Covid thread deleted?

What was the thought process on deleting the thread that chronicled the entire Covid fiasco?

I wonder how many other consolidated years long records like that exist on the internet.

Wtf! Seriously?!

What kind of ashole would delete something like that? All of the time and information there... I hope whoever deleted it has the same disregard shown for them and their input from here forward in all walks of life.
It's a question worth asking now when young people pass on. Has your head been in the sand? Have you not been paying attention? So how many boosters did you get?

He's a freaking troll who has and will do nothing to contribute to society at all. He's a parasite waiting for his next host. Nothing more and nothing less
The best part of that tweet was the "hospitals overwhelmed". There was definitely some of that but it all came out that on the whole that wasn't true. By and large most every area had plenty of bed space. They just kept pushing that to make people take it seriously and undoubtedly promote the shots.

Then looking at actual census, it was never clear how many were there for precaution after getting remdesivir which required a hospital stay for observation.

It was such a insanity it's hard to believe it all happened.

It was frustrating to be on the censored end of it throughout. My buddy and I had to research this a few years before "covid" because we have relatives that were more in danger than most if this tech got to market and they were forced to take it. If not for that, I'd have known little to nothing about it. I happened to also be connected to people in relevant fields in 2019 from virus testing labs to coroner's offices.

It really opened my eyes to the fact that it really DOES NOT MATTER what you know or who you know when fear is the weapon.

All the people that deleted my posts, called me crazy or worse, and didn't listen to a word, made their beds. Some of them are dead now, and I still wish they'd have at least looked into it more deeply or waited.... Friends, family, and former colleagues- all dead so that some people could profit off of it.

I hope the people that deleted and censored are reminded of it every day and learn not to be the way they were and are, but people as a rule don't always learn from their mistakes.
Yes and how convenient they are pushing another one in another election year. I read this crap a mile away. Some will stop at nothing for their lust for power and money. I hope I live long enough to see all these evil bastards have justice brought upon them.

Ads all over for these jabs, the hpv jabs, and roundup ffs.... WTF happened to this country
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If you follow it, unfortunately pretty obvious what happened. Walked off the course with 2 holes to play and 1 off the cut line. Has a long history of mental issues. Guy he was paired with yesterday asked the PGA officials to check on him.

There will be a lot more of this going forward. What the "meds" they give people actually do to people long and short term is staggering. Actually listen to the ads... It's insane
Yep. Been ramping up towards this for over a year now.
A lot of folks can't read the room. They are swayed and pulled every which way and have lost the ability to think for themselves. I smelled garbage from day one. Thank God I have a discerning nature and didn't get jabbed or have a job where it was required. I knew some people who lost their lives because of this. I'm not saying eye for an eye but I want justice to be served.
A lot of folks can't read the room. They are swayed and pulled every which way and have lost the ability to think for themselves. I smelled garbage from day one. Thank God I have a discerning nature and didn't get jabbed or have a job where it was required. I knew some people who lost their lives because of this. I'm not saying eye for an eye but I want justice to be served.

Same. 100% of this.
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A lot of folks can't read the room. They are swayed and pulled every which way and have lost the ability to think for themselves. I smelled garbage from day one. Thank God I have a discerning nature and didn't get jabbed or have a job where it was required. I knew some people who lost their lives because of this. I'm not saying eye for an eye but I want justice to be served.

You're definitely right. Imo that situation was really the .most intense amount of peer, social, and financial pressure in modern American history and maybe ever. That's why I give so many of those people a pass.

They were told they were literally killing their elderly family members. Many families, including mine, would not allow unvaccinated to come around at all even during the holidays. Then you had friends that literally didn't want to be associated with people unless they were jabbed. After all, we were the reason it wasn't over and everyone was locked inside.

Then you had the financial pressure. How many people has to get the jab to avoid financial devastation?

So I don't really blame people that succumbed to the pressure. It's understandable imo. But I will never forget the people that tried to ruin and ostracize anyone for making our own personal choice.
Just back from a 4 day jaunt to Vegas, and it was quite interesting to see people walking the strip in 110 degrees wearing a mask. Props for great lungs, I guess. There was an increase in the airport, both LV and CVG with people wearing masks, and it wasn't just the elderly. The scared shitless phenomenon that was instilled when this started will always be a thing for some.
Commercial flying will never be better than it was in the fall of 2020.

Needed a mask, but could leave it dangling from your ear so long as you had a drink nearby. Planes half empty. Most lunatics scared to fly.

Then the lunatics got permission to reintroduce themselves to society, and it all went to shit.

Crazy to think it’s been 4 years.
I've been to the Thomson-Hood Veterans Center in Wilmore a number of times to visit the Father of a life-long friend of mine. It is a very impressive, State-run, facility with caring and empathetic staff that highly-respect and care for these Veterans. This is immediately noticeable and very easy to see.

On my most recent visit, while walking down to the lobby to sign out, I noticed an engraved memorial plaque that honored former residents who died early on in a flurry from Covid. I researched this tragedy and learned that the thirty-four (34) died in a two-month outbreak period before the vaccine was available. Very sad, indeed ...

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Brand new emergency use authorization for a vaccine they know for a fact is neither addressing an emergency nor doing anything they said.
Mexico recently had a death from bird flu so we might be on the verge of pandemic 2.0.
Our response to bird flu has been to slaughter all the chickens or turkeys who come in contact with it. So we are guaranteeing none of our food birds become immune to the disease and that this will continue to be a problem in perpetuity.
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For the record.... If you are following CDC guidelines on the Vax you should be up to 10 booster now. Faucci had his 6th booster just weeks before contracting covid again. But insist it would have been way worse if he wasn't jabbed. LOL.
They were going to fire you and put your family on the street for refusing. Please remember who they are.

Adds zero value but adds at least a detectable amount of risk. Yet approved by eua for everyone down to toddlers.

Also important to note not only were they going to fire you. They DID fire thousands. Thats on top of the endless permanent closure of small restaurants and other small businesses, many of which open and successful for decades, all based on a purely whimsical 6 feet distance.

An entire generation of kids set back socially and scholastically because teachers' unions used their clout to make sure schools stayed closed.

Its really surreal all that happened. The only reason they stopped at all was because courts finally came to their senses. People didn't seem to care enough last time there was opportunity to be heard. We will see if they do this time.
Adds zero value but adds at least a detectable amount of risk. Yet approved by eua for everyone down to toddlers.

Also important to note not only were they going to fire you. They DID fire thousands. Thats on top of the endless permanent closure of small restaurants and other small businesses, many of which open and successful for decades, all based on a purely whimsical 6 feet distance.

An entire generation of kids set back socially and scholastically because teachers' unions used their clout to make sure schools stayed closed.

Its really surreal all that happened. The only reason they stopped at all was because courts finally came to their senses. People didn't seem to care enough last time there was opportunity to be heard. We will see if they do this time.

Don’t forget the trillions of dollars they printed, the recession were in and ripping away any and all electoral security measures across the country while illegally changing voting procedure in convenient states!!!

Anyone else find it ironic that Louisville now banned face coverings because it was obscuring criminals' faces?

LOL my my how the tables have turned. By far the most mask aggressive place in the state now making masks illegal instead of mandatory.

Whats even more weird is this comes right as "covid season" is upon us. Its almost like they know masks never worked.

I just want to remind everyone that the original Covid thread was right about a LOT of things.
There was some stuff in there that wasn’t correct…but on the whole that thread contained information that was correct about EVERYTHING. Important info that would serve the citizens of this board well in future situations to have as reference points.

I still say that the person responsible for deleting the OG Covid thread is a POS coward & should be removed from this site permanently. I don’t care who they are or how high it goes.
My dad and stepmom just took a trip up to the NE and came home with covid.

They were too late for paxlovid so doc gave them antibiotics. They good.

Last few weeks, tons of people had the most recent variant. Probably already ran through most of the population.

One of the themes i and others kept hammering on in that original thread was the fact this virus was going to run through the population no matter what. Because of that, anything other than minimal mitigation efforts were a waste and many even a negative.

The moment that thing left the lab, there was never any stopping it. It was designed to be the most infectious virus in human history and so it was.

The biggest irony about all the insane mitigation efforts, is based on timing, there was probably at least one if not two versions that went through the population well before lockdown. What science called the original was probably a few mutations later.