
I dont give a f*ck if someone believes they are a woman/man with man/woman parts. That is their life, not mine. If they want a private bathroom, I dont care.

Just dont pull out a pu** to piss in urinal next to me...I'm already kidney shy...Now if you wanna "squat n drop" that's OK..we all do that ..all men leave some piss while leaving the dump and it's done "squat n drop"
I wanted the tards to lose so bad last night but then I thought WGAF whether they win or lose..they are not going anywhere but Minardi. Winning gives them (ignorant fan base) the thoughts of maybe a long tourney run which makes it much better that they are OUT! Sometimes the "cards" do line up..pun intended..

I have spent entirely to much time in the D today, should have been more productive but all my chores were done and I was in a mood....jus sayin
  • Haha at ethnic jokes. Funny stuff.
  • Hang in there Mav. My wife has to take tests for most of her CEs, seems like sitting through a class would be easier.
  • Congrats on the baby Raider.
  • Don't care which bathroom you go to. I'm gonna do my business. Funny thing is that it is cheaper in the long run for places to just build single private bathrooms. More up front cost, but faster to clean/do upkeep, since you only close off one at a time.
  • I'll try to read the weed thread later.
  • One crisis after another here at work.
  • Starting to plan a trip to Clearwater in June. Maybe spend a few days in Orlando. Not sure if it will work out to visit Willy, but maybe.
For Mash.....
