
Afternoon D Leaguers, hope all of you are well. Been reading the past few days, but no time to post. At work now and taking 5 to eat and read a bit.

Work is unreal busy. A major company in Lexington, (I can't say who yet), will vote tomorrow whether or not to strike. We've brought in one of our Rapid Response teams from some other states to assist on the strike detail.

Had a guy back out of a major position I'd hired him for at the last minute. Scrambling now to backfill the position, on top of the other ones I have open.

I hate people....
Chic-fil-a just crushes it. The customer service alone is worth going back to over and over. Every other place you go to, the workers act like it's a hassle to serve you. They are always so considerate nice, and the food is always great. And the fish sandwich on Fridays is 100%

You recommend their fish? I haven't been in a long time, just wasn't really into their chicken all that much. Service was very good though. It was like walking into an alternate fast food universe.
Afternoon D Leaguers, hope all of you are well. Been reading the past few days, but no time to post. At work now and taking 5 to eat and read a bit.

Work is unreal busy. A major company in Lexington, (I can't say who yet), will vote tomorrow whether or not to strike. We've brought in one of our Rapid Response teams from some other states to assist on the strike detail.

Had a guy back out of a major position I'd hired him for at the last minute. Scrambling now to backfill the position, on top of the other ones I have open.

I hate people....

Sucks dude backed out on you. What kind of job? I'd be willing to do it if the price is right. I'm a man of many talents, just ask TB.
Afternoon D Leaguers, hope all of you are well. Been reading the past few days, but no time to post. At work now and taking 5 to eat and read a bit.

Work is unreal busy. A major company in Lexington, (I can't say who yet), will vote tomorrow whether or not to strike. We've brought in one of our Rapid Response teams from some other states to assist on the strike detail.

Had a guy back out of a major position I'd hired him for at the last minute. Scrambling now to backfill the position, on top of the other ones I have open.

I hate people....

Just glad you're around WW.. Remember to have a little play in your life. All can't be work (except for the hectic work spurts)

Jedwar, I would live in the Middle East if I was different.
If we are going outside the states, I would pick Lipari, Malta, Sicily...yeah, I'd be good with any of those three.

Inside the states. I would move to a small town city in Mississippi or Alabama just so I can see people be uncomfortable. There is nothing that delights me more than seeing people being uncomfortable. I get all coked up on other people's hate.
somewhere in Florida. Maybe Orlando. Close to theme parks, 45 minutes to east coast beaches, hour and a half to west coast beaches. Never colder than 65ish. Arena for big time entertainment. Professional basketball.

Love visiting my aunt who lives just outside Orlando. Usually make a week of it and spend a day each at Daytona, Sea World, Universal/Isle of Adventure, Wet n Wild, spend the night on the west coast around Clearwater.

Your PT business would thrive down here. Living in Orlando is a blast.
  • Is there really winter in Georgia?

It is the dumbest winter you can even imagine. One day it's 38 degrees, the next day it's nearly 70. It rains a lot. When it does muster up some snow, it is so GD humid here that it turns to ice right away.

It wants so bad to be summer here year 'round, so you have no clear separation of seasons - you have only summer and half-ass summer (winter).
I have finally figured out the time it takes a 'skeeter to go from larvae to full grown. Two weeks. Two weeks ago, we had what passes for winter here. Finally got cold enough to kill 'em dead. Got home last night and there was one on my front door that could easily draw a half pint of blood out of me if I let it live long enough. I didn't.
Calm down, Francis! Figured since you were on here you had the internet, thus the ability to look up OEM. I wasn't gonna say anything, but how can you own a vehicle (apparently a huge assumption) and not know what OEM is?

Original Equipment Manufacturer

My name is Bert, and I have owned a vehicle since 1964; however, I don't go walking around saying my OEM is Ford.

You are on ignore.
It is the dumbest winter you can even imagine. One day it's 38 degrees, the next day it's nearly 70. It rains a lot. When it does muster up some snow, it is so GD humid here that it turns to ice right away.

It wants so bad to be summer here year 'round, so you have no clear separation of seasons - you have only summer and half-ass summer (winter).
We are +2 inches of rainfall above normal for February.
Do y'all weed n feed your own lawn? I know Don doesn't. I'm gonna start this year. Gonna call my lawn guy for advice but I'll ask y'all weasels, too. What do you use? Scott's? Something else? What about weed pre-emergent?

I read nematodes are what you put down for grubs. Are those like tiny lizards? Idk.

Can't wait for shit to grow. Going to plant more ferns and hostas. Also get some pachysandra going.
Do y'all weed n feed your own lawn? I know Don doesn't. I'm gonna start this year. Gonna call my lawn guy for advice but I'll ask y'all weasels, too. What do you use? Scott's? Something else? What about weed pre-emergent?

I read nematodes are what you put down for grubs. Are those like tiny lizards? Idk.

Can't wait for shit to grow. Going to plant more ferns and hostas. Also get some pachysandra going.
Mash, get your PE down at once. I just don't have time to do it more than I am lazy.
Do y'all weed n feed your own lawn? I know Don doesn't. I'm gonna start this year. Gonna call my lawn guy for advice but I'll ask y'all weasels, too. What do you use? Scott's? Something else? What about weed pre-emergent?

I read nematodes are what you put down for grubs. Are those like tiny lizards? Idk.

Can't wait for shit to grow. Going to plant more ferns and hostas. Also get some pachysandra going.

I used to give a crap about my yard, but then my front yard started getting this funky little spongy weed that grows everywhere and kills all the grass...I gave up. Tried everything on it and the damn thing just keeps coming back.
Better watch out. Berts the type of dude to show up at your door and eat your dick off right in front of your wife and kids. Kobayashi is what he is known by around here.


Well, I opened the door and this guy just bit my dick off before I could say hello. I identify as a bitch now, so I'm gonna need you to build me my own bathroom. TIA
I used to give a crap about my yard, but then my front yard started getting this funky little spongy weed that grows everywhere and kills all the grass...I gave up. Tried everything on it and the damn thing just keeps coming back.
We have Zoysia in the back and Bermuda in the front. That Zoysia is the best grass we have ever had.