"...The team having the most fun."

Dec 8, 2017
I coached high school football in the state of Kentucky for almost two decades. Dealing with people, social media, fans, players, parents its all part of the job description; I am very impressed with Coach Pope as a person and how he handles his business; long time reader of this forum but very rarely post. Coach Cal, who I do respect for many reasons, always use to say that the team having the most fun in March is going to make a run (words to that effect) - unfortunately the last few seasons they rarely looked cohesive and looked relieved when it was over. This group seems to be having a blast like young men playing collegiate athletics should. Coach Pope speaks with intelligence and purpose, he allows his assistants to coach and has high expectations for the team AND clearly communicates those expectations with both team and media. We are very fortunate to have a man of his character in our program. None of us know what the ceiling is for this group but I know we are all enjoying the ride! Thank you to Coach Pope and UK administration for making the right decision for the program. The concerted effort to bring back 90s nostalgia and a bond with the state is not only appreciated but the right move!
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have to agree
his entire attitude and approach seems genuine, whereas past coaches have seemed just to opposite
extremely impressed with how he handles himself with the players, fans and media
he show nothing but respect to all