
I got the grunge tonite. Some people call it the crud, others call it 'not feeling up to par'. I know I'm just low-keyed effed up. No appetite, no desire to do anything except lounge on my bed. Watching The Longest Day on TCM. Might watch some of the debate tonite, but will probably just down six shots of Hennessy and try to pass out before 10.
I got the grunge tonite. Some people call it the crud, others call it 'not feeling up to par'. I know I'm just low-keyed effed up. No appetite, no desire to do anything except lounge on my bed. Watching The Longest Day on TCM. Might watch some of the debate tonite, but will probably just down six shots of Hennessy and try to pass out before 10.

Crud is Yiddish for dried cum.
Somewhere, out there, I like to imagine some poor mf'er lurks this thread and keeps a running spreadsheet of all the pure gold like...

Willy: pg. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,etc...
Kooky: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, etc...
Funky: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,etc...
Kaiz: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, etc...
Mav: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,etc...

And one day that guy will publish a book of all the gold and that mf'er will be rich and we'll get nothing. TMFS.
I dont care. It has nothing to do with me.

That's not really the issue at all. You have skirted (pun intended) the real issue with both of your replies on this topic thus far. Here's the REAL issue...

Riddle me this…you have a daughter in grade school…let's say she is a 2rd grader. Do you want her to share a bathroom with say 3 or 4 boys (with boy parts) who are 5th graders just because they say that they identify with being a female?

Well, before you answer...I don't really care about your answer unless you actually have a daughter who is in grade school. So don't answer unless you do.

Moving right along...

Now, if they want to provide a separate unisex bathroom that's fine with me. Or let that group of kids use the teacher's bathroom. But that's not what all the hubbub is about. That isn't the REAL issue. The real issue is about inclusion. Those boys feel like they are females so they should not be singled out and have a separate bathroom. They should be able to use the girls bathroom because they feel like that's where they belong. And we shouldn't hurt their feelings or make them feel uncomfortable by singling them out.

Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret...they have a penis. So they absolutely do not belong in the girls restroom. Pretty cut and dry. I mean, what about the feelings and uncomfortableness that would abound for the majority of the girls at the grade school level if you allowed boys with boy parts to share their bathroom. Remember…this also translates to using the showers at the middle school and HS levels BTW. That last part sounds crazy…but it's already been part of the problem.

So riddle me this you want your 6th grade daughter showering after PE class with 2 boys (with boy parts) just because they say that they identify with being female? Again…don't answer unless you have a daughter in middle school.

Bottom line: It is insane that this is even up for debate. Absolutely insane.

Again, I don't care how they identify themselves or how they want to live their life. That is their business and i don't care. To each his/her/its own. But to make everyone in the free world change who we allow in public bathrooms in the school system is just ridiculous. It's beyond that. It's freaking bat ish crazy.
That's not really the issue at all. You have skirted (pun intended) the real issue with both of your replies on this topic thus far. Here's the REAL issue...

Riddle me this…you have a daughter in grade school…let's say she is a 2rd grader. Do you want her to share a bathroom with say 3 or 4 boys (with boy parts) who are 5th graders just because they say that they identify with being a female?

Well, before you answer...I don't really care about your answer unless you actually have a daughter who is in grade school. So don't answer unless you do.

Moving right along...

Now, if they want to provide a separate unisex bathroom that's fine with me. Or let that group of kids use the teacher's bathroom. But that's not what all the hubbub is about. That isn't the REAL issue. The real issue is about inclusion. Those boys feel like they are females so they should not be singled out and have a separate bathroom. They should be able to use the girls bathroom because they feel like that's where they belong. And we shouldn't hurt their feelings or make them feel uncomfortable by singling them out.

Well, allow me to let you in on a little secret...they have a penis. So they absolutely do not belong in the girls restroom. Pretty cut and dry. I mean, what about the feelings and uncomfortableness that would abound for the majority of the girls at the grade school level if you allowed boys with boy parts to share their bathroom. Remember…this also translates to using the showers at the middle school and HS levels BTW. That last part sounds crazy…but it's already been part of the problem.

So riddle me this you want your 6th grade daughter showering after PE class with 2 boys (with boy parts) just because they say that they identify with being female? Again…don't answer unless you have a daughter in middle school.

Bottom line: It is insane that this is even up for debate. Absolutely insane.

Again, I don't care how they identify themselves or how they want to live their life. That is their business and i don't care. To each his/her/its own. But to make everyone in the free world change who we allow in public bathrooms in the school system is just ridiculous. It's beyond that. It's freaking bat ish crazy.
No daughter. And I'm cool with you feeling this way, but not sure or agree it's about feel.

First, we're talking a very low percentage of population, secondly, and most importantly, our bodies don't always define who we are. Nature creates anomalies. There are outliers. Not sure it's about these people feeling that they are an opposite sex, but that they are actually are.

It's not like a gay person chooses to be gay.
Sometimes nature doesn't follow it's intended course.

It's not like some swarm of transgender mollies ate going to take over.

I'll post more, kids are attacking me, but it's over reaction. We don't have to accept everyone, but as long as their rights don't infringe upon mine, or vice versa. I don't want to be told by others or government who I am or who I'm supposed to be be. We don't live in a white bread society anymore, this ain't Mayberry.
*gay people banned Chic Fil A from their own campus, man* That's crazy af. Never in my life have I picked up a donut and said to myself "uh oh, let me find out what Mr. Krispy Kreme's stance on abortion is. I can't be eating no damn pro-life donut".

It's just a crazy new works of cheap whores we're living in. No shame. Just giving the p**** away. Aww you don't feel loved? Here's some p****. Awwww did someone call you a name? Have some free p****. Awwww are you upset about all the free p****. Free p**** for you.
Born with dick, dominated by testosterone hormones = male.

Born with twat, dominated by estrogen hormones = female.

Born with dick, lose dick, (surgery, not accident), have twat added, dominated by estrogen = female.

Born with twat, have dick added, dominated by testosterone = male.

Born with dick, still have dick, wear dresses and high heels = male.

Born with twat, still have twat, buzz cut and flannel shirts = female.

Pretty sure this is the protocol. Use the corresponding bathroom and stop being a bitch.
Hell, that sums it up. It's science!
Born with dick, dominated by testosterone hormones = male.

Born with twat, dominated by estrogen hormones = female.

Born with dick, lose dick, (surgery, not accident), have twat added, dominated by estrogen = female.

Born with twat, have dick added, dominated by testosterone = male.

Born with dick, still have dick, wear dresses and high heels = male.

Born with twat, still have twat, buzz cut and flannel shirts = female.

Pretty sure this is the protocol. Use the corresponding bathroom and stop being a bitch.
So when you finally come out of the closet, will you still advocate this?

*will also support you when you come out
No daughter. And I'm cool with you feeling this way, but not sure or agree it's about feel.

First, we're talking a very low percentage of population, secondly, and most importantly, our bodies don't always define who we are. Nature creates anomalies. There are outliers. Not sure it's about these people feeling that they are an opposite sex, but that they are actually are.

It's not like a gay person chooses to be gay.
Sometimes nature doesn't follow it's intended course.

It's not like some swarm of transgender mollies ate going to take over.

I'll post more, kids are attacking me, but it's over reaction. We don't have to accept everyone, but as long as their rights don't infringe upon mine, or vice versa. I don't want to be told by others or government who I am or who I'm supposed to be be. We don't live in a white bread society anymore, this ain't Mayberry.

Good grief, man. Mayberry? White bread society? You are insufferable at times with your liberal BS. We are talking about exposing penises in girls locker rooms. Nothing more…nothing less. Aint nothing Mayberry about that on either side.

So you think HS boys (with boy parts) who IDENTIFY AS (is that better terminology for you?) females should be allowed to shower with the girls after PE class? Seriously? Unbelievable.

I mean if they are uncomfortable showering in the boys locker room with the other boys…fine. I get that. Again, I am conservative but i am open minded enough to say to each his own and let's accommodate everybody. So let them shower at a different time or build them a separate shower or let them use a separate locker room or whatever. But nope…that's not good enough.

What you ignore is ...allowing boys who identify as girls to shower with the girls is not being accommodating to everyone. Not even close. In fact it is the exact opposite of being accommodating to everyone. It is pandering to a very small minority…which is supported by liberal politics and the liberal media.

You talk about infringing on rights. Ha! I scoff at you! Well what about infringing on the rights of all of the girls in a class to feel comfortable going to the rest room or even showering without there being a penis present in the room?

In the process of making one person feel included in an environment in which they best identify…you risk the possibility of making a whole class full, or at least the majority of the girls in that class feel very, very uncomfortable. So what is the intrinsic value here?

Give them a separate unisex bathroom/shower similar to the "Family Restrooms" available in most stores these days. In the absence of such accommodations then allow them to shower at different times in whatever locker room they identify with. Just don't force the girls to shower when there is a penis present in the same shower. Sounds funny…but that's what we are talking about here.

You don't want to be told by others or government who you are or who you're supposed to be? [laughing][eyeroll][laughing][eyeroll][laughing][eyeroll][laughing] Well that's mighty noble of you, professor. My response to that is…No shit, Sherlock! Nobody wants that. I sure as hell don't want that. Guess what, brother? I also don't want others or government telling me that my daughter has to shower in the same shower where there is an exposed penis.

Some girls in grade school & middle school & HS are mature enough and comfortable enough in their own sexuality to deal with this issue without any problems. But most are not. Most of them are insecure and unsure about their own sexuality and still discovering who they are mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc...and I can most certainly assure you that NONE of the girls should be exposed to a penis by order of the government.

I'm pretty much done here. You are either trolling or too blinded by your liberal agenda to actually use your brain. There is an easy, logical solution here. Just got to filter out the political BS to see it.

Good grief, man. Mayberry? White bread society? You are insufferable at times with your liberal BS. We are talking about exposing penises in girls locker rooms. Nothing more…nothing less. Aint nothing Mayberry about that on either side.

So you think HS boys (with boy parts) who IDENTIFY AS (is that better terminology for you?) females should be allowed to shower with the girls after PE class? Seriously? Unbelievable.

I mean if they are uncomfortable showering in the boys locker room with the other boys…fine. I get that. Again, I am conservative but i am open minded enough to say to each his own and let's accommodate everybody. So let them shower at a different time or build them a separate shower or let them use a separate locker room or whatever. But nope…that's not good enough.

What you ignore is ...allowing boys who identify as girls to shower with the girls is not being accommodating to everyone. Not even close. In fact it is the exact opposite of being accommodating to everyone. It is pandering to a very small minority…which is supported by liberal politics and the liberal media.

You talk about infringing on rights. Ha! I scoff at you! Well what about infringing on the rights of all of the girls in a class to feel comfortable going to the rest room or even showering without there being a penis present in the room?

In the process of making one person feel included in an environment in which they best identify…you risk the possibility of making a whole class full, or at least the majority of the girls in that class feel very, very uncomfortable. So what is the intrinsic value here?

Give them a separate unisex bathroom/shower similar to the "Family Restrooms" available in most stores these days. In the absence of such accommodations then allow them to shower at different times in whatever locker room they identify with. Just don't force the girls to shower when there is a penis present in the same shower. Sounds funny…but that's what we are talking about here.

You don't want to be told by others or government who you are or who you're supposed to be? [laughing][eyeroll][laughing][eyeroll][laughing][eyeroll][laughing] Well that's mighty noble of you, professor. My response to that is…No shit, Sherlock! Nobody wants that. I sure as hell don't want that. Guess what, brother? I also don't want others or government telling me that my daughter has to shower in the same shower where there is an exposed penis.

Some girls in grade school & middle school & HS are mature enough and comfortable enough in their own sexuality to deal with this issue without any problems. But most are not. Most of them are insecure and unsure about their own sexuality and still discovering who they are mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc...and I can most certainly assure you that NONE of the girls should be exposed to a penis by order of the government.

I'm pretty much done here. You are either trolling or too blinded by your liberal agenda to actually use your brain. There is an easy, logical solution here. Just got to filter out the political BS to see it.

You really think your daughter is going to shower with dicks because government mandate? That's the argument you're going with?

Can we make up more stuff that's not going to happen?
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Scrolling through the channels and saw that The Big Chill is on right now. Good movie. Saw Glenn Close and was reminded once again how unattractive she is/was. I mean that one movie with the boiled rabbit…Fatal Attraction?…would have been 100X better with a really hot chick as the rabbit boiler-er.

I think i have mentioned this in the D before. Maybe not. It's all a blur after page 1,000.
So basically, you want to tell someone else how to run their life because you don't agree. Got it. Heil Hitler? Maybe we can just round them up and kill em.

Never understood that about conservatives. You guys claim you don't want interference but if it's something you don't like, you interfere.

By the way, can we make up other scenarios that won't happen and argue about them?

You really think your daughter is going to shower with dicks? Btw, you know Obama steals babies at night if you turn your head?

Did you know if a gay man touches you on the hand , you become gay?

Pretty lame response for such an educated fella. Especially the smoke and mirror distraction of the Obama and ghey stuff.

Here you go, professor…read this:

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has ordered a taxpayer-funded school district in the suburbs of Chicago to allow a male transgender student who dresses like a girl and otherwise identifies as female to use the girls locker room and shower on school premises.

The Department of Education has given the school district one month to let the student use the girls locker room. If the district does not capitulate, it risks losing federal funding.

Here's the link to that story that you won't read either because it doesn't fit your dumbass agenda…but here it is anyway...

Also, right there in your back yard in Metro at Atherton HS they had the ruling that the one transgender male identifying as a female could use the girls restrooms and locker rooms…including showers. That was in 2014 and both appeals were turned down. So there's another penis exposed in a HS girls locker room shower.


Also, at least 2 other cases in California with similar rulings. And none of those had sex changes either.

So yeah, smart ass…that's 4 penises exposed in 4 different HS girls locker rooms. One of which is in Louisville, KY. All of which made rulings that showers are to be shared. And those are legal precedents being set. Which means it's only a matter of time before similar case rulings make their way to other schools in Metro and throughout Kentucky. So yeah, there's a very real chance of my daughters/any/all daughters in the good ol' USofA showering in HS locker rooms being exposed to penises in the shower with them.
Jed, thanks for the dollar store cookie info. That's vital information. I'm a Somoa cookie guy. I think they call them "caramel delights" now so not to offend the somoans and queers.
Girl Scout cookies get produced by two different bakeries in the US. That is why there are Somoas and Carmel Delights. Depends on your region.
Folks I just went through 3 pages of crap. Most of the time I did not know what I was reading about.

Pretty lame response for such an educated fella. Especially the smoke and mirror distraction of the Obama and ghey stuff.

Here you go, professor…read this:

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has ordered a taxpayer-funded school district in the suburbs of Chicago to allow a male transgender student who dresses like a girl and otherwise identifies as female to use the girls locker room and shower on school premises.

The Department of Education has given the school district one month to let the student use the girls locker room. If the district does not capitulate, it risks losing federal funding.

Here's the link to that story that you won't read either because it doesn't fit your dumbass agenda…but here it is anyway...

Also, right there in your back yard in Metro at Atherton HS they had the ruling that the one transgender male identifying as a female could use the girls restrooms and locker rooms…including showers. That was in 2014 and both appeals were turned down. So there's another penis exposed in a HS girls locker room shower.


Also, at least 2 other cases in California with similar rulings. And none of those had sex changes either.

So yeah, smart ass…that's 4 penises exposed in 4 different HS girls locker rooms. One of which is in Louisville, KY. All of which made rulings that showers are to be shared. And those are legal precedents being set. Which means it's only a matter of time before similar case rulings make their way to other schools in Metro and throughout Kentucky. So yeah, there's a very real chance of my daughters/any/all daughters in the good ol' USofA showering in HS locker rooms being exposed to penises in the shower with them.
Can you link the part where it says the girls are being forced to shower with the dicks? Or is it just that they use the same facility at different times?

You can't, because it's a ridiculous argument. They just have to let the transgender use the facility, not share. That's the distinction.

Look dude, if you want, we can go down this path and I can destroy your Opie Taylor view points, but I'd rather not, because neither you or me is defined by one issue. So stop with the insults.
Girl Scout cookies get produced by two different bakeries in the US. That is why there are Somoas and Carmel Delights. Depends on your region.

Well did my #859 KY region change? Bc we are delights now, and I don't care for it. The Somoa is the best GS Cookie by far, imo, and the name was bold and mysterious. Now it's fn "caramel delight"???? Lame, generic, and I think it sounds like a Starbucks drink.

I don't like people messing with my cookies
toasted anus is toasted, again.
I should get you a leash and a collar. Make it real nice for you. You can't stop can you? I own you that much.

Also, pretty sure you're not allowed to use that line. Its like you saying wodie. It's not yours.

It's fine. I took you off ignore, only to realize every other post was about me. It's flattering for sure, but creepy. I'll just put you back on ignore.
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Well did my #859 KY region change? Bc we are delights now, and I don't care for it. The Somoa is the best GS Cookie by far, imo, and the name was bold and mysterious. Now it's fn "caramel delight"???? Lame, generic, and I think it sounds like a Starbucks drink.

I don't like people messing with my cookies
Dude, I don't know. I live way up in Ioway. But if the name of the cookie changed, it means it is from the other bakery.

Actually, I think Carmel Delite could be a stripper name.
Good grief, man. Mayberry? White bread society? You are insufferable at times with your liberal BS. We are talking about exposing penises in girls locker rooms. Nothing more…nothing less. Aint nothing Mayberry about that on either side.

So you think HS boys (with boy parts) who IDENTIFY AS (is that better terminology for you?) females should be allowed to shower with the girls after PE class? Seriously? Unbelievable.

I mean if they are uncomfortable showering in the boys locker room with the other boys…fine. I get that. Again, I am conservative but i am open minded enough to say to each his own and let's accommodate everybody. So let them shower at a different time or build them a separate shower or let them use a separate locker room or whatever. But nope…that's not good enough.

What you ignore is ...allowing boys who identify as girls to shower with the girls is not being accommodating to everyone. Not even close. In fact it is the exact opposite of being accommodating to everyone. It is pandering to a very small minority…which is supported by liberal politics and the liberal media.

You talk about infringing on rights. Ha! I scoff at you! Well what about infringing on the rights of all of the girls in a class to feel comfortable going to the rest room or even showering without there being a penis present in the room?

In the process of making one person feel included in an environment in which they best identify…you risk the possibility of making a whole class full, or at least the majority of the girls in that class feel very, very uncomfortable. So what is the intrinsic value here?

Give them a separate unisex bathroom/shower similar to the "Family Restrooms" available in most stores these days. In the absence of such accommodations then allow them to shower at different times in whatever locker room they identify with. Just don't force the girls to shower when there is a penis present in the same shower. Sounds funny…but that's what we are talking about here.

You don't want to be told by others or government who you are or who you're supposed to be? [laughing][eyeroll][laughing][eyeroll][laughing][eyeroll][laughing] Well that's mighty noble of you, professor. My response to that is…No shit, Sherlock! Nobody wants that. I sure as hell don't want that. Guess what, brother? I also don't want others or government telling me that my daughter has to shower in the same shower where there is an exposed penis.

Some girls in grade school & middle school & HS are mature enough and comfortable enough in their own sexuality to deal with this issue without any problems. But most are not. Most of them are insecure and unsure about their own sexuality and still discovering who they are mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, etc...and I can most certainly assure you that NONE of the girls should be exposed to a penis by order of the government.

I'm pretty much done here. You are either trolling or too blinded by your liberal agenda to actually use your brain. There is an easy, logical solution here. Just got to filter out the political BS to see it.

Glad you are back el-presidente. FCC.
Pretty lame response for such an educated fella. Especially the smoke and mirror distraction of the Obama and ghey stuff.

Here you go, professor…read this:

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has ordered a taxpayer-funded school district in the suburbs of Chicago to allow a male transgender student who dresses like a girl and otherwise identifies as female to use the girls locker room and shower on school premises.

The Department of Education has given the school district one month to let the student use the girls locker room. If the district does not capitulate, it risks losing federal funding.

Here's the link to that story that you won't read either because it doesn't fit your dumbass agenda…but here it is anyway...

Also, right there in your back yard in Metro at Atherton HS they had the ruling that the one transgender male identifying as a female could use the girls restrooms and locker rooms…including showers. That was in 2014 and both appeals were turned down. So there's another penis exposed in a HS girls locker room shower.


Also, at least 2 other cases in California with similar rulings. And none of those had sex changes either.

So yeah, smart ass…that's 4 penises exposed in 4 different HS girls locker rooms. One of which is in Louisville, KY. All of which made rulings that showers are to be shared. And those are legal precedents being set. Which means it's only a matter of time before similar case rulings make their way to other schools in Metro and throughout Kentucky. So yeah, there's a very real chance of my daughters/any/all daughters in the good ol' USofA showering in HS locker rooms being exposed to penises in the shower with them.

El presidente is back. Oh yeah. FCC.
Can you link the part where it says the girls are being forced to shower with the dicks? Or is it just that they use the same facility at different times?

You can't, because it's a ridiculous argument.

Look dude, if you want, we can go down this path and I can destroy your Opie Taylor view points, but I'd rather not, because neither you or me is defined by one issue. So stop with the insults.

Stop with the insults? [laughing] So you weren't being insulting first with your comments about touching a gay man's hand and becoming gay? Or with the white bread comment? Or about Obama and the babies? Lighten up, professor. I think us trading jabs is all part of the fun.

And you should actually take the time to read the first link and the Chicago Tribune link within that story and then use that big brain of yours to read between the lines.

Since you didn't read it either I will summarize…

The case in Chicago…the school originally had the transgender male change and shower in a different location. Not good enough. Then they set up a privacy curtain in the girls locker room and a different time for her to shower in the girls shower. Not good enough. She is seeking unrestricted access to the girls locker room and all of it's facilities. Including the shower. Because she wants to be treated completely like all of the other girls. Which would be fine…if she didn't have a penis. It's an anatomy thing. Not a gender identification thing. Pretty simple.

What you don't seem to understand is that we really aren't that far off on our views on this topic. Just that i don't have blinders on. If they would let her use the same facilities at different times then fine. But that's not what they are trying to do here. Not at all. Because that isn't full on inclusion. THEY ARE ASKING FOR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE GIRLS LOCKER ROOM AND SHOWER FACILITIES AT THE SAME DESIGNATED TIME AS THE OTHER GIRLS.

Soooo…either a penis will be exposed to the other girls at some point. Or…all of the other girls are going to have to arrange their schedule around hers and wait till she has showered and dressed and left the locker room before they can do so.

She also plays on some girls sports teams for the school and is seeking unrestricted locker room/shower access then. Players run in and out of locker rooms all the time. After a game outside the locker room some players talk to family, friends, the media, go to the training room…then run in to take a shower. Some players are in a hurry and shower right after the game and bail quick. So at some point…with unrestricted access…without detailed separate times for showering/changing...a penis will be exposed. Or one of the girls' private parts will be exposed to the transgender male. It's inevitable.

May not happen in this case. But with this precedent being set with the unrestricted access…it will happen in some locker room at some point. More than likely it will happen in most of them where there is full unrestricted access in sports team situations. Again, it's inevitable. And it is completely avoidable just by using some common sense.
Stop with the insults? [laughing] So you weren't being insulting first with your comments about touching a gay man's hand and becoming gay? Or with the white bread comment? Or about Obama and the babies? Lighten up, professor. I think us trading jabs is all part of the fun.

And you should actually take the time to read the first link and the Chicago Tribune link within that story and then use that big brain of yours to read between the lines.

Since you didn't read it either I will summarize…

The case in Chicago…the school originally had the transgender male change and shower in a different location. Not good enough. Then they set up a privacy curtain in the girls locker room and a different time for her to shower in the girls shower. Not good enough. She is seeking unrestricted access to the girls locker room and all of it's facilities. Including the shower. Because she wants to be treated completely like all of the other girls. Which would be fine…if she didn't have a penis. It's an anatomy thing. Not a gender identification thing. Pretty simple.

What you don't seem to understand is that we really aren't that far off on our views on this topic. Just that i don't have blinders on. If they would let her use the same facilities at different times then fine. But that's not what they are trying to do here. Not at all. Because that isn't full on inclusion. THEY ARE ASKING FOR UNRESTRICTED ACCESS TO THE GIRLS LOCKER ROOM AND SHOWER FACILITIES AT THE SAME DESIGNATED TIME AS THE OTHER GIRLS.

Soooo…either a penis will be exposed to the other girls at some point. Or…all of the other girls are going to have to arrange their schedule around hers and wait till she has showered and dressed and left the locker room before they can do so.

She also plays on some girls sports teams for the school and is seeking unrestricted locker room/shower access then. Players run in and out of locker rooms all the time. After a game outside the locker room some players talk to family, friends, the media, go to the training room…then run in to take a shower. Some players are in a hurry and shower right after the game and bail quick. So at some point…with unrestricted access…without detailed separate times for showering/changing...a penis will be exposed. Or one of the girls' private parts will be exposed to the transgender male. It's inevitable.

May not happen in this case. But with this precedent being set with the unrestricted access…it will happen in some locker room at some point. More than likely it will happen in most of them where there is full unrestricted access in sports team situations. Again, it's inevitable. And it is completely avoidable just by using some common sense.
Sounds like that boy has it all figured out. [smoke]

The article said they gave her/him a different area, but they needed to give the same. So it's not forcing it upon them. It will go to courts. But the they are forcing penis in my daughters face is still hyperbole.

My whole point was I don't care. I haven't really given the thought you have, as it doesn't bother me. Even the Bruce Jenner thing didn't bother me, because I don't give a shit if he/she does or what famous people do. I'm not out there looking to tell people how to think nor am I looking for stuff to be outraged about.

I need a few weeks to think about my position. I have some premises to start:

The courts will do a balancing test to weigh the rights of the many vs. the few here.

Is the transgender analogous to the homosexual? Or even skin color?

Going to ask some open ended questions I don't know the answers to:

That being said, it's an issue that challenges the way we see others. If she/he sees themselves as a certain gender, why shouldn't the rest of us?

Why do we have to be confined? Shouldn't we teach our children to accept?

Weren't all the same arguments used to keep gays out of locker rooms? Or even blacks?

Is it bad to see a penis of a transgender? Isn't the argument the same as if I shower with a gay, he might want to have sex with me?

At what point do we include the minority?

Is transgender a disease? Is it a real psychological condition?

You have a right to, but take for example the religious tolerance laws that keep getting struck down. It's basically a group of religious people saying our religion hates gays, therefor we don't have to do business with you. This argument has been struck down repeatedly over the years, since the civil rights act. Because we feel different, doesn't necessarily mean we have the right to exclude and discriminate. I can't be open to the public and refuse to serve Muslims because of interstate commerce clause.

Is the transgender policy more akin to separate but equal with given a different shower? Probably not, because it doesn't infringe upon their rights to shower, but it needs to be asked.

At what point are her/he/it's rights disposed is the test, vs the disposed rights of the many. I'm not going to cite case law. But probably should. I doubt she is a protected class nor her level of harassment warrants inclusion. This is why I have a hard time seeing this successful in the courts. But I will read up on the case law, so we can discuss this more throughly, because I still believe there is a level of unreasonableness to your approach.

I don't know the answers, but they are tough questions. If you say you can answer them, or anyone, then they have not given this the proper thought.

It's a different world.

This reports that schools have accepted transgender into locker rooms with no complaints and has other solutions. Seems reasonable.

Title IX and 14th amendment. Didn't realize how big this had gotten. With 0.02% I guess it's not, but guess we are seeing if this will be new civil rights.

Will do more research.
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