CI Wrestling Thread #56

I mean... your world championship better than all the others belt is pretty important. If you’re gonna splurge, go large on that.
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The Big Gold Belt is the best belt ever and according to the internet, it cost $12,000 (in 1985 dollars to be fair).

If AEW is spending $100k on a belt, that's money that could be better spent putting Joey Janela through wrestling school.

BKH never fails to layeth the smack down
The belt had a reported worth of 30k. The police report just listed 2nd degree grand theft up to 100k.
Thanks. I must have misheard the numbers. I was kinda curious how a 100k could be in the belt but I can see $30k. It’s a gorgeous belt IMO. It must be real gold. I didn’t care as much for the women’s belt though. Looked kinda small.
I knew there were crazy bumps in the ladder match but didn’t know how bad until seeing this. The one Matt Jackson took at 3:50 could have seriously hurt him. I don’t know how he wasn’t knocked out from the back of his head hitting the ladder. Play it in slow motion to see it better.

Announced for their next PPV is Moxley and Omega.
They really need to turn the belt fiasco into an angle.
The videos on the interwebs has made both Limp Bizkit and Lou Bega trending again.
I knew there were crazy bumps in the ladder match but didn’t know how bad until seeing this. The one Matt Jackson took at 3:50 could have seriously hurt him. I don’t know how he wasn’t knocked out from the back of his head hitting the ladder. Play it in slow motion to see it better.

Hard pass but thanks though.
Announced for their next PPV is Moxley and Omega.
They really need to turn the belt fiasco into an angle.
The videos on the interwebs has made both Limp Bizkit and Lou Bega trending again.

I've only heard of 2 of the entities mentioned in this post.
More news WWE announced on September 18th and 25th only the first hour of NXT will air on USA, the second will be on the network.

Starting October 2nd both hours will be on USA.

Rather confusing.
This is literally the ONLY match I’d even want to see from them (past and present), and they’re literally blowing their load, lol

I swear, if the initials AEW weren’t in front of it, you AEW fans would be saying this is stupid Russo booking. You ONE HUNDRED PERCENT would
Respectfully disagree with this. A startup promotion can't afford to do a slow burn, old school, 9-month feud for its first world title program, especially if they're just now getting TV. You hit them with this to help get the lapsed fans in the door, and then you enjoy the next 144 months of Cody Rhodes being champion.
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First of all, Cody absolutely deserves the belt if they go that way. He’s hot and has had great matches. That being said I don’t see him winning. I think this will be where MJF turns on him and costs him the win.

It’s clear some bitch about AEW just to bitch. All of the elite lost at All Out except Cody. I guess he was supposed to lose also? It’s not like he’s the one booking himself to win everytime. The EVP’s have said before that all four of them must agree on something for it to happen. So if they’re the ones booking then it’s having to be co-signed by atleast 3 other people. And yes he’s getting the title shot due to his record. Tony Khan mentioned that.
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Few other tidbits.

This may have been posted earlier. Sorry if so. Ric Flair is threatening to sue WWE over the use of “The Man.” He filed for trademark of “the man” just recently and then went to wwe and told them they needed to pay royalties to use it. Vince basically brushed him off so now Ric is threatening to sue. Is it petty? Sure. But wwe has and would do the same exact thing so I say get that money Ric.

Scarlett Bordeaux had a try out at WWE. Hated to hear that because I was hoping she would land in AEW not just for her herself, but also because wherever she goes probably has a leg up to sign Killer Kross when his deal ends. I just feel like she would be very little in wwe. The fact that she had to try out shows that.

Marty Scurll’s contract with ROH ends in November. He just broke up with girlfriend Deonna Purazzo who is in NXT. Would be surprised if he didn’t land in AEW but wwe will probably try hard to land him.

Matt Taven’s contract with ROH ends this month and he’s yet to sign a new deal. He’s an interesting case to me. I’d kinda like to see him end up in nxt to see how he would hold up there.
Nobody was bitching about AEW, I simply made an excellent joke. I’ve actually been pretty complimentary of AEW the last few days. Over course Scurll is going to AEW, but it’s not because he broke up with his girlfriend. As for their championship. You either keep it on Jericho for a while or have him lose it to some one other than Cody Rhodes, because Cody Rhodes is not and will never be a top guy. I don’t care how many promotions he starts.
Few other tidbits.

This may have been posted earlier. Sorry if so. Ric Flair is threatening to sue WWE over the use of “The Man.” He filed for trademark of “the man” just recently and then went to wwe and told them they needed to pay royalties to use it. Vince basically brushed him off so now Ric is threatening to sue. Is it petty? Sure. But wwe has and would do the same exact thing so I say get that money Ric.

Scarlett Bordeaux had a try out at WWE. Hated to hear that because I was hoping she would land in AEW not just for her herself, but also because wherever she goes probably has a leg up to sign Killer Kross when his deal ends. I just feel like she would be very little in wwe. The fact that she had to try out shows that.

Marty Scurll’s contract with ROH ends in November. He just broke up with girlfriend Deonna Purazzo who is in NXT. Would be surprised if he didn’t land in AEW but wwe will probably try hard to land him.

Matt Taven’s contract with ROH ends this month and he’s yet to sign a new deal. He’s an interesting case to me. I’d kinda like to see him end up in nxt to see how he would hold up there.

And Taven has rolled everyone they’ve put against him so if he leaves who gets the belt?

Give it back to Jay Lethal?
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I read somewhere Killer Kross was in trouble with Impact because he wouldn’t bleed at their last PPV.
They had to go find a blood capsule for him to use.
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I read somewhere Killer Kross was in trouble with Impact because he wouldn’t bleed at their last PPV.

I've never heard of a guy getting in trouble for not bleeding before. That's carny as all get out.
I read somewhere Killer Kross was in trouble with Impact because he wouldn’t bleed at their last PPV.
They had to go find a blood capsule for him to use.
Read the same thing. He wouldn’t blade because there was no medical personnel in the building. He wasn’t the only one unhappy with that but Impact has basically quit using him as punishment. He wasn’t used at all in their last tapings.
Nobody was bitching about AEW, I simply made an excellent joke. I’ve actually been pretty complimentary of AEW the last few days. Over course Scurll is going to AEW, but it’s not because he broke up with his girlfriend. As for their championship. You either keep it on Jericho for a while or have him lose it to some one other than Cody Rhodes, because Cody Rhodes is not and will never be a top guy. I don’t care how many promotions he starts.
You gotta quit thinking of him as wwe Cody Rhodes. He’s lightyears ahead of where he was with them. I used to think he was bland, boring and nothing but a mid carder or even a jobber but he’s completely changed my mind and thousands of other fans minds about him. For example I googled AEW two days ago and one of the top results was a list of the top stories of All Out. The writer called what Cody is doing “legendary” and said he’s one of the best in the world right now.
You gotta quit thinking of him as wwe Cody Rhodes. He’s lightyears ahead of where he was with them. I used to think he was bland, boring and nothing but a mid carder or even a jobber but he’s completely changed my mind and thousands of other fans minds about him. For example I googled AEW two days ago and one of the top results was a list of the top stories of All Out. The writer called what Cody is doing “legendary” and said he’s one of the best in the world right now.

Which writer? Uncle Dave?
I could see Riddle being pretty unpopular with the rest of the locker room with his attitude and the amount of crap he talks about everyone.

I read that Ward guy was the writer for Smackdown during the last couple years when people have said SD was better than Raw. Rarely watch SD so I don’t know. But this move could be seen coming with Vince rewriting the whole show week after week. Then they take the guy who can’t write for crap and put him on SD. Lol just doesn’t seem very logical to me.
Does it really matter what they do? The crowd is still going to be a bunch of fickle dumb idiots. Becky has been the biggest face in the company for over a year and the crowd has stayed behind her. Bayley has been routinely getting boo'ed every week.... until she turned on Becky, to which the crowd went wild for.

Makes no sense.

I agree with most of this. But the live crowds really haven't boo'd Bayley. Maybe her storyline isn't good but she is respected by the crowds. Not really a pop until her turn on Monday tho.

The hug happy Bayley sucks. Lets see where it goes as a heel.
The more of these clips that come out, the more justified I feel for being a mark for Ahmed Johnson.

FACT: Ahmed Johnson invented the rolling German suplex, not Chris Benoit.

RIP that job guy's labrum.
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I used to think Ahmed was so cool when I was younger. But listening to podcasts it seems he wasn’t very well liked by the rest of the locker room. Ron Simmons hated him.
Braun Strowman is a wrestler that got lucky he feuded with Reigns and those two guys made magic together fighting in and out of the ring. It goes to show you Reigns could be the Top guy. But also during that Strowman got over in a way where grown ups and even kids can get behind. Now I know Rollins is HHH boy, I get it. He's very good, but Strowman should get this title and feud with this end of THE WORLD BRAY and see who's the baddest going into AEW and FOX run.