

I always enjoyed cutting beer and egg farts in my old Chevy pickup during winter months with 2 passengers aboard.

My FIL and I carpooled to work for many years. One of my favorite memory's, we were leaving to head home and it was freezing ass cold and yea I dropped the stealth (silent but deadly) that had been gut brewing most of the night. Almost immediately my FIL dropped the window on that cold ass morn hanging his head out calling me every kinda rotten SOB ever..he looked like a basset hound hangin out da window..I loved that old man and we had lotsa fun working at the same place..

Are we even really sure that Speers is a bone fide UK fan? He lives in Nashville. He knew that the last time he went to a UK vs Vandy game that UK lost…but went to the game yesterday in defiance of our pleading with him to stay home. Methinks he is a Vandy fan posing as a UK fan just to reap the many benefits of being identified as a D-Leaguer.

I vote Speers off the island.
Riddle me this: In what situation would any basketball team on the planet want a player to shoot a 3 with 2:00 left in the game while down 6 points…when that particular player shoots as horrible as Briscoe does from beyond 5 feet?

I would sit Briscoe on the bench each and every time he even remotely looks like he is thinking about shooting a 3 at any point during the game. Correction…any time he thinks about shooting from beyond 10'.
Are we even really sure that Speers is a bone fide UK fan? He lives in Nashville. He knew that the last time he went to a UK vs Vandy game that UK lost…but went to the game yesterday in defiance of our pleading with him to stay home. Methinks he is a Vandy fan posing as a UK fan just to reap the many benefits of being identified as a D-Leaguer.

I vote Speers off the island.
I don't think he's been in here since yesterday's debacle. Hope he stays out.
I vote that Speerz should have his kid today, so that in 24 years, when she's 6 the gym he can wax poetic that his 6yr old graduated with a degree in Chemical Engineering, while still he is still hoisting jumpers a high % rate of proficiency at the age of 60.

All true and impressive.