
Per E bay's definition, OEM means that the part was made by a company that is a subcontractor (supplies components) to a manufacturer. It DOES NOT mean the part was made by the manufacturer, just that the specific component was part of the original build.

Computer parts - for example, Windows 10 is your OEM operating system, but it was not made by Dell. It just shipped as part of your new Dell.
Do y'all weed n feed your own lawn? I know Don doesn't. I'm gonna start this year. Gonna call my lawn guy for advice but I'll ask y'all weasels, too. What do you use? Scott's? Something else? What about weed pre-emergent?

I read nematodes are what you put down for grubs. Are those like tiny lizards? Idk.

Can't wait for shit to grow. Going to plant more ferns and hostas. Also get some pachysandra going.

I have Tru Green because they do a better job than I can do.

My biggest problems are moles and bermuda grass.
Afternoon D Leaguers, hope all of you are well. Been reading the past few days, but no time to post. At work now and taking 5 to eat and read a bit.

Work is unreal busy. A major company in Lexington, (I can't say who yet), will vote tomorrow whether or not to strike. We've brought in one of our Rapid Response teams from some other states to assist on the strike detail.

Had a guy back out of a major position I'd hired him for at the last minute. Scrambling now to backfill the position, on top of the other ones I have open.

I hate people....
I'm sure it's no fun to have someone turn around and decline an offer. It sure as hell is no fun to have your employer of 20 yrs terminate you without cause too. Still waiting on my wife's settlement.
goddam moles man. My dogs go apeshit trying to dig those things up. Smaller one caught one one day and killed it. Was walking around the back yard with it hanging out of his mouth. Little bastard was proud and happy as hell. He knows daddy hates em.

You can ignore someone without hitting the ignore button Jason.
-Bert is feisty. Pretty neat.

-Jason, you're close man. Enjoy the time you have now but being a dad is awesome and despite what literally EVERYONE tells you, I'm saying the opposite: while different, you can still find time to do your own thing. You'll amaze yourself at how quickly you adjust to stuff that right now might seem very :weary:. My wife has only gone bonkers/lunatic-ville on me a couple of times for seemingly no reason at all. Others I know weren't so lucky.

My beer drinking is down considerably though and that is an issue.

-Dog met the neighborhood fox as he sauntered down by the creek. They made eye contact but lazy ass dog paid it really no mind. Faux dog, I say.

-Cats by 7.

-France next week. Thinking business deal is just a formality at this point so lots of free time anticipated (relatively...only really there for a full 2 days outside of travel). Old buddies setting up some fun stuff and I'm stoked. /1995
- family dinner at Famous Dave's tonight
- much beer later
- ultrasound in the morning
- UK/Vandy in downtown Nashville tomorrow afternoon
- nasty pizza for dinner after the game (probably CiCi's because I wanna have diarrhea Sunday)
- beer and other non mentionable recreational activities Saturday night
- Church Sunday morning, lunch with friends of the wife who wanna hang out, league basketball game Sunday against the team we hung 86 on in 35 minutes with a running clock a month ago.

^ weekend plans.
When is the big day that you get to meet your daughter?
The D-League has some wheeler-deelers in it now. Welder is hiring (& I assume) firing people. Triangle making deals in France. Wow.
Buddies growing up over there while my dad did finance stuff in the wine industry. We just all so happened to progress to do similar stuff in adulthood (land development). A good "in" and they are moving into some stuff over in the States, so makes sense. So, while still a cool experience....not really balling with this one.

If I land the Japan group's contract I'm working on, then we're dealing. I'll let you know and Willy, of course, since some of them will be women with weird crooked scrawny weiners that he might be interested in.
-Bert is feisty. Pretty neat.

-Jason, you're close man. Enjoy the time you have now but being a dad is awesome and despite what literally EVERYONE tells you, I'm saying the opposite: while different, you can still find time to do your own thing. You'll amaze yourself at how quickly you adjust to stuff that right now might seem very :weary:. My wife has only gone bonkers/lunatic-ville on me a couple of times for seemingly no reason at all. Others I know weren't so lucky.

My beer drinking is down considerably though and that is an issue.

-Dog met the neighborhood fox as he sauntered down by the creek. They made eye contact but lazy ass dog paid it really no mind. Faux dog, I say.

-Cats by 7.

-France next week. Thinking business deal is just a formality at this point so lots of free time anticipated (relatively...only really there for a full 2 days outside of travel). Old buddies setting up some fun stuff and I'm stoked. /1995
  • She was in a dither. She could not help it. It happens for no apparent reason. Don't worry.
  • Probably better for you.
  • Couldn't have caught it anyways.
  • Love your prediction.
  • Parley vous Francis?