
I saw where Pitino is taking the 96 team to Miami to celebrate their 20th anniversary. I would assume UK has something planned to honor the team here in Rupp as well. They damn well better. With or without skunk face.

I don't like the fact that things are ao weird with Pitino. He's a POS. He was a POs here. He's a damn good ball coach. I can praise him for what he did here and shit on him in the same sentence. IDGAS. I would like to see that bastard grow some balls, say something nice, and just enjoy reminiscing about one of the greatest teams of all time. He says "he's not allowed in lexington" like a lil puss-boi, and I know its his fragile ego that can't handle it. He'll die of aids before he swallowed his pride and acted like a grown up.

F him, and thank him for what he did here. Then F him again. F you to hell, Rick, but thanks for your time here. Now go burn in hell.


Those teams were my first UK teams. I was Jeff Sheppard in my driveway because I wasn't black, and didn't identify as black. Good times.
Here's the deal. A few weeks ago Wal Mart pissed me off cause they wouldn't let me take enough bags for the stuff I had bought. See, there was a long line behind me, and I just told the lady to throw everything in the cart and I'd bag it myself at the car -- but the old bat wouldn't let me take enough bags, so I ended up having to pack half the shit into my house bagless. Bitch.

Now I've decided to make it my life's mission to take as many f#$king bags from WM as I possibly can. I try to always go through the self-checkers, and when nobody is looking, I'll grab as big a chunk of the still-stuck-together bags and cram them in my one merchandise bag. I love the freshly stuck bags cause there's like a couple hundred packed into a 1/2 inch space :D. I bet I've got a couple thousand bags, and counting, at least.

So you can thank me the next time one of you jackasses, or significant others, whines about the cost at your local WM -- ol' Mav is just doing his part to stick it to the man and drive up their costs so they can pass it along to the rest of you rubes. Enjoy, suckers.


No wonder there wasn't any bags in the self check out line I was in.

Thanks a lot MAV!!!
Lollllll thanks, Mav. I appreciate that.

The picture of you holding up a line at wal mart and telling the lady to just throw it in the cart is pretty funny. I can see half toothed pillheads getting antsy and angry at you.

Man, like my last trip to the gd meijer that awful piece of shit...they were unusually swamped, and short on cashiers, surprise! So we had an abundance of folks at the self checkouts and the daggum things were not cooperating. This poor lady was trying to get 3 of the 5 self checkout lanes working again, and she was on the phone, and the people on the ones that did work needed assistance, and I'm sitting in the middle of allll these lines trying to queue up like the British do, but nobody cared, and although I wanted to tell at those dumb mf'ers I just sat there fuming.

This is what it's gonna be like all the time once our robot overloads abandon us. Just one big perpetual big box line where nobody knows wtf is going on and life seems so distant. Fn thanks Obama.
Time to get a new phone, so ima gonna ask the D the eternally unanswerable question: Apple or Android? YOU decide.
iPhone or go home. 6+.

Now, DO NOT CONFUSE this directive to progress into buying an iMac is a good idea. That thing is a piece of useless shit intended for fat, bored, housewives to play bejeweled blitz on Facebook.

If you use a Mac you're a retard.
That's awesome. I had hopes last year of getting my private license, but life got in the way. Maybe I'll be able to give it a try again here soon.
Flying is one of the most enjoyable things that I have ever done. I stopped because of the lack of time to do it and the cost of flying. Everything about flying is so expensive.
  • Good effort on the house Speers. All that stuff of your wife's that you didn't know where to put - yeah just wait a few more years. That shit will multiply with your kid. You will drown in squalor like the rest of us with kids.
  • Mav - I always like to hear about someone sticking it to the man.
  • I once cancelled a gym membership, because I was moving across town and that gym would no longer be convienent. They made me pay another month. Said I had to give 30 days notice. So j went to the bank and got $50 or whatever in loose change. Actually, mostly pennies all in roles. They gave it to me in a cool little canvas bag. I undid all those coins. Put them in the bag and mixed it all up. The gym tried to refuse the payment. They kept asking for a check. I told them that cash was legal tender for all debts, public & private, in the good ol US of A. Took them over an hour with about 5 people to count it all.
  • Allaboutthez - lurking is creeper behavior. I hope you aren't here to case trouble. There has been some trouble in the past. But if your not here to cause trouble, then welcome aboard.
  • Enough of all that shit talking. Friday night Beyounces!
I saw where Pitino is taking the 96 team to Miami to celebrate their 20th anniversary. I would assume UK has something planned to honor the team here in Rupp as well. They damn well better. With or without skunk face.

I don't like the fact that things are ao weird with Pitino. He's a POS. He was a POs here. He's a damn good ball coach. I can praise him for what he did here and shit on him in the same sentence. IDGAS. I would like to see that bastard grow some balls, say something nice, and just enjoy reminiscing about one of the greatest teams of all time. He says "he's not allowed in lexington" like a lil puss-boi, and I know its his fragile ego that can't handle it. He'll die of aids before he swallowed his pride and acted like a grown up.

F him, and thank him for what he did here. Then F him again. F you to hell, Rick, but thanks for your time here. Now go burn in hell.


Those teams were my first UK teams. I was Jeff Sheppard in my driveway because I wasn't black, and didn't identify as black. Good times.
Pitino just needed a sex coach.
Time to get a new phone, so ima gonna ask the D the eternally unanswerable question: Apple or Android? YOU decide.

Go get yourself an iPhone 6 and don't look back...I have loved every single Apple product I've ever used - I have MacBook Pro laptop and used a Power Mac G5 for work and they are all superb.

Gonna get me an iPad Pro too, bitches.
Flying is one of the most enjoyable things that I have ever done. I stopped because of the lack of time to do it and the cost of flying. Everything about flying is so expensive.
Southwest Airlines says hello.

I've flown to FL non-stop via Southwest cheaper than busing on Greyhound. Great time saver. Turbulence can sometimes become unnerving.
Go get yourself an iPhone 6 and don't look back...I have loved every single Apple product I've ever used - I have MacBook Pro laptop and used a Power Mac G5 for work and they are all superb.

Gonna get me an iPad Pro too, bitches.
I carry both - iPhone 4 and Samsung Galaxy S5. Love my Samsung S5.
Southwest Airlines says hello.

I've flown to FL non-stop via Southwest cheaper than busing on Greyhound. Great time saver. Turbulence can sometimes become unnerving.
We were talking about Cessnas and Warriors. I learned to fly in a 1975 Piper Warrior. N224J. I was driving to Dad's one time and saw that little airplane. The cowling had been on fire, and it looked awful. I was glad that I was not in it when all of that action happened.
We were talking about Cessnas and Warriors. I learned to fly in a 1975 Piper Warrior. N224J. I was driving to Dad's one time and saw that little airplane. The cowling had been on fire, and it looked awful. I was glad that I was not in it when all of that action happened.

Definitely happy I missed such action, too. Yikes!
Sitting at home doing absolutely nothing today.

Was supposed to go to an interview this morning but screw that I will wait for a better opportunity. Not worth the drive.

Ulis, Murray, Willis

Our interior seems to be playing with a bit more...masculinity as of late. They still have a ways to go, but nice to see some put backs and rebounds from the big guys.
Thanks fer everybody's input, gonna stick with Apple and go with a 6 plus -- but should I drop an extry hundo for a 6s plus? As always, TIA.
One of my geniuses bought that big one and hates it. I tease him about it all of the time. I don't know **** about cell phones except that they are expensive and that you sould not lay them down on your hood or on the top of your car. My grandkids have broken numerous phones by doing that.