CI Wrestling Thread #56

Ospreay would be a huge get and worthy of Tony's hype as if he's signing God himself. It would be unsurprising but again, that would be big. It probably won't help with ratings and weekly ticket sales though. AEW (Tony) has gotta get better with long-term booking and match selection. The devil stuff is a start even though it's pretty cheesy. Personally, I'd like to see Joe and Julia with the two world titles and once Mercedes finally jumps on board, let her hold the women's title for like two years.
AEW is starting to get top heavy - with MJF/jay/joe sitting in the mix with wardlow and others does osprey leapfrog some of them which seems to be TK’s habit / instead of developing guys they get lost in the shuffle (again) and the new shiny toy that gets signed gets a push and knocks everyone down a rung.
Kinda love heel Santos. Dude wants doctors to cut off Rey's leg. Also RIP Collision's ratings tonight. Can't imagine those will even be up to mediocre status. Might've checked it out if it had been on last night though.
AEW is starting to get top heavy - with MJF/jay/joe sitting in the mix with wardlow and others does osprey leapfrog some of them which seems to be TK’s habit / instead of developing guys they get lost in the shuffle (again) and the new shiny toy that gets signed gets a push and knocks everyone down a rung.
Ospreay should be leapfrogging like everyone in AEW.
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Certainly didn't have "Ronda Rousey working in Ring Of Honor" on my 2023 wrestling bingo card but here we are.
WWE has a problem with Smackdown. No one to help LA Knight so you bring in Cody? No additional person for Wargames so you bring in Becky?

I think Smackdown doesn’t have enough big stars and Roman only comes on every couple of months.
WWE has a problem with Smackdown. No one to help LA Knight so you bring in Cody? No additional person for Wargames so you bring in Becky?

I think Smackdown doesn’t have enough big stars and Roman only comes on every couple of months.
That’s what happens when you rely on cena/taker/others and you don’t push the younger talent - ya they hit on LA Knight but why did you abandon Montez ford push - bring up steiner’s kid and see what he can do on the main roster.
WWE has a problem with Smackdown. No one to help LA Knight so you bring in Cody? No additional person for Wargames so you bring in Becky?

I think Smackdown doesn’t have enough big stars and Roman only comes on every couple of months.
Yep as Wesley says, that's what happens when you constantly rely on the below to carry your company
  • Part-timers - Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar
  • Celebrities - Logan Paul, Bad Bunny, etc.
  • Geriatrics - Cena, Rock, Undertaker, Stone Cold
  • Rely a ton on over-40 talent (or nearly over 40) who don't move tickets, viewership, and/or merch anymore if they ever did - Braun Strowman, Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, Shinsuke, Natalya, Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, AJ Styles, Bobby Lashley, Karrion Kross, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio
Yep as Wesley says, that's what happens when you constantly rely on the below to carry your company
  • Part-timers - Roman Reigns, Brock Lesnar
  • Celebrities - Logan Paul, Bad Bunny, etc.
  • Geriatrics - Cena, Rock, Undertaker, Stone Cold
  • Rely a ton on over-40 talent (or nearly over 40) who don't move tickets, viewership, and/or merch anymore if they ever did - Braun Strowman, Damian Priest, Finn Balor, Drew McIntyre, Kofi Kingston, Shinsuke, Natalya, Nia Jax, Shayna Baszler, AJ Styles, Bobby Lashley, Karrion Kross, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio

I agree to an extent, however...

Brock? Yes, when he comes back he'll be featured every so often but he'll likely never be champion again. He had a decent trilogy with Cody and put him over 2/3. Austin had one last match which was surprisingly fun and hasn't been seen since. Taker made one appearance to put some shine on Bron who likely comes up in the RR. Paul and Bunny are legit but you're never getting them full time for obvious reasons. Cena and Rock I'll give you, but the opportunely came up for Cena to be on several weeks of shows. You take that if you're WWE and what happened? Solo went over strong. Come to think of it - Theory went over too. Rock in the main event at WM would be BS but again, you're not taking that if you're WWE? You're refusing a Rock match at Mania if you're Triple H and/or TKO? Point number 4 is a bit silly. When's the last time WWE relied on Braun? Kofi? Natalya? Shayna? AJ? Kross? Kross was just In a dark match. Why put him on that list as if WWE is relying on him? Priest, Finn, Rey, and Knight are stars who can go. In your fed, you're not featuring them? Lashley has the occasional match but he's more the man in the suit now propping up Street Profits. Rey just put over Logan and will put over Santos at the Rumble or Mania.

No doubt, WWE has relied on older stars they created for a long time but I had to break down your list because it doesn't hold a ton of water. I could also mention New Day sold loads of merch within the last decade and ticket sales and viewership (for this day and age) have been more than solid recently. Your point is somewhere in that post but when you're pretending WWE is relying a ton on Kross, AJ, Kofi, Natalya, etc., I mean, huh?
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Blame Vince for not turning new talent into main event stars. He spent a decade trying to get Roman over with the fans and now he's massively over... he's never around. And how many other wrestlers were actually elevated or came out better after feuding with Roman? Sami? I guess Jey Uso?

Don't forget, Vince believed was the best way to utilize LA Knight's talent.

I agree to an extent, however...

Brock? Yes, when he comes back he'll be featured every so often but he'll likely never be champion again. He had a decent trilogy with Cody and put him over 2/3. Austin had one last match which was surprisingly fun and hasn't been seen since. Taker made one appearance to put some shine on Bron who likely comes up in the RR. Paul and Bunny are legit but you're never getting them full time for obvious reasons. Cena and Rock I'll give you, but the opportunely came up for Cena to be on several weeks of shows. You take that if you're WWE and what happened? Solo went over strong. Come to think of it - Theory went over too. Rock in the main event at WM would be BS but again, you're not taking that if you're WWE? You're refusing a Rock match at Mania if you're Triple H and/or TKO? Point number 4 is a bit silly. When's the last time WWE relied on Braun? Kofi? Natalya? Shayna? AJ? Kross? Kross was just In a dark match. Why put him on that list as if WWE is relying on him? Priest, Finn, Rey, and Knight are stars who can go. In your fed, you're not featuring them? Lashley has the occasional match but he's more the man in the suit now propping up Street Profits. Rey just put over Logan and will put over Santos at the Rumble or Mania.

No doubt, WWE has relied on older stars they created for a long time but I had to break down your list because it doesn't hold a ton of water. I could also mention New Day sold loads of merch within the last decade and ticket sales and viewership (for this day and age) have been more than solid recently. Your point is somewhere in that post but when you're pretending WWE is relying a ton on Kross, AJ, Kofi, Natalya, etc., I mean, huh?
Theory went over Cena and what has that done for him? Nothing. Mediocre US title reign before and after and then he lost it 7 months later in less than 3 minutes to a 48-year-old Rey Mysterio
Everything revolving around the main event was a bunch of overbooked nonsense. Just give us a straight up match. We didn't need to see MJF have a Willis Reed in the NBA Finals moment. Then nothing with the Devil at the end to hook us in to create buzz and have us wanting to tune in Wednesday?
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OVerall enjoyed the show though. I'd go like 7.75-8 out of 10. Definitely not as good as what I'm used to out of an AEW PPV.
Swerve and Hangman’s match was amazing. The main event was good, but I expected them to further the Devil storyline. Those were the standouts.

Like you, I’d rate it about a 7.5.
I think Will Washington is behind some of the Hangman/Swerve stuff. It's pretty over the top as if Russo is secretly writing some of it but it's an actual feud in AEW with some emotion. I do like that on PPV they know they can be more violent but some of it just screams wanting to recreate some Japanese death match tape from 1994 that will make around 400,000 people quite happy.

I don't understand nor do I like the overly-complicated stuff surrounding MJF over the last couple months. Wrestling twice in one night, defending two titles, his tag partner being injured, the weekly comedy scenes, getting Roddy involved, the devil stuff, the title being stolen, a fued with Switchblade but also Joe, injury angles, canceling main events, putting people in his place to defend the title, handicap matches to defend ROH tag belts, finding partners because his best friend isn't there, etc. WTF is all this shit? It's MJF. He's a future first ballot HOFer. He doesn't need all this around him and it's actually dragging his reign down now. He's not the problem and ratings show that but the product as a whole is cold right now. So are people loving MJF but aren't impressed with the rest of AEW or do people enjoy MJF but are growing tired of the needless 10 other storylines surrounding him? Talk about hat on a hat on a hat on a hat on a hat.
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Swerve and Hangman’s match was amazing. The main event was good, but I expected them to further the Devil storyline. Those were the standouts.

Like you, I’d rate it about a 7.5.
I would have much rather just seen a good ass wrestling match for th emain event instead of a bunch of WWE-lite bullshit.

The bell-to-bell in a vacuum was decent, like around a 7 out of 10 or so, but everything around it was just ****ing stupid.

Swerve vs. Hangman was an all-timer. I've always been more of a world title should main event type guy, but Swerve-Hangman should have been the main event. I liked most of the other matches, but none of them were what I would call stand out matches. Just enjoyable matches that will largely be forgettable. Thought the TBS title match over delivered though.

7/10 - Six-man match
7/10 - International title
6/10 - Women's title
7/10 - Tag titles - have to say this match underdelivered
7.5/10 - TBS title
10/10 - Texas Death
7.5/10 - Tag title #1 contender match
4/10 - AEW title
I think Will Washington is behind some of the Hangman/Swerve stuff. It's pretty over the top as if Russo is secretly writing some of it but it's an actual feud in AEW with some emotion. I do like that on PPV they know they can be more violent but some of it just screams wanting to recreate some Japanese death match tape from 1994 that will make around 400,000 people quite happy.

I don't understand nor do I like the overly-complicated stuff surrounding MJF over the last couple months. Wrestling twice in one night, defending two titles, his tag partner being injured, the weekly comedy scenes, getting Roddy involved, the devil stuff, the title being stolen, a fued with Switchblade but also Joe, injury angles, canceling main events, putting people in his place to defend the title, handicap matches to defend ROH tag belts, finding partners because his best friend isn't there, etc. WTF is all this shit? It's MJF. He's a future first ballot HOFer. He doesn't need all this around him and it's actually dragging his reign down now. He's not the problem and ratings show that but the product as a whole is cold right now. So are people loving MJF but aren't impressed with the rest of AEW or do people enjoy MJF but are growing tired of the needless 10 other storylines surrounding him? Talk about hat on a hat on a hat on a hat on a hat.
Disagree with everything in the first paragraph, but like awarded for the second paragraph.

It's all illogical, poorly written, overbooked WWE-lite bullshit.

There's a huge disconnect with the IWC and the live crowds though. LIve crowds are eating up all this MJF stuff. IWC really hated all this stuff tonight associated with the match.
So TK announced at the scrum that the New Japan Strong Openweight Title, the ROH title, and the Continental Classic title will be consolidated into one championship, wow.
This is an interesting and odd Young Bucks update

The Young Bucks are experiencing a personality change, as we’ve seen highlighted on AEW TV of late.

Now, Brandon Cutler has said that the Young Bucks are taking time away from wrestling. But there's more than meets the eye.

The Young Bucks are poised for a heel turn, if they haven’t already undergone one in the eyes of many, but we’re told they won’t be alone in that. In addition to The Young Bucks, there have been plans for them to be joined by others. Fightful has learned that Brandon Cutler is at least tentatively slated to continue with the Bucks, as well as at least one other personality as they continue their turn. The tweet that Cutler put out indicating that the Young Bucks are taking time off of wrestling is to further that, and he'll be doing a lot of the speaking for them on screen and social media moving forward.

Those that we've spoken to say that the altered format of Being the Elite is a part of this. For those asking, things are fine between AEW and the Young Bucks, who signed new long-term deals recently. They were mistakenly removed as "EVPs" on the roster page a couple of weeks back, but it was quickly rectified.

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