Either Hmmm or could be Hummer.
Mash - Dreaming of sprinkles.
Bert - Wants all the marbles.
ATC - Crosby Stills Nash and Young.
allabout - I need some answers.
Ymmot - Thinking about a rogaine commercial.
Jed - Putting on his maid costume.
93 - Would someone please scratch my back!
LEK - Shall we review.
Triangle - Shocked I tell you. Shocked.
d2a - Something about a dude or dudette or both.
FCC - Checking in.
Don - Made coffee for his bodyguard.
KS - Quiz show host.

ask away, catfaninsc.
Speaking of creeps the jehovah witnesses are out in full force trying to get people to come celebrate the resurrection of Christ since in their beliefs it's the only thing you can celebrate all year that includes Christmas, anniversarys, and birthdays. Like the Amish if you speak out against an elder not only does the church shun you, but your family as well. I don't plan on attending their celebration anytime soon.

They beat on my door a few days ago, so this time I ask em in. They just sat there, never said a word so I ask what they had to say. They said they didn't know what to say, they never gotten that far before...friggin J W's
Speaking of creeps the jehovah witnesses are out in full force trying to get people to come celebrate the resurrection of Christ since in their beliefs it's the only thing you can celebrate all year that includes Christmas, anniversarys, and birthdays. Like the Amish if you speak out against an elder not only does the church shun you, but your family as well. I don't plan on attending their celebration anytime soon.

I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses and most of what you wrote is pretty misleading or outright false - it's cool though I'm used to nonsense like this - especially on the internet. And I'm looking forward to celebrating my 20th wedding anniversary this year!

As far as the Memorial is concerned - yeah we celebrate it: "keep doing this in remembrance of me". And yeah, we invite everyone. It will be observed by 25 million people earth-wide this year and the majority attending will be people who are not JW.

I'm really, really sorry if any of this hurts your feelings.