
See, this is why kids are overrated. Just think, you could have a much bigger house, and more money/less debt if you just sold them into child slavery or harvested their organs. Better yet, make them do all the house work in exchange for clothes and food. I don't want to hear that they are too young. If a 6 year old in Indonesia can make designer clothes, then no child is too young to clean!
Go away.
You guy. Who are you.

The sgetti is uhhhhhhh, I think I made it Monday. It's good. It is kind of better the second day.

I do not agree with second day pizza. I'll eat it, and enjoy it, but pizza goes downhill drastically once it hits the fridge, imo.

I'm just me. I lurked on this board from a long time. Always got a kick out the threads in the paddock. Enjoyed how nobody really took anything to seriously, but apparently I was wrong. My bad, I will be quiet and go back to lurking.
I'm just me. I lurked on this board from a long time. Always got a kick out the threads in the paddock. Enjoyed how nobody really took anything to seriously, but apparently I was wrong. My bad, I will be quiet and go back to lurking.

Ok, that's cool. Don't mind LEK he is literally the worst poster here. You just sounded like somebody who had been here before, and you have, you just haven't posted.
I've been wanting to get my PPL for years, but real life always gets in the damned way...don't have the 7 grand to throw at it.

I hear ya. I had already been to the airport and met with the instructor and took a look at the plane, found the Doctor for the I was ready to go!

I was going to fly out of Danville, KY with Wings of Refuge. My end goal was to take at risk kids up and show them that they can do anything they want all they have to do is want to.
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Ok, that's cool. Don't mind LEK he is literally the worst poster here. You just sounded like somebody who had been here before, and you have, you just haven't posted.

Like I said man, I have lurked for a long time and just never felt comfortable posting, but you guys crack me up and I couldn't resist anymore. I probably could have eased myself in a bit better, but I was feeling foggy I guess. lol
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Never took LEK for the type to play the "must be an old banned poster". I wasn't making fun of anyone. Again if anyone took it that way I deeply apologize. Please message me your address and I will gladly send some apology flowers.

I accept. I'm a middle school girl basketball coach, so just label it "coach."

1732 Richmond Rd.
Lexington, KY 40502

Thanks. Appreciate it.
2 wks post op...down 21pds. feeling great cept for this ****in bronchitis..I hate coughing
tough game comin up..finger crossed, hope we get the win
let's go duke tomorrow as well...**** the tards

UK sports ranked in men and women's basketball
baseball team ranked as well as girl's softball team...WTG Mitch and coaches!
2 wks post op...down 21pds. feeling great cept for this ****in bronchitis..I hate coughing
tough game comin up..finger crossed, hope we get the win
let's go duke tomorrow as well...**** the tards

UK sports ranked in men and women's basketball
baseball team ranked as well as girl's softball team...WTG Mitch and coaches!
Hope you feel better. Get well soon.

Totally agree. WTG Mitch. Now, if we can only get football to a bowl game here soon.
Me too from all the vintage NyQuil I found around the house. the older it is the worse it tastes..

Just as a reminder 55. Lay off the Nyquil that causes sleepiness. benadryl too.

They are anti-cholinergic. Which basically drains the neuro chemical that helps your memory. as you age, it's awful for you and can affect your memory down the road.
Put it this way. Aricpet, which is a drug to treat Alzheimer's is an enzyme blocker. People with the disease are having enzymes that are eating up the acetylcholine production the brain. That Nyquil stuff is eating up your production of acetylcholine.

Hey Willy. My Dad died with the disease. Which enzyme? Uh, can you get Acetylcholine injected somewhere to the brain? FCC.
I saw where Pitino is taking the 96 team to Miami to celebrate their 20th anniversary. I would assume UK has something planned to honor the team here in Rupp as well. They damn well better. With or without skunk face.

I don't like the fact that things are ao weird with Pitino. He's a POS. He was a POs here. He's a damn good ball coach. I can praise him for what he did here and shit on him in the same sentence. IDGAS. I would like to see that bastard grow some balls, say something nice, and just enjoy reminiscing about one of the greatest teams of all time. He says "he's not allowed in lexington" like a lil puss-boi, and I know its his fragile ego that can't handle it. He'll die of aids before he swallowed his pride and acted like a grown up.

F him, and thank him for what he did here. Then F him again. F you to hell, Rick, but thanks for your time here. Now go burn in hell.


Those teams were my first UK teams. I was Jeff Sheppard in my driveway because I wasn't black, and didn't identify as black. Good times.
Here's the deal. A few weeks ago Wal Mart pissed me off cause they wouldn't let me take enough bags for the stuff I had bought. See, there was a long line behind me, and I just told the lady to throw everything in the cart and I'd bag it myself at the car -- but the old bat wouldn't let me take enough bags, so I ended up having to pack half the shit into my house bagless. Bitch.

Now I've decided to make it my life's mission to take as many f#$king bags from WM as I possibly can. I try to always go through the self-checkers, and when nobody is looking, I'll grab as big a chunk of the still-stuck-together bags and cram them in my one merchandise bag. I love the freshly stuck bags cause there's like a couple hundred packed into a 1/2 inch space :D. I bet I've got a couple thousand bags, and counting, at least.

So you can thank me the next time one of you jackasses, or significant others, whines about the cost at your local WM -- ol' Mav is just doing his part to stick it to the man and drive up their costs so they can pass it along to the rest of you rubes. Enjoy, suckers.


No wonder there wasn't any bags in the self check out line I was in.

Thanks a lot MAV!!!