
It's the stupid "defender stands straight up, or even leans back, offensive guy jumps into him and gets the foul". It's infuriating. I've never seen so it much. They finally cleaned up the block/charge bullshit now this. There were a couple few plays tonight where our guy was literally trying to avoid the foul and they still called it. And it's been the case in pretty much every game our bigs are in foul trouble, forcing us to play damn Skal.
I feel stressed and tired. Cats losing today did not help. They have given me doubt again.

I just don't know about this team. We look pretty good when everybody does the thing that they are good at.
  • Ulis - distribute the ball & make some shots
  • Murray - do everything
  • Briscoe - layups, defense, rebounds
  • Willis - hit 3s & rebound
  • Poythress - offensive rebounds, dunks, fts
  • Lee - offensive rebounds, and lobs
  • Skal - stay on the bench
  • Hump, Hawkins, Matthews - give our main guys some rest & don't hurt us too badly
Meh, may as well

Rushing the floor is so lame. Kids today don't even rush it good, imo. They just all run to the middle and hump eachother with their phones in the air. Especially lame ass Vandy kids who probably asked permission before the rushed, and apologized in advance - "I'm sorry mam, but you see we just beat UK and I'm obligated to go hump my pals on the floor. Take a selfie with me before I go?".
I like to go fast.

You can't do nothing but SMH at Skal. I'll believe a team picks him in the lottery when I see it. Late 1st rd, imo. He will not be seen for a couple years in the league, and when he is seen, I'm not sure it's going to be pretty. He's gonna have to learn to stroke the 3 consistently....and how to play the game of basketball. That's the worst part. He does not do sport, imo.

We just need Willis healthy. I'd like for the SEC to just hand us the tourney trophy and we'll just skip ahead to the NCAA. I think we were close to hitting our peak, real close. When Willis and Humphries are doing good, that means our opponent is in trouble. If we have 2 scorers and no inside enforcer, we are in trouble. We hit a bump with Willis injury.
Amazing where the team is and how it looks compared to the summer predictions, at last with the big men. Skal was supposed to be really good, and a solid rotation of Poy & Lee at the 4. Hump was supposed to just play 10 min/ game maybe. The thought was that Willis would once again be the odd man out.

Nearly everything about all of that was wrong.

I don't understand NBA and potential. Skal can barely play basketball, yet he is projected to make millions doing it in a few months. One contract and his net worth will surpass what most people make in a lifetime. Wish it could happen to me.
Would you believe that I woke up this morning and found out I didn't win the damn lottery? What a rip off, hell I had already spent most of it on porn flicks. But that is ok, I already wear glasses so I'm not hurting my eyes any worse than they already are. Besides I never heard of anyone ejaculating an eyeball. Not that there is anything wrong with that. Yep, I've found a new way to deal with losses.
My windfall hit the morning....It was in the form of a nasty ol fart..A true paint peeler..

Thought about gettin the bike out today for a ride, not lookin good
Wife running a fever, Dr said it's the same shit everybody is gettin. Not much you can do but let it run it's course.
Cleaned up the garage a bit yesterday and played with dogs a bit..Sayde loves to play, Bentley just goes at her pace (16 yr old)..Amazing how dogs know their limits and when to throttle back.
Thinking on making some Italian beef on the smoker this week..looks pretty good. Minus the bread for me though..Video seems pretty straight forward cept I'm gonna use some hickory or apple for smoke..

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