
Ha! The apartment complex I live has a set of stairs. Yesterday morning I walk down to my car and lo and behold, some girl's red panties were sitting on the step. Of course I kinda moved them with my feet because I had to touch them. But ya'll know, I really wanted to pick them up and sniff them. Should I do it?
Ha! The apartment complex I live has a set of stairs. Yesterday morning I walk down to my car and lo and behold, some girl's red panties were sitting on the step. Of course I kinda moved them with my feet because I had to touch them. But ya'll know, I really wanted to pick them up and sniff them. Should I do it?
It's a trap
I know what you mean. I used to have an idiot follow me around and say that I cheated on my wife. He would just show up in random threads and mention it. Dumbass did it for several years and has recently done it as well. What are you going to do?:popcorn:
Ha! The apartment complex I live has a set of stairs. Yesterday morning I walk down to my car and lo and behold, some girl's red panties were sitting on the step. Of course I kinda moved them with my feet because I had to touch them. But ya'll know, I really wanted to pick them up and sniff them. Should I do it?
Make tea.
Ha! The apartment complex I live has a set of stairs. Yesterday morning I walk down to my car and lo and behold, some girl's red panties were sitting on the step. Of course I kinda moved them with my feet because I had to touch them. But ya'll know, I really wanted to pick them up and sniff them. Should I do it?
Damn it, go for it, bro!
Today should be a damn holiday. Thanks Obama.

That's what I'm talking 'bout. Should be laundry free day. Just wrapping up 7th load. It's a thankless job. At least here in South Future City.

My 8th grader, who started about half the bb games this year, has told me he wasn't going out for bb next year. Of course, he might change his mind. But I'm wondering if he is trying to avoid stiffer competition next year. Two other county schools will be involved. Certainly not going to tell him he has to play. I did tell him though, that I thought he hasn't played his best ball yet. What do you think Mash? FCC.
For Mav..



F.C.C, That's when I quit ball. In my day you didn't really play multiple sports. I mean, you could if you really wanted to, but it was frowned upon, and coaches would even get to sabotage kid's minds I get them to play their sport. It was pretty F'd up, tbh, but as a kid, you don't know that. You just know that sports is a super serious big deal, and you needed to pick one and play it 365 days a year.

But I wasn't the basketball type. I was a team player, and all that, could shoot like a mofo, but man, those guys were just mean. I didn't enjoy hanging with them. Preferred the baseball guys who joked all the time, chewed backer, and were generally just way better at wasting time. There's not much time to waste in basketball. It's all go!go!go! Now!!!!

So that's why I chose to play baseball, but I was dumb kid who didn't know much. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't spend much time in HS doing anything I wasn't going to do the rest of my life - instruments and golf are something I wished I picked up at a young age.

And also the "specialize in 1 sport" is dumb as shit. I think that line of thinking no longer exists.
My 8th grader, who started about half the bb games this year, has told me he wasn't going out for bb next year. Of course, he might change his mind. But I'm wondering if he is trying to avoid stiffer competition next year. Two other county schools will be involved. Certainly not going to tell him he has to play. I did tell him though, that I thought he hasn't played his best ball yet. What do you think Mash? FCC.

I wouldn't push him too hard. Maybe just needs a break. Could be the beginning stages of competitive "burn out". Happens a lot at that age. Does he play any other sports? Usually good at that age to play several different sports…for both his physical and mental development. Any doctor will tell you the same thing.

Even if he drops basketball…so what? But let him make the decision. Nothing good will come from you forcing him to play or even from over-encouraging him to play. Probably push him further away from wanting to play. Tell him you support him either way. And back that statement up.

But if he does stop playing…just make sure he stays physically fit doing something and that he gets involved in some other activity to fill that void. Not the end of the world if he stops playing basketball.
Right under the friggin' cap. Any chance I could teach myself to do kinesiotaping, if I get the right tape --kinda like a see one, do one, teach one type type thing?
I had the same diagnosis a few years ago. The knee cap didn't track correctly and the knee was swollen (stayed that way for a few months). I did some physical therapy, switched from running to swimming, and wore a brace that pulled the knee cap back into place. I taped it for a week or so before getting the brace. Taping was nothing fancy, just pulled the knee cap into alignment.

Seems like I was told that the lateral part of my hips need to be stronger.

But my problem now is my left tricep/scapula has a shooting/stabbing pain. I noticed it Saturday night. I don't think it is heart related. Maybe a pinched nerve or something stupid.
F.C.C, That's when I quit ball. In my day you didn't really play multiple sports. I mean, you could if you really wanted to, but it was frowned upon, and coaches would even get to sabotage kid's minds I get them to play their sport. It was pretty F'd up, tbh, but as a kid, you don't know that. You just know that sports is a super serious big deal, and you needed to pick one and play it 365 days a year.

But I wasn't the basketball type. I was a team player, and all that, could shoot like a mofo, but man, those guys were just mean. I didn't enjoy hanging with them. Preferred the baseball guys who joked all the time, chewed backer, and were generally just way better at wasting time. There's not much time to waste in basketball. It's all go!go!go! Now!!!!

So that's why I chose to play baseball, but I was dumb kid who didn't know much. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't spend much time in HS doing anything I wasn't going to do the rest of my life - instruments and golf are something I wished I picked up at a young age.

And also the "specialize in 1 sport" is dumb as shit. I think that line of thinking no longer exists.

Definitely would like him to spend time in HS doing what he is going to do the rest of his life. Studies, serious about his studies. I had rather he do that than "wasting" time as a jock. FCC.
I wouldn't push him too hard. Maybe just needs a break. Could be the beginning stages of competitive "burn out". Happens a lot at that age. Does he play any other sports? Usually good at that age to play several different sports…for both his physical and mental development. Any doctor will tell you the same thing.

Even if he drops basketball…so what? But let him make the decision. Nothing good will come from you forcing him to play or even from over-encouraging him to play. Probably push him further away from wanting to play. Tell him you support him either way. And back that statement up.

But if he does stop playing…just make sure he stays physically fit doing something and that he gets involved in some other activity to fill that void. Not the end of the world if he stops playing basketball.

He played baseball a couple of years ago, and was good at it. But stopped to give more time to basketball. He tried football one year in the sixth grade but didn't like it too much. Yes, I will support him either way. And good advice to stay fit. Could be competitive burn out. Could be. I've considered that. Played church league basketball for 5 or 6 years and middle school for the last 2. So if he wants to stop, it's OK. Actually would like to see him concentrate on grades and career. Thanks KS. FCC.
-Post some hot legs now or GTFO.

-Prior to post deletions in the Kid/Coffee thread, pretty sure awf somehow thought Funky's avatar was actually his real life family [jumpingsmile]
I just read the coffee kid thread. I wish I had seen it before deleted posts. It seems to jump from giving coffee to kids to suddenly talking about some breeder with 10 kids living in a big house.
Strange things are afoot in the D. Not sure why for the double post.
I did just have deja vu in another sense though. About two hours ago I am leaving a meeting...I am in the hall way waiting on the elevator. Some lady is talking loud on her phone and chirping about "due diligence". She must have said that term 4 times in 30 seconds.

Big pet peeve of mine. I used to work for a company back when "due diligence" was their major buzz phrase for about two full years. It was in every memo, e-mail, letter, conversation, etc... ad nauseum.

Blahhhhhhhhh Blahhhhhhhhh Blahhhhhhhhh