CI Wrestling Thread #56

It’s crazy what AEW has done with Hook. He maybe their most impressive job as far as marketing and bringing someone along. They managed to take a kid who had never wrestled, spoke or done anything other than stand and look tough and got him to the point where he outsells CM Punk in merch after one match. And it’s just a plain white shirt with the word HOOK on it. 😂

It’s mainly due to the fans being tired of this version of him. They want him to turn heel and his stubborness not wanting to turn just makes them boo him more.

Lately I’ve actually thought he might be going somewhere unexpected with this but time will tell. The issue is he took himself out of the title picture to try and please a sections of idiots (which didn’t even work). So he can’t challenge for the AEW title, and he won’t change his character. He’s put himself in a spot where it’s hard to care about what he does because it’s kinda meaningless. Hence his last handful of feuds until Black and Andrade. They just felt like filler. A wrestler has to have something to strive for (AEW title), take that away and it just feels like your treading water.

I want him back as he was in 2017-18. Heel Cody with Bullet Club was must see everytime and he was one of the top 5 guys in the world. I’m long over the blonde hair babyface Cody. Go back to natural brown, rejoin The Elite and heel shit up. He’d go back to being one of the most over guys in the world overnight if he did.
Heel Cody is the best Cody
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Tay Conti has been all over Sammy’s blog the last few months. They’ve seemed very “close” in a lot of vids and lately fans have been speculating that they’re screwing. They even mentioned the fans saying it in the latest video to which Tay rolled her eyes and said “whatever.”

Today Sammy put out a statement that he and Pam are no longer engaged or together. They just got engaged on Dynamite not too far back. So yeah.... Pam was a nice girl but damn what an upgrade.
Tay Conti has been all over Sammy’s blog the last few months. They’ve seemed very “close” in a lot of vids and lately fans have been speculating that they’re screwing. They even mentioned the fans saying it in the latest video to which Tay rolled her eyes and said “whatever.”

Today Sammy put out a statement that he and Pam are no longer engaged or together. They just got engaged on Dynamite not too far back. So yeah.... Pam was a nice girl but damn what an upgrade.
Lol very nice upgrade
Lolol. Good for him. I couldn’t believe he was getting engaged. Hell I always thought that cat was gay to be honest.
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I’d never speak to any of my family again for Tay Conti.
Just went to the Google and typed her name in. Gonna be doin that a lot more. I’d never heard of her.

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Onita is coming back to the US in March and will face Bully Ray in a Death Match for Battleground Championship Wrestling.
I really don’t like anything about Becky Lynch. Never have never will.
You don't like the fake tough guy act as if she's Stone Cold? She simply exists because of the same type of smarks that hijacked every show in 2014 that made it all about Daniel Bryan. He was at least a good worker. Becky is just a promo and not half the in-ring talent Charlotte is.
You don't like the fake tough guy act as if she's Stone Cold? She simply exists because of the same type of smarks that hijacked every show in 2014 that made it all about Daniel Bryan. He was at least a good worker. Becky is just a promo and not half the in-ring talent Charlotte is.
I don't even know if it's the Stone Cold thing. Even with this run she's had since getting punched out by Nia, to even try to compare her to Austin I think is degrading what Austin was for the WWF. Austin's gimmick, which started with the King of the Ring, SAVED WWF. It brought people in. Becky doesn't bring people in. I don't think she tells a story in ring like Austin did and her promos aren't good either. Perhaps that's because she's reading a script. But even before all that... she's just a bland character. She's just.... there. But I digress, I'm obviously not her target audience, so I get that.

Now Anna Jay, Tay Contay, Hikaru Shida... I'm their target audience. giggity giggity.
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I find Becky very entertaining 🤷‍

I also enjoy the cheeky outfits she's been wearing lately

You don't like the fake tough guy act as if she's Stone Cold? She simply exists because of the same type of smarks that hijacked every show in 2014 that made it all about Daniel Bryan. He was at least a good worker. Becky is just a promo and not half the in-ring talent Charlotte is.
You think its a bad thing that Daniel Bryan was recognized?

Daniel Bryan....who couldn't get a push despite being one of the best in the world?
Becky is very good at what she's asked to do and 2 years ago she was their biggest merchandise seller. I don't get the point of calling anyone who recognizes a non-traditional talent a "smark"

I'm sorry that not everyone is into Robot Hogan or the 19 versions of Kevin Nash that have been shoved down our throats.
Becky is very good at what she's asked to do and 2 years ago she was their biggest merchandise seller. I don't get the point of calling anyone who recognizes a non-traditional talent a "smark"

I'm sorry that not everyone is into Robot Hogan or the 19 versions of Kevin Nash that have been shoved down our throats.

Becks was great in NXT, and she’s been great as both a face and a heel in WWE. If some people don’t like her, that’s fine. No clue why those who do would be called smarks, but King had a right to that opinion too. For the record I agree with him that Charlotte is the best female worker in the world. Becks is a fine worker but a much better promo than Flair.
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Becks was great in NXT, and she’s been great as both a face and a heel in WWE. If some people don’t like her, that’s fine. No clue why those who do would be called smarks, but King had a right to that opinion too. For the record I agree with him that Charlotte is the best female worker in the world. Becks is a fine worker but a much better promo than Flair.
I agree with the Charlotte point. She’s the best female wrestler in the world and I’m not sure it’s close. Maybe her and Sasha Banks.
You think its a bad thing that Daniel Bryan was recognized?

Daniel Bryan....who couldn't get a push despite being one of the best in the world?
Daniel Bryan’s WrestleMania history
2011- US Title match
*later wins MITB summer of 2011 and successfully cashed in to be champ.
2012- WHC match as (c)
2013- Tag Team Title
2014- Vs HHH, then wins WWE title over Orton/Batista
2015- Wins IC title
2018- Vs KO/Zayn
2019- WWE title match as (c)
2020- IC title match Vs Zayn
2021- WWE title main event vs Reigns/Edge

This guy was never buried yet it’s a popular myth that he was. You’re not in a title match at WrestleMania for all but one year without being recognized.

I use the term smark because it’s a group who just shit all over the product and hijacked every show until they could force a booking result instead of just watching the product. It set a crap precedent which continued for years (Kofi, Becky). His return before 2015 Rumble is also what made Reigns suddenly disliked after being a fan favorite then we had to sit through the hijacking of PPV after PPv for years.
Daniel Bryan’s WrestleMania history
2011- US Title match
*later wins MITB summer of 2011 and successfully cashed in to be champ.
2012- WHC match as (c)
2013- Tag Team Title
2014- Vs HHH, then wins WWE title over Orton/Batista
2015- Wins IC title
2018- Vs KO/Zayn
2019- WWE title match as (c)
2020- IC title match Vs Zayn
2021- WWE title main event vs Reigns/Edge

This guy was never buried yet it’s a popular myth that he was. You’re not in a title match at WrestleMania for all but one year without being recognized.

I use the term smark because it’s a group who just shit all over the product and hijacked every show until they could force a booking result instead of just watching the product. It set a crap precedent which continued for years (Kofi, Becky). His return before 2015 Rumble is also what made Reigns suddenly disliked after being a fan favorite then we had to sit through the hijacking of PPV after PPv for years.
You and I both know the initial WHC run that Bryan had wasn’t a legitimate title run. They did the same thing to punk. A push needs actual positive booking behind them. Bryan was elevated to the title picture fast and jobbed even with the belt. Same as punk.

The fans also led to punk getting a push. Kofi also deserved his push. Reigns character was ass up until turning heel. It’s 2021. No one likes a “eat your veggies, brush your teeth, and do the right thing baby face.” People aren’t gullible anymore. Not every Hulk Hogan re-run is going to work. It’s boring. Now Reigns is at the peak of his powers and is the biggest star in the world. Because of the fans.
You and I both know the initial WHC run that Bryan had wasn’t a legitimate title run. They did the same thing to punk. A push needs actual positive booking behind them. Bryan was elevated to the title picture fast and jobbed even with the belt. Same as punk.

The fans also led to punk getting a push. Kofi also deserved his push. Reigns character was ass up until turning heel. It’s 2021. No one likes a “eat your veggies, brush your teeth, and do the right thing baby face.” People aren’t gullible anymore. Not every Hulk Hogan re-run is going to work. It’s boring. Now Reigns is at the peak of his powers and is the biggest star in the world. Because of the fans.
Because of the fans? Why? Because they're so incredibly predictable that they cheer heels? Reigns was always big at the house shows and a big merch seller. Only the smarks hated him. Going to a house show vs a PPV show was night and day in Reigns reactions. Go back to TLC 2014 for Reigns' return. Big pop! Then Bryan announces his return and that segment of fans immediately turn on Reigns.

As for Bryan, he beat Mark Henry then they made him beat Big Show for the WHC. He carried it for four months. A couple of years later, he beats Cena clean, beats HHH clean, Orton and Batista clean, I just have no idea what more you could ask for. But what happens WITHOUT FAIL, every single time the smarks hijack the product to push a guy, once they get what they want, they get bored very quickly. They did it with Bryan, did it with Becky, did it with Kofi, etc. If it were up to these type of fans, there would be a title change constantly and if a guy isn't at the top of the card all the time then he's "buried."

Smarks like to feel they made someone, they like to think it's their idea instead of simply just watching the show and being a fan which is far more enjoyable.