
If Duke wins the ACC and we win out they can't keep us from the #1
Last night Lunardi was on the SEC Now program and he said that if UK wins out they will be a two. He said our strength of schedule preempts UK from a one seed. I think that he is full of shit, but that is what he said.

If we are a three seed then I want Nova to be the one in our region. I think the SEC is four times better than that piece of shit conference AAC.
Morning all.

Sitting in Somerset again this Friday conducting interviews.

Well.....I'm SUPPOSED to be conducting interviews....the first two were no call/no shows.

Have two left, one for 11 am and the last one at noon. Hope they show.

Of the four I hired two weeks ago, one didn't pass the drug test.

Really, REALLY pisses me off that some SOB would schedule these job interviews, particularly when they know I'm driving down from Lexington, and simply not be man enough to call me and say I've decided I'm not interested.

Worried about our frontline. We may be looking at Skal and Hump manning the 3 this weekend.

Our guards though will keep us in most every game, but we need Willis and Lee healthy.

Later amigos. Have a great day.

Sitting at home doing absolutely nothing today.

Was supposed to go to an interview this morning but screw that I will wait for a better opportunity. Not worth the drive.

Ulis, Murray, Willis

Our interior seems to be playing with a bit more...masculinity as of late. They still have a ways to go, but nice to see some put backs and rebounds from the big guys.
Y'all see this? LOL. What in the world is wrong with UL?

*was trying to link video of that UL Ramsey going straight lunatic*

Last night Lunardi was on the SEC Now program and he said that if UK wins out they will be a two. He said our strength of schedule preempts UK from a one seed. I think that he is full of shit, but that is what he said.

If we are a three seed then I want Nova to be the one in our region. I think the SEC is four times better than that piece of shit conference AAC.

Our schedule? Weak excuse.
  • Morning, posters.
  • 47°F and clear in Johns Creek. VFR in effect.
  • Dark Magic going.
  • Tom Leach going.
  • Sinuses have me feeling badly.
  • Willis on fire. Wowwee.
  • Cramp in right calf woke me up this morning. Damn. Those things hurt.
  • Over.
My sinuses made me miserable for a couple of days last week. Head felt like it was in a fishbowl. Hopefully you will be over it soon.

Eat some bananas or drink some Gatorade to stop those muscle cramps.
I'll tell you what annoys me, I graduated from Bullitt East and all these goobers posting about Willis as THE BEAST FROM BULLITT EAST!!! OMG !!!111!!!

Gimme a break.

Lunardi: His Bracketology, I find it almost completely useless until about 1 week left in the season. Cracks me up on Dec. 15, "ZOMG Kentucky is a 2-seed in the MW region with Maryland and Iowa!!

Completely useless.
- just now rolling outta bed. Be jealous.

- UK ain't getting a 1 seed no matter what (unless the other 1s start losing more games)

No idea. The phone just added it. Phone is smarter than me, I guess.

Damnit Jason you better get to cleaning, drinking, whacking,'s noon right now.

I'm probably gonna go eat tuna here in a min.
We have a 4 bedroom/finished basement. Takes about 5 good hours solo. Thats just sweeping and vacuuming basement, cleaning kids rooms, dusting, straitening up. Kitchen and Bathrooms get the surgical touch.

See, this is why kids are overrated. Just think, you could have a much bigger house, and more money/less debt if you just sold them into child slavery or harvested their organs. Better yet, make them do all the house work in exchange for clothes and food. I don't want to hear that they are too young. If a 6 year old in Indonesia can make designer clothes, then no child is too young to clean!
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Damn near forgot lunch again. Idkwtfigo, but I got some baked sgetti in the fridge, so I'm gonna have that instead of the tuna that I thought about eating a while ago....just so y'all know where I currently stand with lunch.
...also notice how waiting to the point of near starvation has changed my food of choice. 2 hours ago I was thinking tuna and my stomach wasn't grumbling. Now it's grumbling and I'm thinking I could eat 2 helpings of this sgetti plus about 20 Oreos, but I don't have Oreos, I'm just saying...I could get some, and I might. It is Friday. See how an empty stomach can lead to poor diet choices.