
No doubt the new guy has posted in the past/is currently posting on the paddock under a different username. So what?

Sorry to pile on, but I had this light bulb go off late last night...

Every restroom, male and female, has at least one private stall. There's your trans-toilets. Duh.

Yeah, but that is too logical. So it is wrong. Because you can't tell the transgender she has to change somewhere different than the other girls. That is the issue. Full on inclusion.

In the case both LEK and i linked from the suburbs of Chicago…the school's solution was to put up a privacy curtain for her in the girls locker room. And the transgender male said he would use it. Sounds like a reasonable, logical solution to accommodate both sides. But that wasn't good enough. Her lawyer says that the curtains have to be offered to all the girls and that the transgender male should not be the one required to use them. Unfettered access to the same locker room/shower facilities as the other girls is the goal.

Just doesn't sound like a good idea to me. But I'm not a lawyer or an ACLU card carrying member…so what do i know? I'm just a white bread heathen who lives in Mayberry and almost became gay when I was in line directly behind a homosexual at the walmarts last week. Good thing it was cold outside and I had my gloves handy. Whew! That was a close call.

And LEK. I never pretended to have all the answers. Just a parent of two daughters who is not happy about the government telling me that my daughter has to change/shower along side a person who has a penis. It's an anatomy issue. Not a sexual orientation issue. Not a sexual identification issue. I don't care what someone considers themselves. that's their business. But to completely ignore the fact that the transgender male has a penis is crazy.

Don't ignore the penis!!! Been telling females that all my life.
I've heard of REM. Are they related? That's both a description of the movement of the eyes when in a deep sleep cycle while dreaming and also the name of a shitty alternative/rock band with a spastic whiny bitch for a lead singer.

I guess REM could be related to OEM...I mean having a glass eye is definitely not an OEM part.
^ post would've been more legit had you not used "penis" and used any of "pecker", "ding dong", "schlong" instead.


I was aspiring to reach LEK's level of academia by using the scientific term. But then again, he's been using the word "dick" throughout this entire discussion. So yeah…should have gone the other direction for dramatic effect.
So the DSM that you mentioned, that is tied to "gender dysphoria" which is still listed in the APA. They changed the name of the disorder and the wording to make it sound more "normal" I guess. As for homosexuality and "gender dysphoria" being anything alike...there is a huge different, between a dude liking a dude, and a dude wanting to grow tits, and cut off his pecker to be a woman, right?
What ever happened to just being a flamboyant homo?

Only because the of the time we live in. In 100 years, trannies will be just accepted as old white men taking blood pressure medicine. The only thing that beats rigid thinking is the passage of time. In 100 years it might be the social norm to cut off your dick and sew it to your forehead. But you won't be around to see it.
Are the brains of transgender people really different? Can an MRI or some other imaging technique show this? Just asking, because I know some of the other things you mention the brains show up differently.

I take it that you are saying that gender identity is more than a conscience thought process.

All that said, I do think this is a case where the rights of many outweigh the rights of a few.

I guess we are at the forefront of a new civil rights movement:
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the shape of their genitalia, but by the content of their character.

Maybe this changes things so that women can start going topless in our society. I also thought about how this wouldn't be an issue for tribal people that go around naked all the time.

Great post 93. Yeah. time will tell. And the people of our future will be judging our mindsets of today.

The science is only getting better
yea but homers are content with their packaging. I don't find it mentally stable to wanna trans gender yourself.

I'm definitely no expert in this area. hahaha

I don't think kids should get gender changed. As for an adult, they can be what ever they wanna be. if they wanna be a dolphin. Go for it. get that dolphin surgery. There will always be a place that accepts them.
No doubt the new guy has posted in the past/is currently posting on the paddock under a different username. So what?

Yeah, but that is too logical. So it is wrong. Because you can't tell the transgender she has to change somewhere different than the other girls. That is the issue. Full on inclusion.

In the case both LEK and i linked from the suburbs of Chicago…the school's solution was to put up a privacy curtain for her in the girls locker room. And the transgender male said he would use it. Sounds like a reasonable, logical solution to accommodate both sides. But that wasn't good enough. Her lawyer says that the curtains have to be offered to all the girls and that the transgender male should not be the one required to use them. Unfettered access to the same locker room/shower facilities as the other girls is the goal.

Just doesn't sound like a good idea to me. But I'm not a lawyer or an ACLU card carrying member…so what do i know? I'm just a white bread heathen who lives in Mayberry and almost became gay when I was in line directly behind a homosexual at the walmarts last week. Good thing it was cold outside and I had my gloves handy. Whew! That was a close call.

And LEK. I never pretended to have all the answers. Just a parent of two daughters who is not happy about the government telling me that my daughter has to change/shower along side a person who has a penis. It's an anatomy issue. Not a sexual orientation issue. Not a sexual identification issue. I don't care what someone considers themselves. that's their business. But to completely ignore the fact that the transgender male has a penis is crazy.

Don't ignore the penis!!! Been telling females that all my life.
No, it was good. Almost texted you to talk about it, but then realized I was being crazy. I just had never really given that much thought as you have. You may be right, I dont know.
Only because the of the time we live in. In 100 years, trannies will be just accepted as old white men taking blood pressure medicine. The only thing that beats rigid thinking is the passage of time. In 100 years it might be the social norm to cut off your dick and sew it to your forehead. But you won't be around to see it.

A dickbutt unicorn human....Willy yer a friggin genious..Could we corner the market creating the "DUH" (dickbutt unicorn human) hat?
Only because the of the time we live in. In 100 years, trannies will be just accepted as old white men taking blood pressure medicine. The only thing that beats rigid thinking is the passage of time. In 100 years it might be the social norm to cut off your dick and sew it to your forehead. But you won't be around to see it.

"The New Day" is slowly trying to make it acceptable.
I'm definitely no expert in this area. hahaha

I don't think kids should get gender changed. As for an adult, they can be what ever they wanna be. if they wanna be a dolphin. Go for it. get that dolphin surgery. There will always be a place that accepts them.


Not another 10 pages in the D on dolphin sex!!!! Please NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Where's one place or two in the US if you lived in a different life, would you live. I'm thinking Boulder Colorado.Damn Colorado is nice. Or California. Around Modesto.

The Big Island, Hawaii on the Kona Coast preferably.

Would also consider some of the barrier islands on the Georgia coast or certain parts of Florida.