Big Z WILL NOT play Friday in UK's First Exhibition

Pilgrim stated Z was way behind on conditioning and basketball knowledge. Some one is full of ish; now the question is who?
Way behind on conditioning and basketball knowledge doesn’t equate to being a “project”
So, let's put him in unexperienced in a game that counts like.....Kansas?

Sounds like a great plan.
No, still 3 other games and 2 1/2 to 3 weeks of practice to learn and gain experience and also get more comfortable with teammates before Kansas. The less disruptive he is means better results for the team, work 1 player into the team instead of changing team play because of 1 player, pretty simple concept really
We don't switch ballscreens.

At least not with the 5 man, and we never, ever have by design.

The only time a 5 has ever had to switch a BS in our defense is if they were late getting to the level of the screen.

Idk where this idea came from that we switch ball screens in man to man under Cal.
We switch way too often and even have had our 5 switching off on guards.
We switch way too often and even have had our 5 switching off on guards.
The only time the 5 ever switches, like I mentioned, is when they are late getting to the level of the screen and can't get foot-to-foot, so it's called a "mayday"- AKA an emergency switch situation. But it's pretty rare for us.

We almost exclusively play Drop coverage with our 5 man in ball screens in the middle of the floor, which Oscar was not long enough or athletic enough to do very well.

We play Ice coverage on side ball screens which Oscar was actually pretty good at, which is why teams ran so many middle ball screens against us rather than side ball screens, because Oscar was so much worse at drop coverage than he was icing the ball screen.
I think it is what I have been reading and saying.....he's not that good. Don't talk about NBA potential. He's 7' plus, and they draft on potential not on current performance. Everything I read said he does not show stamina, is slow on defense, may not be able to defend in pick and roll, etc. So, there's a big learning curve most likely. I guess we will find out down the road, but I have read over and over the word "project" when referencing him. Hopefully, he will prove a quick learner.

Here's the thing. Positional basketball doesn't require Z to be a be all player. He should be able to contribute significantly this point, in a smart, controlled way. If not, that's on Cal for some reason only he can explain, which he won't do.
Perplexing, obviouslyCal views his position as coach as unassailable,given his contract. He has always relished messing with peoples heads. Given past history there is no way Cal could not know how such obuscation about Z would affect many in our fan base. He just doesnt care,if he did he would simply say the kids not ready yet,he will play when hes ready.
The only time the 5 ever switches, like I mentioned, is when they are late getting to the level of the screen and can't get foot-to-foot, so it's called a "mayday"- AKA an emergency switch situation. But it's pretty rare for us.

We almost exclusively play Drop coverage with our 5 man in ball screens in the middle of the floor, which Oscar was not long enough or athletic enough to do very well.

We play Ice coverage on side ball screens which Oscar was actually pretty good at, which is why teams ran so many middle ball screens against us rather than side ball screens, because Oscar was so much worse at drop coverage than he was icing the ball screen.
I agree and that’s what made me so mad acting like Oscar couldn’t defend anything. They didn’t even notice it until it became this thing with commentators.
Just curious… have you ever gotten better at anything in life without failing first? Cause I haven’t.

As a matter of fact, Cal literally used to say “fail fast”. Now he doesn’t even give his players the chance to.
He’s does to certain guys. That’s it now.
Cal doesn't want Z ready before the Kansas game because if he plays and we get throttled then he won't have a convenient excuse. If he doesn't play then Cal use the inury excuse for why we lost ANOTHER big game. Cal is nothing but excuses anymore.
He also said that he was told that he would get a lot of attention on campus and that has turned out to be oh, so true. Seems Big Z is in demand for photographs and autographs. Everyone, he insisted, has been more than nice.

Cal using the games for a rest period for Z, taking photos and signing autos and smooching babes is hard, demanding work. Nice to see Cal giving the youngster a break, wish it wasn’t the games but between schoolwork, photo sessions, and cotillions, it’s the only time Cal could find to get Big Z some downtime. Go Cats!
Same. If he doesn't, Cal really does need to be explicit on why he's not. If it's an injury say it. If it's because he's way behind say it. This, "well, maybe next week" stuff isn't going to fly well with BBN this year. Not after Sharpe (which I don't think this is), and Wheeler.
It isn’t going to fly? What does that even mean?
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Cal doesn't want Z ready before the Kansas game because if he plays and we get throttled then he won't have a convenient excuse. If he doesn't play then Cal use the inury excuse for why we lost ANOTHER big game. Cal is nothing but excuses anymore.

You’re right, and I hate it. But may I suggest betting a hefty sum on KU? That’s been the only thing that’s made basketball season enjoyable for me these last 3-4 years… winning lots of money by betting against Cal in big games. Doesn’t take the sting away, but helps.
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I think it is what I have been reading and saying.....he's not that good. Don't talk about NBA potential. He's 7' plus, and they draft on potential not on current performance. Everything I read said he does not show stamina, is slow on defense, may not be able to defend in pick and roll, etc. So, there's a big learning curve most likely. I guess we will find out down the road, but I have read over and over the word "project" when referencing him. Hopefully, he will prove a quick learner.
Most 7'2 guys can't guard the pick and roll. That's why there's only a few left in the NBA. They normally lack lateral quickness.
Pilgrim stated Z was way behind on conditioning and basketball knowledge. Some one is full of ish; now the question is who?
Well, it he was in great shape, had the necessary knowledge, could start or contribute in a major way why would he be held back? Again the only answer is to wait and see. But, at present there has to be some concern by the rational fan.
It isn’t going to fly? What does that even mean?
People are going to get very upset. It's become an all too common theme for mysterious happenings to keep our dudes off the floor. I know our luck isn't great, but it's getting a little too coincidental. Cal doesn't help with his vague "haven't seen him"s and "we'll see"s. I know you always can't give hard deadlines on things, but I don't even think that's what people get grumpy about. He just doesn't communicate player status very well, even to respected media like Tom Leach. It's frustrating for everyone involved. And from that tweet from Kyle, sounds like Z might be frustrated too.

I think folks are just tired of his BS.
Well, it he was in great shape, had the necessary knowledge, could start or contribute in a major way why would he be held back? Again the only answer is to wait and see. But, at present there has to be some concern by the rational fan.
Exactly. I'm not hitting the panic button or anything, but it is a bit frustrating and head scratching. We've just been burnt too many times with the vague statements to have any kind of confidence in Cal's statements. That's all
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Dude has been in the US for two weeks, only practiced a few times, isn’t in game shape, doesn’t know the plays…Cal doesn’t want to put him out there to fail when he’s clearly not ready.

Yet, Cal’s the ahole in all of this somehow. Man, some of the people on here are such massive losers.
Says the dude that whines and moans when we miss the first couple of shots. It's frustrating because how is the dude so out of conditioning he can't play 3-5 minutes in an exhibition? Put him in there...let him guard a few dudes, catch some passes, let the team play with him a few minutes in a game experience. He's our only available size down low right now. Get him a few minutes in a game that doesn't matter.
Those cramps after 3 days of hard practice… not like he played high level basketball over seas this summer and may of had 3 to 4 days of having to lace them up and run up and down a court…

All jokes aside I wish Cal would be real and honest instead of feeding fans crap. If the kid is not up to speed and you don’t want to put him in a tough position for his first showing here, then just say that. If it’s an Adminstrative issue slowing things up, say that.
Those cramps after 3 days of hard practice… not like he played high level basketball over seas this summer and may of had 3 to 4 days of having to lace them up and run up and down a court…

All jokes aside I wish Cal would be real and honest instead of feeding fans crap. If the kid is not up to speed and you don’t want to put him in a tough position for his first showing here, then just say that. If it’s an Adminstrative issue slowing things up, say that.
This. That's all a lot of us are asking.
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Those cramps after 3 days of hard practice… not like he played high level basketball over seas this summer and may of had 3 to 4 days of having to lace them up and run up and down a court…

All jokes aside I wish Cal would be real and honest instead of feeding fans crap. If the kid is not up to speed and you don’t want to put him in a tough position for his first showing here, then just say that. If it’s an Adminstrative issue slowing things up, say that.
Cal sort of said something like this in a video a week ago. It was more stated like concerning Z, fans need to show patience . Now, I agree Cal could be a more forthcoming and that's not what he frustratingly does. Most of us don't know Cal personally so it's hard to say his real personality versus the public one. But, he seems to be the type that doesn't feel the need to concern himself with fans feelings and does things in his own vacuum the rest of us be damned. That approach works great if you are winning and in college basketball getting to final fours. But, it is not so good when the results have been far less.
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Just curious… have you ever gotten better at anything in life without failing first? Cause I haven’t.

As a matter of fact, Cal literally used to say “fail fast”. Now he doesn’t even give his players the chance to.

I'm still trying to figure out which is worse. Cal not playing the kid in an exhibition because "he's not ready," or Cal telling media and people around the program to spread the word that the kid is way behind. That's cool Cal, just let the kid play, and then we'll be the judge. Nobody is gonna crucify the kid if he plays and struggles. Hilarious coming from the dude that used to scream "I can't hide you. "
I love Cal, he’s been a friend, mentor, advisor, brother, hell, a father figure to us all, trust in his process, this is a young team and he can’t hide them…
Seems like us fans waited forever, with daily drama, on the kid to actually even arrive in Lexington. Now we have to wait even longer to merely see the guy simply take the court after said arrival. Then to compact it more, our other two legit big men are out with injuries that we STILL have no clue on their return. You can’t make this shit up. 🤦‍♂️
I'll be shocked if Z, Bradshaw, or Onyenso play a single minute this year. I certainly hope I'm wrong though and all three play and produce.
I'm still trying to figure out which is worse. Cal not playing the kid in an exhibition because "he's not ready," or Cal telling media and people around the program to spread the word that the kid is way behind. That's cool Cal, just let the kid play, and then we'll be the judge. Nobody is gonna crucify the kid if he plays and struggles. Hilarious coming from the dude that used to scream "I can't hide you. "
The last few years Cal has morphed from a hard nosed coach to some type of counselor who tries to protect guys from everything.
I love Cal, he’s been a friend, mentor, advisor, brother, hell, a father figure to us all, trust in his process, this is a young team and he can’t hide them…
I know that's sarcasm, but Cal has been working real hard the last several years at learning how to hide players. He's gotten significantly better at it since he first started saying he couldn't. So I guess that's progress.
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Cal is so full of BS any more. I don’t listen to any of his press conferences. There no reason not to play the young man. It is just a practice.
UK just put out a statement that he can't play in any games or exhibitions that include other teams until cleared by the NCAA.

I guess when Cal said what he said the other day, he had no clue that was the case. Which is yet another really bad look for him.