
Interesting. So it was classified at a Mental Disorder at one point in time, and was changed (can't remember the year). So why would it have a diagnosis if it wasn't a mental health issue?

Dunno man. My thought is. When they get more advanced to understanding the brain's wiring, then they will prolly know more about this stuff. Homosexuality is no longer a mental disorder and rather it's accepted as a normal condition. (except by certain group of people-non science)
Dunno man. My thought is. When they get more advanced to understanding the brain's wiring, then they will prolly know more about this stuff. Homosexuality is no longer a mental disorder and rather it's accepted as a normal condition. (except by certain group of people-non science)

So the DSM that you mentioned, that is tied to "gender dysphoria" which is still listed in the APA. They changed the name of the disorder and the wording to make it sound more "normal" I guess. As for homosexuality and "gender dysphoria" being anything alike...there is a huge different, between a dude liking a dude, and a dude wanting to grow tits, and cut off his pecker to be a woman, right?
What ever happened to just being a flamboyant homo?
Take it to private message, killa. Got all these funny, witty, good posts and then these wet rag diatribes about boys and girls with mental disorders.

The posts aren't about me. That's what I refer to when I say I don't care what someone thinks... unless I'm subconsciously confused and want to be a woman and am just avoiding anything that has to do with the subject, which is possible I guess.
not a pay member, so dont get private messages sheila.


This is tater salad.
LEK, that's not crazy at all. That is happening to some degree in every town in America. Just another example of the widening gap. You know that. Kindly take your shit out of here. Tired of your playing dumb troll act. Idk why you insist on playing it in the D. Just stop.
Mash, if there is one person on here I dont listen to, its you. In no way, shape, or form, do I consider anything you do valid. I think your brain has been rotted from drug use, and the lack of education has made it decay. I like that you post here, and enjoy your posts in the same way I do a clown, or any other buffoon entertains me, but dont think its anything past that.
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I can't even hardly do facebook on my old ass phone, what makes you think I'm gonna try and do this site from it. Just ask the MOD's to track me down and give you the answer. All they have to do is track my IP and run it against what this Tommy guy is using.
Meh. I dont really care. I think its obvious you posted here before on another account, but I dont care, we have been good. I have been enjoying all of it.
  • This is a place where both serious and funny (sorta funny) thoughts can exist
  • Is there really winter in Georgia?
  • I don't know if people talk about me in other threads. I doubt they do.
  • I've been gaining weight since October. Need to lose a few pounds now.
  • Vacation plans nearly set. Plane tix bought. Will reserve a condo today.
Agree, yes, Never seen any poster talking about you in a negative way, good luck with that, have fun. Over.
Meh. I dont really care. I think its obvious you posted here before on another account, but I dont care, we have been good. I have been enjoying all of it.

I posted on another UK site years ago, but it moved or something. I had a different screen name (don't remember what it was), and don't remember any of the posters from back then.

I have lurked here for years though.
I wonder how it makes a transgender feel to know that no matter what they get added on or chopped off, they will ALWAYS be what they were born as. Pretty sure a sex change doesn't change your chromosomes, right?
You even have people "identifying" as animals now! This world needs to bring back a lot of mental institutions that's for damn sure.

It is high time we stop this gender shit. It is stupid. Get help from a shrink, act in a mannerly way and most of us "regular" folks will leave you alone.

Gays, cross dressers do not bother me and I hope them well in creating a good life; however, the "regular" folks should not have to totally screw up their lives to accommodate the non-regulars. It is time for society to set limits to this accommodation for the relative few. Minority rights should not trump and totally change the majority.
Sorry to pile on, but I had this light bulb go off late last night...

Every restroom, male and female, has at least one private stall. There's your trans-toilets. Duh.

There is no reason to let them in. Stop the stupidity folks. If you have a pecker you go to the men's room. If you don't have a pecker you go to the ladies room. Simple.
yea but technically you could have a ding dong without the nut sack if you're a tranny. Depends on how much money you're throwing at the surgery. May not be able to afford all the accessories. Would look weird, but I could see it happening.

Very good point...wonder what a tranny would look like without the pecker and just a set of gonads? Bet that would be odd.
You show up one day and act like everyone is suppose to know your abbreviations. Sorry dude.

Are you going to tell me what the hell OEM means or are you going to get cute again? SHT is short for your shit.

Calm down, Francis! Figured since you were on here you had the internet, thus the ability to look up OEM. I wasn't gonna say anything, but how can you own a vehicle (apparently a huge assumption) and not know what OEM is?

Original Equipment Manufacturer
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Mash, if there is one person on here I dont listen to, its you. In no way, shape, or form, do I consider anything you do valid. I think your brain has been rotted from drug use, and the lack of education has made it decay. I like that you post here, and enjoy your posts in the same way I do a clown, or any other buffoon entertains me, but dont think its anything past that.

Did you say Clown? Please tell me that was intentional...please!