
UK Football isn't Bama Football, but pretty sure you can still acquire a nice stable of groupies in Lexington playing football nonetheless.

He couldn't have had a pair of hot chicks run this back to the crib for him? Cops never suspect the chicks. At worst they get pulled over, cry, get a stern talking to about using their turn signal correctly, and then stop at Rally's on the way back to grab you a Big Buford and fries to go with your backpack full of dank.
unless that athlete has glaucoma. Then they should smoke all day, every day, regardless of laws/rules and not expect to be punished if they get caught with more than their legal prescription allows.

There are some jobs where a legal prescription won't allow a person to work. For instance, blue collar labor in a wharehouse. If someone gets hurts and takes loratabs, the job may not let the person comback to work until the prescription stops. That's what they do at my wife's corporation
most at some point, yea probably. It's not crack, but any form of smoking isn't "good" for anyone.

so a guy that gets suspended multiple times over rules violations the last couple of years gets arrested on a felony drug charge and you think it's harsh to kick him off the team?

Stoops: "OK, Jason. This is the last straw and the absolute limit. Just don't go kill anyone now. Then I'll be forced to remove you from the team."
Hatcher: "Okay den coach."


Fn right. What were these other violations I never heard about? But he gets caught with pot...omg...a gd felony? LOL. And that's it. He's done? LOL...

...but he's not done. He'll suit up somewhere else bc it's fn football. Nobody gives a shit.

That makes all kinds of no sense at all. He hurt nobody. Broke no real law. It's total nonsense.

Yes, I know the reality of it. Doesn't make the reality not completely bullshit.
Fn right. What were these other violations I never heard about? But he gets caught with pot...omg...a gd felony? LOL. And that's it. He's done? LOL...

...but he's not done. He'll suit up somewhere else bc it's fn football. Nobody gives a shit.

That makes all kinds of no sense at all. He hurt nobody. Broke no real law. It's total nonsense.

Yes, I know the reality of it. Doesn't make the reality not completely bullshit.

Totally agree with ya man. But that's UK's policy. Even if it were legal. It may still be against UK's policy.

It's stupid, but until the stigma wears off like alcohol. Then everyone will just have to follow the rules or risk it. I risk every time I re-up for more weed. it's a nervous wreck
You got suspended fo some marijuana?

perception >>> reality.

A team has a player that is perceived to be a trouble maker = get rid of his ass and let someone else deal with him. Just the way it is, unless you wanna be the program that's viewed as having shitty kids that can't follow rules and you have a high tolerance for it/don't give a damn. Any program in the nation would've cut his ass after being suspended at least twice before and then getting arrested while having a pound of weed.

*UofL coaches winking and slowly rubbing their hands*
If you were to roll some hoglegs, maybe 6-10 joints in a 1/8 oz, so say 75 joints an oz times it by 16, so roughly 1200 joints.

I remember being at a UK party. My buddy Charlie was rolling this humongous joint (He was using 8-1.5 JOB rolling papers) and there was a black guy that walked into the room as he was trying to roll it. My buddy was having trouble getting it sealed up. The black guy says "you know what's wrong with that joint? There's too much weed in it"

Thought it was funny, because there's never such a thing as "too much weed"
Isn't that the stuff that turns all your bad feelins' into good feelins'? If so, I think I'd like to try me summa that cuh-cane.

Was at another UK party one time. Group was of us were smoking a joint loaded with cocaine in it. Some random pleb comes walking up to us. Ask us if he can hit our joint. We let him hit a few times and then asked him if he had a heart problem. and the pleb, said "No, why"". Buddy turns to him and says, "well, there's a lot of cocaine in that joint". Kid took off running like he saw a ghost.