
I wonder how it makes a transgender feel to know that no matter what they get added on or chopped off, they will ALWAYS be what they were born as. Pretty sure a sex change doesn't change your chromosomes, right?
You even have people "identifying" as animals now! This world needs to bring back a lot of mental institutions that's for damn sure.
I wonder how it makes a transgender feel to know that no matter what they get added on or chopped off, they will ALWAYS be what they were born as. Pretty sure a sex change doesn't change your chromosomes, right?
You even have people "identifying" as animals now! This world needs to bring back a lot of mental institutions that's for damn sure.
The girl/guy that KS mentioned was on hormone replacement therapy.

I met the first woman to have a sex change in Kentucky. She was really nice.
I wonder how it makes a transgender feel to know that no matter what they get added on or chopped off, they will ALWAYS be what they were born as. Pretty sure a sex change doesn't change your chromosomes, right?

Well, there in lies the problem. Chromosomes have expressatory genes underneath them. Some of genes can express in different ways. Yeah, the body may be anatomically on a objective level, but the mind and it's wiring is on a subjective level. People can't help the wiring in their brains. Whether its Down syndrome, to Autism to Shcizophrenia to ADHD to MDD, Bipolar to being transgender.
Well, there in lies the problem. Chromosomes have expressatory genes underneath them. Some of genes can express in different ways. Yeah, the body may be anatomically on a objective level, but the mind and it's wiring is on a subjective level. People can't help the wiring in their brains. Whether its Down syndrome, to Autism to Shcizophrenia to ADHD to MDD, Bipolar to being transgender.

Ah, but according to the APA trans is not classified as a mental/neurological disorder. I get what you are saying though. My initial question about chromosomes was because male/female have a different makeup, therefore if you are born male and decide you want to be a female, no matter what you cut off or add, your blood will always show what you really are. Now if the genetic makeup can be altered to show you are different than how you were born, that changes my argument.
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Thought this was crazy:

So the west end of Louisville has an issue with homes getting foreclosed due to unpaid taxes. Usually, very minor. Companies buy these leans, then have the right to foreclose, to obtain the cash, and can add their fees. Whatever. So the the City decides to help by giving money to a local non-profit to help purchase the liens to help the community. There is now a group opposing this, saying the city wasnt fair. That is crazy.
Z posted in some thread yesterday. I read it. He's not banned anymore apparently.

Stop with the essay replies/posts. I wanna read em, but I'm not gonna. This confuses me... kinda frustrates me. Get to your point and do it quickly. If you spend more than two minutes typing a post it's way too long.
Were having a conversation, just dont read it, but get it.

Thought you didnt care what people posted and it didnt impact/affect you in anyway? Sucka.
Well, there in lies the problem. Chromosomes have expressatory genes underneath them. Some of genes can express in different ways. Yeah, the body may be anatomically on a objective level, but the mind and it's wiring is on a subjective level. People can't help the wiring in their brains. Whether its Down syndrome, to Autism to Shcizophrenia to ADHD to MDD, Bipolar to being transgender.
Are the brains of transgender people really different? Can an MRI or some other imaging technique show this? Just asking, because I know some of the other things you mention the brains show up differently.

I take it that you are saying that gender identity is more than a conscience thought process.

All that said, I do think this is a case where the rights of many outweigh the rights of a few.

I guess we are at the forefront of a new civil rights movement:
I look to a day when people will not be judged by the shape of their genitalia, but by the content of their character.

Maybe this changes things so that women can start going topless in our society. I also thought about how this wouldn't be an issue for tribal people that go around naked all the time.
Man that day is coming and it will be awesome bc you can't tell me nothing when I whip my pecker out, mf'ers. See how long that freedom of expression lasts when dudes are gawking and whacking all over the street in a uniformed display of sexual expression. It will be a beautiful day when women walk around topless.

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