
Put it this way. Aricpet, which is a drug to treat Alzheimer's is an enzyme blocker. People with the disease are having enzymes that are eating up the acetylcholine production the brain. That Nyquil stuff is eating up your production of acetylcholine.
Willy, what about Hydroxyzine? My doctor prescribed it to help me sleep. Thanks in advance.
....or (and I'm shooting from the hip) while it's in the body, tag it (c'mon 93) and make it too heavy to get through the bbb, or is that what you mean when you say block them? FCC.
FCC - that kind of stuff is completely out of my wheelhouse. I know a professor here that works a lot with RGS6, a protein that is important in regulating a bunch of stuff. He says it's probably important for solving Alzheimer's.
As a NASCAR fan, I try to keep up with all of the changes that happen each off season. Every once in a while I learn something about the sport that I forget about by the time the season kicks off again. Kept hearing about a new driver last year in the lower series last year and just kind of pushed it to the back of my head, until tonight when I happened to look up at the TV after a wreck in the truck series.

This is happening.

As a NASCAR fan, I try to keep up with all of the changes that happen each off season. Every once in a while I learn something about the sport that I forget about by the time the season kicks off again. Kept hearing about a new driver last year in the lower series last year and just kind of pushed it to the back of my head, until tonight when I happened to look up at the TV after a wreck in the truck series.

This is happening.

Elite athlete.... Pfffft.

Turn left onto the yellow brick(yard) road.
"Due to his short stature, he needs special modifications to the cockpit area of his race cars, such as foot blocks to help him reach the throttle.[1][5][14] The car is also modified for Abreu, such as the pedals and the steering column being lengthened, with the powertrain and a-frame moved 6 inches (15 cm). For stock cars, the steering column, pedals, and switches were moved, while the remainder of the cockpit remains the same.[1]"

I'll be damned ....
Well, I had a pretty shitty week at work, (I CAN say that here and not get banned, right?), HOWEVER.......I FINALLY got the raise I'd been promised for over a year. @ 30% raise. I damn sure needed it, and, if I do say so myself, I earned it. My boss has lobbied hard for me to get it, and I guess the stars finally aligned just right.

After I was finished with all my interviews today, I go out to my car and the battery is dead. Couldn't figure out why, no lights were left on. Finally noticed my running lights were on....and they won't turn off. Also, the dash light is blinking on and off when the car is turned off. Got an electrical issue somewhere. Taking a vacation day Monday and hoping my mechanic can find it.

In a Hardees today for breakfast. The manager SCREAMED out " Lisa, you left off cheese on a Frisco, no cheese on it all! Get your act together back there or else"!!!!! Everybody in line was just kind of looking at one another like WTF?

People who don't use turn signals should be horsewhipped. How much trouble is it to use the damn thing?

Can't believe Marie Osmond is still smoking hot. She's had like 43 kids, but I'd still hit it.
I actually did some daring things while I was learning to fly. I landed on a gravel landing strip in Charleston, Mississippi, and went to lunch with a 1st cousin. He thought it was as neat as I thought.

What a feeling that must have been.

Damnit Lisa fn up.

Mashburned fng up. I ran out the house salivating for Steak n Shake...Made it there without my wallet. At least I didn't order. Dammit.
Why not just get one of those LED lights that goes on the dogs collar instead of lighting up the whole backyard?
Interesting, but we also have a bit of a rabbit problem. They're much bigger than the dog, too. Not sure what the rabbit/dachshund relationship is in the wild, but I'd put money on Bugs right now. I'd like to see what is out in the yard before she goes out.

I'm looking forward to her catching that mole, though.
Interesting, but we also have a bit of a rabbit problem. They're much bigger than the dog, too. Not sure what the rabbit/dachshund relationship is in the wild, but I'd put money on Bugs right now. I'd like to see what is out in the yard before she goes out.

I'm looking forward to her catching that mole, though.

Give your dog steroids. It worked for Barry.
You know, that's really an awesome idea. I'd probably try the same thing.

Yeah, actually that would be my back up idea the more I think about it. I think I would try to kill it with my hands first. Be like a hybrid Jack the Ripper/Turtleman type of thing. I'd bait it and then take a knife and slash it's throat while I looked it in it's eyes and those eyes see my eyes as the last thing that it will ever see.

Then I'd take it and eat it. Hasenpfeffer