
Science Break:

It's a big un. Galaxy cluster MOO J1142+1527 is seen here as it existed 8.5 billion years ago. Imaged by the Spitzer and Wise surveys it is the largest structure found at such a distance. The red galaxies at the center of the image make up the heart of the galaxy cluster.

Bound by gravity, groups of thousands of galaxies, which themselves each contain hundreds of billions of stars form a galaxy cluster. Clusters grow bigger and bigger over time as they acquire new members through gravity. Light is stretched to longer, infrared wavelengths by the expansion of space so it takes infrared telescopes to see objects at this distance. There are only a handful of clusters of this size so far that have been discovered in the early universe
Don, I lived in Ventura for five years in the late 70s and early 80s. I always regretted leaving.
I worked for Craig Newlon in Newlon's Men and Boys shop. Christmas was approaching and I was whistling "White Christmas" one day and he said "Would you please stop whistling that?" He explained that the U.S. Army played that song over and over while he was fighting in The Battle Of The Bulge in 1944.
So now you have two little heads. I would bet your good decision making has gone straight to Hell.
Well, you ain't far off.

Ok the truth. I noticed a little something there one day. Found it. So I began to gently pull. Not hard at first, but just smoothly, gently and with purpose. Little circular motions too. Was kinda nice. Well, not much was happening, so I got a little more deliberate. More solid and longer tugs. Something to really heighten things. Again, no dice. So finally, I really began to go at that little fella. I pulled. I tugged. I yanked. My eyes were even rolling back in my head. Actually began to hurt. Then finally a release like I'd never had before!!!!! The main shaft had separated from the head. I was not happy. Had never had that to happen before. Alas, I had a head stuck in my pecker. Doctor said not to worry, that two heads were better than one. So over time, the head just disappeared. But that's the story on how I yank my tick.
Just glad you're around WW.. Remember to have a little play in your life. All can't be work (except for the hectic work spurts)

Jedwar, I would live in the Middle East if I was different.
Thanks bud. Taking my son fishing Sunday, supposed to be about 65 degrees. I love to fish, and to CATCH fish, lol, but there's just nothing better than hearing him holler across the pond, "daddy, I got a big one on!!!". Looking over and seeing his fishing pole bent nearly double and him hollering for me to come help him, lol, THAT'S what I live for; he's my world.

Funny how people change so much as they grow older and have kids. Trust me, there's never been a bigger "skirt chaser" than me; a male whore if you will, lol. Now....I work a lot of hours at a job I like and spend time with my son for four days and nights a week.

Used to smoke a LOT of the cheebah back in the day....the good stuff. Worked hard, and played hard. Now I just work hard and rest when I can, lol.

Saw where Don was not feeling well, hope he's better. Like Don a lot. He's "good people".

As are most of you all also. :)
March 22 is the due date but she's adamant it won't go that long. Selfishly hoping it does. I enjoy working out and playing ball for 2 hours after work 3-4 days a week.

- Burnt ends at Famous Dave's. Quite good. Smothered in Devil's Spit sauce. Magical. Drank 5 Sam Adams seasonal

- 6er for the night: Lagunitas pale ale, Tap Room #21 session IPA, Sierra Nevada pale ale, Widmer Bros Hefe, Star Hill Northern Lights IPA, Yazoo pale ale (local)
I could never drink like that. No way I could remember all those names of the beers and ales.
Well, you ain't far off.

Ok the truth. I noticed a little something there one day. Found it. So I began to gently pull. Not hard at first, but just smoothly, gently and with purpose. Little circular motions too. Was kinda nice. Well, not much was happening, so I got a little more deliberate. More solid and longer tugs. Something to really heighten things. Again, no dice. So finally, I really began to go at that little fella. I pulled. I tugged. I yanked. My eyes were even rolling back in my head. Actually began to hurt. Then finally a release like I'd never had before!!!!! The main shaft had separated from the head. I was not happy. Had never had that to happen before. Alas, I had a head stuck in my pecker. Doctor said not to worry, that two heads were better than one. So over time, the head just disappeared. But that's the story on how I yank my tick.
Of all the ticks to bite you, you got a gay one.
That's not much of a home, Bert. I thought you lived on a homestead not in a damn computer.

Anyway, that place is interesting, but I don't think they'd be interested in what I had for lunch today - tuna on crackers. I could be wrong.
Actually, tuna & saltines is one of my go-to things to keep from starving a death. Not tuna in water, tuna in oil.

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