Cal Trending Down

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Speaking of whining, isn’t that what you and your cronies have done throughout the game thread? Cal is never to blame. It’s the zebras!

Yeah clueless again. I didn’t post once in the game thread. So wrong again. Not a surprise.

Weak sauce whining seems to be continuous from you. Popping in to push your Bs agenda. But, I still find solace that you old get off my lawn Cal hating fogeys are more the exception than the rule.

I know nothing about you other than your posts here. Which if I were to venture a guess based on them I would guess you are well over 65 years old. Seems some of the old guys hate everything and just come on here when things are a little down to post their agenda driven nonsense.

So, you guys will continue to whine and no changes of course will ever be made by UK bc of course Cal has been one of if not the most successful NCAA coach in the last decade. Which of course makes your whining all the more ridiculous.

But, UK loses a tough road game and here you are with a post waiting to whine some more. I guess if anything you make this board interesting with your silliness and constant negativity and whining.
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