Big Z WILL NOT play Friday in UK's First Exhibition

Didn't Z only average something like 5 points and 3 rebounds last year? Maybe he just isn't that good. At least right now.
If the NCAA comes back and cites amateurism, I would be 99% in favor of flipping them the damn bird. We've got all D1 starters driving brand new trucks in Utah. Amateurism, GTHO with that.
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This is exactly what I said a few days ago ... still not cleared to play. Calipari doing what he's always done ... pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining.
That explains the exhibition. But not the B/W game...that's intrasquad. That means jack to the NCAA. I'll buy the soreness for the time being.

Now, we have to get Z cleared.
This is exactly what I said a few days ago ... still not cleared to play. Calipari doing what he's always done ... pissing down our legs and telling us it's raining.
Or, he's actually clueless. But neither is very all.
So, did the university again drop the ball with this info?

I think UK and coaching staff assumed he would be cleared already but this is the ncaa and UK so silly them.
It's more about optics than truth for Cal.
In this situation, he was either lying to the fans/media, or he had no clue about his player's eligibility. Which option makes the optics look better - bold-faced liar, or inept, clueless coach?

And why couldn't he just have said he wasn't eligible to play in the exhibition. Those optics look the best.
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Every day that passes by the less confident I get that Ivisic becomes eligible. The NCAA will drag this on and then say amateurism is the reason why he can’t play, which will be bs
Every day that passes by the less confident I get that Ivisic becomes eligible. The NCAA will drag this on and then say amateurism is the reason why he can’t play, which will be bs
Flip them the bird and play him if that happens. Amateurism my fat butt. We've got 18 yr old kids making 6 figures. Don't feed me "Amateurism" garbage.
With the three 7 footers in limbo, we got a razor thin margin for any errors. Better wrap the team in bubble wrap. One more rolled ankle and I’ll go mad.
Ugonna is gonna be the only big man that plays this year. Unless he doesn't either.
It’s only a trolled fan if they are susceptible. I’m immune now from Cals antics. I think a lot of us are.
Cal ran out of BS runway a long time ago… and he can’t land the plane now. Most UK fans, and basketball people in general, take what says with a chuckle, head shake and a grain of salt.